- “Real name? Yes, I once had a real name. So long ago, I don't remember. Now, now I am called Maul. ”
- ―Darth Maul to Ezra Bridger
Maul (formerly known as Darth Maul) is a major antagonist of the space opera/science fantasy Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. He is a Dathomirian Zabrak who was born the son of Mother Talzin and the brother and Sith Master of Savage Opress and the brother of the late Feral. Taken at a young age, Maul became one of the former Sith Apprentice and follower of Darth Sidious as well as battling Jedi, with Obi-Wan Kenobi's and Ahsoka Tano being his most notable rivals and opponents. No longer defining himself as a Sith, Maul has forged his own path and seems to follow the dark side ways of teaching. Since the rise of the Galactic Empire, he has planned to gain vengeance on Obi-Wan and Palpatine for the damaged they afflicted on him.
- In the Prequel Trilogy, Maul first appeared as the secondary antagonist of the first film, Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
- He later returned as a major antagonist in the 2008-2020 television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He was the final main antagonist of Season 4, one of the main antagonists of Season 5, and the main antagonist of Season 7.
- He also appeared once again as a major antagonist in the 2014-2018 television series Star Wars Rebels, appearing as one of the two main antagonists (alongside Darth Vader) of the two-part Season 2 finale, and as the secondary antagonist of Season 3.
- He next appeared as the overarching antagonist of Solo: A Star Wars Story.
- He is also the titular protagonist of both Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir, Darth Maul: Saboteur and Maul: Lockdown, as well as the tritagonist of Darth Plagueis.
Official Description
- “A deadly, agile Sith Lord trained by the evil Darth Sidious, Darth Maul was a formidable warrior and scheming mastermind. He wielded an intimidating double-bladed lightsaber and fought with a menacing ferocity. Though he fell in battle against Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Zabrak from Dathomir would prove to be much harder to destroy than originally believed.”
- ―Official description
Maul is a deadly, evil, dark, and mysterious figure in the Star Wars franchise. In his first appearance, he was a formidable foe, having managed to kill Qui-Gon Jinn and temporarily have a stand over Obi-Wan Kenobi. Brainwashed as a child, he was extremely loyal to his master, following his every order due to Maul's attachment with Sidious.
He had great hatred towards people who have wronged him or those Maul cared for, such as Obi-Wan and Sidious. More specifically, he was driven by his hatred for Kenobi, which is what allowed him to survive after the Jedi had cut him in half. For the next twenty years, Maul would have done anything to exact vengeance on Obi-Wan, a quest that would lead Maul to his own demise. He developed a hatred towards Sidious, who he was once loyal to, after his former master killed his brother and took him away from Mother Talzin when he was younger, revealing to Jedi Ezra Bridger, that Maul still held anger and hatred towards Sidious. In order to survive anything Maul became a manipulative figure, such as convincing Vizsla to conquer Mandalore, attempts at forming alliances, especially with Ahsoka Tano, and with Ezra, Ahsoka and Kanan when they reluctantly teamed up together on Malachor in search of a way to defeat the Sith with a Sith Holocron. Maul was one of the only ones who was able to figure out that Darth Vader was really Anakin Skywalker, who he had visions of becoming Sidious' new apprentice. He was noted for being terrified by Prime Minister Almec, haunted by the visions, meaning Maul may have had some level of fear of Skywalker, as he wished to kill him to deprive Sidious of an apprentice, which he attempted to do by orchestrating the Mandalore Civil War
Maul had animal traits, such as growling like a wild animal towards his enemies. Maul could be quite arrogant himself, especially considering he could kill Obi-Wan when he met him again seventeen years after their last encounter on Mandalore and thought Kanan (who he had blinded) and Ahsoka could not fight him, boasting he was going to claim both Ezra and the power Malachor had.
Maul was not completely heartless, as he loved his mother and brother and the feeling was mutual on both sides. He also seemed to genuinely care for Ezra, coming to view him as a potential Apprentice and seeing a little bit of himself in the boy. However, at the times they had met, he was merely using Ezra seceral times, for example, to get Obi-Wan Kenobi out of hiding and tricking him into activating the superweapon for the Sith Temple. He could not understand Ezra's dedication to his friends, and demands Ezra forget about his attachments with the Ghost crew and the past, quite ironic for Maul, as he was obssessed with never letting go of the past until he finally seeing their relationship was only one-sided.
Even towards the end of his life, Maul remained bitter and vengeful. However, he made it clear that he was no longer affiliated with the Sith despite following the dark path, having dropped "Darth" from his name. Maul became obsessed with Obi-Wan's downfall but it ultimately caused his own. However, he died with believe and hope that Luke Skywalker would destroy Sidious, causing Maul to know that he and his family would be avenged.
Powers & Abilities
- Power of the Force: Since he was younger, Darth Maul had a very powerful connection to the Force, solely one of the reasons Darth Sidious had abducted Maul when he was a child. With training from Palpatine, Maul drew from the Dark side of the Force.
