Heroes and Villains Wiki

Maudra Mera (also called the Dream Seamstress) is a character in the 2019 Jim Henson Company/Netflix dark fantasy series The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. She was the leader of the Spriton Clan, the adoptive mother of Kylan and the mother of Mimi and an unnamed male. Initially a supporter of the Skeksis, Mera and her people helped Rian and his friends standing up to their former leaders during the second battle of Stone-in-the-wood.


Sometime prior to the series, Mera became the new Maudra of the Spriton Clan. She was afraid of the Skeksis and feared them as much as she loved them, according to her colleague Maudra Fara. She adopted one of the shows' tritagonists, Kylan sometime after SkekMal killed his parents and had a daughter named Mimi and an unnamed son, but she was harsh with Kylan.

Role in the series[]

After receiving a windsifter with a seventh of the Living Crown indicating the death of All-Maudra Mayrin, Mera departed from Sami Thicket to visit Ha'rar with the other Maudras, apart from Maudra Argot of the Grottan Clan. When Fara declared to challenge Seladon through the Trial by Air and Seethi declared that trials were not the Gelfling way, but rather, the Skeksis, Mera was horrified that everything came up to this. Though she, Argot, Ethri, and Seethi were willing to allow Seladon to become queen, Laesid and Fara protested, with the latter challenging Seladon to a duel. After witnessing Fara being bested in battle, Mera accepted Seladon as the All-Maudra and bowed.

After leaving Ha'rar, Mera continued to lead her clan. She rejected Kylan's request when he asked her to join the Rebellion against the Skeksis I'm fear for her and her people's lives. However, she changed her mind after seeing Rian's call to action and telling the other Gelfling to stand up against the Skeksis. She rallied the Spriton Clan and came to aid Rian and his friends in the second battle of Stone-in-the-Wood.

SkekSo attempted to use the Darkening on Mera and the other Gelfling, but instead, the Grottan girl, Deethra absorbed the Darkening with her Sanctuary Tree powers and channeled it back. After using it to kill SkekLach, and backfiring the emperor's plan, Skekso and the other Skeksis retreated, under advisement of SkekSil. Mera joined the celebrations in the Gelfling Resistance's victory over the Gelfling She witnessed Brea find the Crystal Shard and Aughra warning the Gelfling that hope was fragile and that together, the Gelfling stand strong together. 


The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance[]

Characters: JenKiraFizzgigAughraRianBreaDeetKenshoThurmaLahrNeffiNaiaGurjinKylanHup

Gelflings: CadiaAll-Maudra Mayrin/The All-MaudraTavraThe LibrarianSeladonMaudra Fara/The Rock SingerMiraOnicaOrdonRek’yrMaudra Argot/The Shadow BenderMaudra LaesidMaudra MeraMaudra SeethiMaudra EthriBobb'NMitjanBobb'NBellanjiShoniEliona and PemmaRed-Haired PaladinDaudranCrystalline EminenceAlyadonBregIvoPomboBoggiWukki

Skeksis: skekSil/The ChamberlainskekSo/The Emperor\skekNa/The Slave MasterskekOk/The Scroll KeeperskekTek/The ScientistskekEkt/The OrnamentalistskekAyuk/The GourmandskekZok/The Ritual MasterskekUng/The GeneralskekShod/The TreasurerskekLach/The CollectorskekMal/The HunterSkekGra/The HereticSkekVarskekEerskekHakskekYiskekSaskekLi

urRu: urZahurImurUtturAmajurNolurYodurSolurAcurTihurSuUrGohurVaUrHomUrLiiUrMaUrSanurSenUrYa

Podlings: Ydra

Other: BaffiVliste-StabaLoreBohrtogRaunipTumbyFiolaFire That StaysChalCindrahKataalLord CommanderKolbaNitaWhouf

Races: GelflingFirelingMysticsSkeksisPodlingsGarthimArathimCrystal SkimmersFizzgig (creature) • Crystal BatNurlocGobblesGruenakLandstrider

Gelfling Clans: Gelfling ResistanceDousan ClanDrenchen ClanGrottan ClanSifa ClanSpriton ClanStonewood ClanVapra Clan
