Merpeople are a legendary species that are half-human and half-fish. Females are referred to as mermaids, while males are referred to as mermen.
Merpeople are one of the most popular creatures explored in pop culture, having appeared in various films, books, TV, comic books, etc. As such, a list of Merpeoples' appearances can be seen here.
Merpeople are mythical beings that live in the sea. They usually have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish. This unique combination allows them to swim gracefully through the water. Merpeople are often depicted as beautiful and mysterious with long flowing hair and shimmering scales. Many stories describe them as guardians of the ocean possessing magical powers and a deep connection to marine life.
Powers and abilities[]
- Underwater Breathing: In order to live underwater, merpeople have the ability to metabolize oxygen from the water, which negates the need to surface to breathe air. However, they are more than capable of breathing air outside water, as evidenced by certain events where they are on land for prolonged periods of time.
- Aquapathy: They have a connection to their aquatic home, as they can communicate with aquatic and marine life.
- Speed Swimming: Merpeople can endure days of swimming without exhaustion, in such expertise and speed as to rival or exceed most sea life in comparison.
- Underwater Eyesight: Merpeople are able to see through the darkness of underwater depths clearly where a human would see nothing at all. This eyesight also appears to work on the surface, as Ariel was able to navigate her way to Eric's ship with ease in the middle of the night.
- Superhuman Durability: As aquatic beings, merpeople can withstand the immense pressure of the ocean depths.
- Siren Call: Merpeople voices are magical in nature, manifested as a glowing orb in their throat, and enable them to talk underwater. Mermaids are even more powerful in this regard, as their siren call also allows them to emit extraordinarily beautiful angelic voices.
- Thermoendurance: They also have the ability to withstand and survive in extreme temperatures, such as when in a underwater volcanic regionor the cold, Arctic icy waters.
See also[]
- Sirens
- Cecaelia – Half-human, half-octopus.
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