Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Megara (better known as Meg) is the deuteragonist of Disney's 1997 animated feature film, Hercules. A snarky "femme fetale", Meg once served as a reluctant minion of Hades, to whom she was indebted. Having endured a troubled past, Meg developed a cynical disposition, her only goal being to rescind her bind and live a life of solitude. Her outlook would slowly start to change upon meeting Hercules, whose innocence would prove there is still good in the world.


  • Megara is one of the few characters have purple eyes and the third person overall to have this character trait, along with Judy Hopps (Zootopia), Princess Aurora, Vanessa (Ursula's disguise), Dr. Facilier and Fear in Inside Out.
    • Originally, they were intended to be blue but were changed to purple as film production progressed.
  • Despite not being an official Disney Princess, Megara was a princess in Greek Myths and became a princess through marriage after her marrying Hercules.