Heroes and Villains Wiki

Maxwell "Max" Lord is the main antagonist of Wonder Woman 1984. He is a brilliant but arrogant television personality, oil tycoon, and former enemy of Diana Prince. In 1984, he controlled the Dream Stone.

He was portrayed by Pedro Pascal, who also portrayed Din Djarin.

Comics: Diana/Wonder Woman • Wonder Girl ( Cassie SandsdmarkDonna TroyYara Flor) • Jason of AmazonAntiopeHippolyta, NubiaSteve TrevorJustice League (ZatannaKara Danvers/SupergirlBatmanSupermanAquaman) • CheetahTeen Titans (RavenStarfireNightwingBeast BoyCyborg) • AmazonsOrion

Villains: Anti-MonitorDeathstrokeCheetahAnarkyAnti-MonitorAresBlack MantaCheetahCheshireCirceClayfaceDark KnightsDarkseidDoctor PoisonDoctor PolarisDoomsdayGigantaJinxJokerKiller FrostLeague of AssassinsMaxwell LordNeronPrometheusRa's al GhulScarecrowSteppenwolf

DC Extended Universe: Wonder WomanSteve TrevorHippolytaAquamanBatmanFlashAres (DC Extended UniverseMaxwell LordCheetahLex LuthorDeathstrokeDarkseid

Titans: Donna TroyWonder Woman • Starfire • Nightwing
