Max Thunderman
Full name
Maximus Octavius Thunderman
Other names
Max (everyone) Max Thunderslam (by Phoebe) Maxy-T (himself) Girlfriend (by Phoebe, Kickbutt) Super-cutie (by Hank) Smirky (by Phoebe) Romeo (by Phoebe) Mark (by Mrs. Wong) Maxy (by Dr. Colosso)
Distinguishing Features
Teenage boy with brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin
Supervillain (formerly) Superhero Student
Neutral/Bad (Formerly) Good
The Thundermans
To become a supervillain (formerly) To become a superhero (succeeded) Help Phoebe train the T-Force.
Metroburg (birthplace) Hiddenville (currently)
Allison (ex-girlfriend)
Pop Pop Thunderman (grandfather) Nana Thunderman (grandmother) Cousin Blobbin (cousin) Mandy (aunt)
Dr. Colosso (best friend), Cherry (maybe), Oyster, Gideon, Wolfgang, Allison (ex-girlfriend), Toddler, Time Jerker, Jeff Bilsky, other Henry Danger villains, Taylor Hathaway, Frankie Hathaway, Michelle Hathaway, Miles Preston, Louie Preston, Ray Preston, other friends
Dark Mayhem, Principal Bradford, Mrs. Wong, King Crab, Green Ghoul, Candy Falconma
Villains (formerly), being a villain (formerly), being himself, his family, saving the world, protecting the innocents, being evil (Formerly), Creating Gadgets, playing the guitar, Fighting crime with Phoebe, playing video games
Being evil, being overshadowed by Phoebe, threats to his family, the world in danger, villains, being himself (formerly)
Powers and abilities
Super Intelligence Heat Breath Freeze Breath Telekinesis Thundersense Expert Combatant Numerical Precision Master Engineer
The Thundermans Return
TV Series
The Thundermans The Haunted Hathaways (crossover) Henry Danger (crossover)
Maximus Octavious "Max" Thunderman is one of the two main protagonists of The Thundermans franchise.
Despite growing up in a family of superheroes, Max wanted to become a supervillain because he felt overshadowed by Phoebe and wanted to be the best at what he does. His family believed that Max was just going through a phase and wasn't truly evil. Eventually, Max had to make a tough choice between being a hero and a villain. He chose to become a superhero and is currently training being a superhero.
He was portrayed by Jack Griffo.