Heroes and Villains Wiki

Medusa is a supporting antagonist in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians book series. She is the younger sister of Stheno and Euryale and the former lover of the sea god Poseidon, cursed by Athena to being a Gorgon.

In the 2010 film adaptation, Medusa is portrayed by Uma Thurman, also portrayed Poison Ivy from Batman and Robin. In the Disney series, she is portrayed by Jessica Parker Kennedy, who also portrayed Plastique in Smallville and Nora West Allen in The Flash


Medusa eyes trailer

Medusa's deadly gaze that has the ability to petrify mortals.

Medusa was once a follower of the Greek goddess, Athena. After making love with Poseidon in the goddess' temple, Medusaand her sisters were transformed into hideous Gorgon and only Medusa had the power to turn living creatures to Stone for all eternity. As such, Medusa has a grudge against Athena and her children.



Medusa used to be a beautiful woman with blowing hair and beautiful eyes. However after Athena transformed her into a Gorgon, she became ugly and her hair turned into green snakes. According to her sisters, Stheno and Euryale, Medusa was the most hideous of the three.

In the first novel, Medusa wears a long black gown, and her face is a shimmering pale circle under her black veil. However, in the TV series, she has white instead of black and is far more beautiful that portrayed.


Percy Jackson and the Olympians[]

The Lightning Thief[]

The Heroes of Olympus[]

The Son of Neptune[]

Euryale and Stheno both hunt Percy Jackson, because he was the last person to kill their sister, Medusa four years ago. They also claim that Medusa is the most hideous Gorgon in their family and were furious that Percy thought they could turn him to stone like Medusa.

The Mark of Athena[]

He later encountered Medusa's son, Chrysaor, and noted that his accent sounded familiar. Annabeth tells Percy that's because they killed his mother five years ago. Then, Percy realizes that Chrysaor has Medusa for a mother and confesses he doesn't know who he is. Chrysaor reveals that Medusa was pregnant with him and Pegasus when Athena turned her into a monster. He also adds that they couldn't be born until Perseus beheaded Medusa. He also confesses that his brother Pegasus is more famous than he is.

Other appearances[]


In the 2010 film adaptation she is portrayed by Uma Thurman.


Medusa appears in the TV series with a more sympathetic and tragic backstory.



  • Stheno - Older Sister
  • Euryale - Older Sister
  • Keto - Mother
  • Phorcys - Father
  • Pegasus - Son
  • Chrysaor - Son
  • Geryon - Grandson


  • Poseidon - Former Lover



  • Ironically, Medusa was portrayed by Uma Thurman and Jessica Parker Kennedy, who each had their own roles in DC material. Thurman used to play Poison Ivy from The critically panned movie Bad Men and Robin and Jessica Parker Kennedy portrayed Plastique and Nora West Allen from Smallville and The Flash.

Main Characters
Percy JacksonGrover UnderwoodAnnabeth ChaseTysonClarisse La RueThalia GraceNico di AngeloChironLuke CastellanRachel Elizabeth Dare

Minor Characters: Travis StollConnor StollMrs. O'LearySilena BeauregardCharles BeckendorfSally JacksonPaul BlofisBlackjackZoë NightshadeBianca di AngeloJuniperMichael YewEthan NakamuraKatie GardnerMiranda GardinerDaedalus
Olympian Gods: Zeus HeraPoseidonDemeterAresAthenaApolloArtemisHephaestusAphroditeHermesDionysusHadesHestia
Minor Gods: AmphitriteAriadneHecateIrisJanusMorpheusNemesisPanPersephoneTriton

Olympians • DemigodsCamp Half-Blood membersTitan Army - Olympian Army
Camp Half-Blood
Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Clariss La Rue (Percy Jackson Films), Kronos, Hades
TV Series
Main Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood

Secondary Characters: Sally JacksonChironLuke CastellanClarisse La RueChris Rodriguez
Minor Characters: Nancy BobofitGabe UglianoEddieOracle of DelphiThalia Grace • Ferdinand Underwood • Nereid • Fates • Augustus • Nico di AngeloBianca di Angelo • Charon
Greek Gods: ZeusPoseidonHadesDionysusHermesAresAthenaHephaestus
Titans: Kronos
Monsters: AlectoMinotaurMedusaEchidnaChimeraProcrustesCerberus
