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Mesmera ‏‎is a recurring character in the television series Mighty Med. She is a superhero with the power to hypnotize her targets with the eye that lives on her hand. Due to this, Mesmera has no eyes where they properly are, which is why she wears a metal band over her face.

It is currently unknown if mesmera was one of the survivors of Mighty Med when it was destroyed by Roman and Riker on orders of Rodissius


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Powers and Abilities[]

  • Hypnosis: Mesmera has an eye on her hand, which she uses to hypnotize other people. She can bend others to her will or make the victim susceptible to the First command they hear. She has successfully hypnotized Alan Diaz into eating a piece of pizza


Usually, Mesmera always helps her fellow superheroes and friends, using her hypnotic powers to help them. This is evident when she was going to help Alan when he needed her to hypnotize Titanio when he lost his memory. She also willingly helped Oliver hypnotize Alan into eating a piece of pizza if he refused. However, she seems to be the most tolerable of Alan, as she sometimes is regarded as friends with him. This means she also could have hypnotized Alan to get back at him because most superheroes cannot stand him. owever she did decide


Season 1[]

  • I, Normo
  • Alan's Reign of Terror
  • Mighty Mad
  • Fantasy League of Superheroes
  • Two Writers Make a Wrong
  • The Pen Is Mighty Med-ier Than the Sword

Season 2[]

  • Mighty Mole
  • Future Tense
  • New Kids Are the Docs
  • The Mother of All Villains


Main Characters: KazOliverSkylar StormAlan Diaz

Mighty Med employees: Horace Diaz/CaduceoBennyLizard ManPhilipAgent BlaylockAmbroseSimonThermometer ManFred

Normos: GusJordanStefanie

Superheroes: TectonSolar FlareBlue TornadoCaptain AtomicNeoCortexTimelineTitanioBrain MatterGray GraniteOptimoThe Great DefenderJade/RemixIncognitoThe CrusherOwl GirlMesmeraAlley CatSpotlightDark WarriorSpark SnowstormHapax the ElderQueen HornetCitadelAbsolute ZeroAmicus & HaroldArachniaBrain MatterDark WarriorDisgustoFlashbackKey Keeper VIIIMr. QuickOwl GirlReplikateRewindRobo CannonSurgeThe Great DefenderThe Human BladeValkira

Supervillains: Wallace and Clyde/CatastropheMegahertzExperionThe AnnihilatorBridget/Mr. TerrorMortSlaughter MasterNightstrikeSoul SlayerThe IncineratorThe IncapacitatorGulliver and ChazSonic ShriekThe Black FalconThe ExterminatorDr. WrathDreadlockRevengeanceWi-FiArgentoThe DracainaUnit-238MicrosHunter Bounty

Guest Characters: Chase DavenportAdam DavenportBree DavenportLeo Dooley

Other: Kakai-Rata-Hee-Haw-Mwuaak-Floopy-Pa-zoingDawg

Mighty MedCaldera