- Telekinesis:Ability to move things
- Force Pull: A form of telekinesis. Ability to pull individuals/items towards the Force user.
- Force Choke: Ability to choke people with the Force, usually to kill or weaken the victim.
- Force Grip: Ability to grip individuals/objects into the air.
- Force Throw: Ability to throw items and individuals to a designated target. Performed by Maul when he threw Ezra into the air to the sith holocron.
- Saber Throwing: To throw their lightsabers and gide them telekinetically towards their opponents.Maul uses it when he killed the Seventh Sister
- Telepathy: The ability to mentally communicate with certain individuals.
- Mind Probe: Ability to allow a Force-user to sense or probe through the minds of others. However, it is ineffective against those strong with the those with the Force could resist. Maul used it when he was probing through the minds of Hera Syndulla and the clone trooper Jesse
- Force Sense: Ability to sense another being's emotions, presence (such as presence of darkness).
- Force Vision: Ability to have visions of the past, present and future. However, images are not always clear and can sometimes happen against the Force user's will.
- Force Jump: To use the Force to jump at greater distances.
- Force Dash: The ability to move through amazing speeds.
- Force Rage: Maul utilized Force Rage to channel his anger to increase his speed, strength, endurance and ferocity.
- Force Bond: Because Maul and Ezra entered a ritual that combined the SIth Holocrons, they ultimately created a Force bond due to Kanan Jarrus urging Ezra to look away from the Sith Holocron. The incident connected Maul and Ezra together, showing them bonded in the Force.
- Telekinesis:Ability to move things
- Dathomirian Magic: Being the son of Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters clan and a Zabrak of Dathomir, Maul was versed in a little bit of Dathomirian Magic. He accessed it through the dark side of the Force and used their magicks to make magic and had knowledge that there was an ultiamte price when using the Nightsisters' magic.
- Potioncraft: Part of the Dathomirian magic included the ability to make potions. He created a potion that would temporarily connect his mind with Ezra Bridger
- Lightsaber Skills: Maul was a dangerous and highly skilled lightsaber duelist. However, he was aware of his limitations, such as confronting Darth Vader to be a foolish act. He was not afraid of confronting the Inquisitors, who saw that they were not a match for him and caused them to retreat.
- Skilled Pilot:
- Indomitable Will/High Tolerance For Pain/Expert Survivalist:
- Genius-Level Intellect/Master Tactician/Manipulator/Leader:
Maul was born on the planet, Dathomir in 54 BBY, to Mother Talzin and had two brothers, Feral and Savage Opress. According to him his true birth name was forgotten. As a Dathomirian, Maul and his brothers were Nightbrothers, a group of males who were subservient to the Nightsisters). Despite their statuses as this, Talzin loved her sons, but was neglectful towards Feral. They were given their tattoos before their first birthday. While still young, Maul's mother was made an ally of Darth Sidious. However, Sidious noticed that Maul was highly sensitive to the Force Seeing great potential in the boy, Sidious abducted Maul to become his Sith apprentice, earning Talzin's resentment and hatred for the Sith.
Earning the title "Darth Maul," he became highly skilled in lightsaber dueling. He was taken to a Sith Temple on Malachor, where he was forced to breathe in the ashes of those who were killed during a great battle between the Jedi and the Sith. As he took in the dust, he could hear the screams of past Sith who were killed by a Jedi Knights. This forged his hatred.
Prequel Trilogy
Episode I - The Phantom Menace
After two Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi prevented the Trade Federation to make their invasion of Naboo legal by rescuing Queen Amidala, Nute Gunray and his allies failed in searching for her. Impatient, Sidious dispatched Maul to retrieve the missing ship that Queen Amidala was on and capture her and to kill the two Jedi. Maul traced a distress call from the governor, Sio Bibble, which the queen received on Tatooine. Maul found the Jedi on the desert planet. Finally tracing the Jedi as they were about to leave the planet, he subsequently encountered and ambushed the Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn while he and the boy, Anakin Skywalker. Qui-Gon yelled at Anakin to run while he faced off Darth Maul. However, before Maul could finish his opponent off, Qui-Gon was saved by his allies, where he was attended to by Obi-Wan and Anakin and revealed that Maul was highly skilled in lightsaber. This caused Darth Maul to fume with rage and anger. Because of this, Maul had revealed himself and his Master to the Jedi. However, Maul had taken great pride within it.
After the Jedi returned to Coruscant, the Jedi were surprised that the Sith had returned due to them being extinct for more than 2000 years. At that moment, Queen Amidala and her forces returned to Naboo to fight the Trade Federation. Sidious sent Maul to fight the Jedi, but warned him to be mindful. When Qui-Gon and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, entered the ship hangar where Nut Gunray was hiding and the Jedi, queen and Republic Officers had taken the Droids out, Maul was on the other side of the door and drew out his double-bladed lightsaber. He engaged Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in a three-way duel. It was long and hard fight between the three. During the long battle, Maul chased the Jedi into the reactor room, where Obi-Wan was separated from his master and Maul's duel by the laser walls in the security hall. Maul had proceeded in killing Qui-Gon rather quickly. Enraged, Obi-Wan attacked Maul, who was caught off guard. Because of the loss of his Master, Obi Wan was able to slice Maul's saber in half. With only one saber left, Maul knocked Obi-Wan into an air shaft while king the Padawan's weapon into the pit. While Obi-Wan hang for his life, he used the Force, calling his master's lightsaber into his hand.
