Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Merlin's Family is the ancestral family line of the sorcerer Merlin in the BBC series of the same name, On his paternal side, Merlin is descended from a longline of Dragonlords tracing back to his father, grandfather and great-grandfather. On his maternal side, Merlin is the son of the peasant Hunith. Since the family name is unknown, the title of the article is purely conjectural.


Hunith and merlin
  • Merlin's great-grandfather (Balinor's grandfather, Merlin's great-grandfather, and Merlin's grandfather's father)
  • Merlin's grandfather (Merlin's grandfather, Balinor's father and Merlin's great-grandfather's son)
  • Balinor (Merlin's biological father and Hunith's former lover)
  • Merlin (Hunith and Balinor's son, Gaius' nephew, grandson of an unnamed Dragonlord and great-grandson of another unnamed Dragonlord
  • Hunith (Gaius' younger sister and Merlin's mother)
  • Gaius (Hunith's older brother and Merlin's adopted father/uncle)


  • Dragons (spiritual "brothers" of the Dragons)
Main: MerlinArthur PendragonGuinevere PendragonMorgana PendragonUther PendragonGaiusLancelotLeonGwaineElyanPercival

Villains: NimuehMordredMorgauseCenredLord Agravaine de BoisAithusaHelios the Warlord

Supporting characters: FreyaGeoffrey of MonmouthHunithYgraine PendragonBalinorTom the BlacksmithBayard (Merlin)Odin (Merlin)King AlinedKing OlafLady VivianElenaGodwynKing CaerleonQueen AnnisPrincess Mithian King RodorMary CollinsValiantEdwin Muirden

Organizations: Knights of the Round Table

Families: House of Pendragon, House of de Bois
Villainous: Saxons

MerlinNemeth • Isle Of the Blessed (Nimueh's cave) • Crystal Cave
Excalibur, Rowan Staff, Morgana's Healing Bracelet, Crystal of Neahtid