Obi-Wan took his master's saber and cut Maul in two halves, causing Maul to fall into the air shaft. Both Palpatine and the Jedi thought Maul had perished on Naboo.
The Clone Wars
Miraculously, Maul survived and used the Force to grab onto an air vent. His mutilated body was eventually dumped on the junk planet of Lotho Minor. He managed to replace his legs with a six-limbed apparatus that allowed him to walk again. During his exile, he made a bargain with a sentient sneaky Anacondan called Morley, who agreed to bring Maul food in return for his leftovers. Maul's mind became mutilated, with his thirst for revenge against Kenobi still causing him to live. He began living in the bowels of Lotho Minor.
Season Four
During the final days of the Clone Wars, Maul continued to scrap for food from individuals that Morley lured until one of the victims was his brother, Savage Opress sent by their mother Talzin. Having lost his mind from years of being alone and his thirst for revenge against Kenobi, Maul attacked Savage as a creature due to his construction of spider-like prosthetic legs until he realized who the creature really was when his medallion that Mother Talzin blessed glowed (as it could only glow when Savage grew nearer to his brother). Seeing Savage through the light of his brother's medallion, Maul tried to flee until the younger Zabrak revealed he had been searching for him for months and that they were blood. After killing Maul's minion, Savage tried to figure out what happened to his brother and how long he had been staying there. The former Sith continued reciting the Sith code in his deranged estate until revealing that Obi-Wan was the cause of his misery. Maul, angered, demanded to Savage that he must have vengeance on his old enemy. Meanwhile Yoda senses that maul is still alive and warns Obi-Wan, who is perplexed and how his old enemy was still alive. ("Brothers")
Following Savage finding Maul, he took his brother back to their home world, where Maul's mind was fully restored by mother Talzin, well so give him a new pair of cybernetic legs. Shortly afterwards, Talzin disappeared into Green smoke as Savage and Maul were properly acquainted with each other. As Maul got used to his new legs, Maul felt an imbalance in the force, where Savage informed his brother of the Clone Wars. Upset that the war started without him and with his lightsaber, Maul proclaimed his hatred for Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom he entirely blamed for his pain and suffering. To draw Obi-Wan out, he slaughtered an entire planet and through a hologram, told Kenobi to come and face him or let other innocent people die. Maul confronted Kenobi when he arrived on the planet and mocked him over his master, Qui-Gon's death and blamed him for all his suffering. As they entered a brief duel, Kenobi gained confidence that he could kill Maul this time, but his brother, Savage, emerged from the shadows and overpowered Kenobi and taking him as their captive on their ship. As Maul and Savage tortured Kenobi, they were interrupted with the arrival of Savage's ex-lover, Asajj Ventress. Feeling she wronged his brother, he vowed to destroy her, as well as Kenobi. Maul and Savage entered a duel with their opponents. The two brothers proved to be a greater match for Obi-Wan and Ventress, who fled to their own ship and were able to escape. Maul anticipated Obi-Wan's return and told his brother to remain patient. ("Revenge")
Season Five
Season Seven

Maul and other parts of his loyal forces returned to Mandalore and at this time, continued to rule over the organizations that remained loyal to him. Among them was forging ties with the criminal organization, Crimson Dawn, and the Pykes' spice mining operations. The Pykes hired Rafa Martez to deliver the spice, but her sister, Trace, dumped the spice into hyperspace, leading to their capture by the Syndicate. Shortly afterwards, Maul contacted the new leader, Marg Krim, who informed him of his delay in production, especially recalling that Republic forces have raided one of his bases. Maul questioned if there were Jedi involved but Krim was not sure since none of his men made it out alive. However, he warded it off and surmised the Jedi were likely involved. Mid-way through the conversation, Maul felt a presence of Ahsoka Tano, who was spying on them from below). Maul warned Krim to risk no more delays or else Crimson Dawn would take control of their operations before ending the transmission. ("Together Again")

Maul meets Ahsoka Tano for the first time.
At the close of the Clone Wars, Republic forces besieged Mandalore led by Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano. He planned a trap for Kenobi, anticipating the Jedi's return by intentionally leaking information to Bo-Katan that he was in Sundari, the capital of Mandalore, where she hoped to capture Maul. When his Mandalorian warriors informed Maul of the girl's trail, he ordered them to lure her into the trap and kill her of Clone Trooper escort. However, Maul did not anticipate Ahsoka to be the Jedi. He personally confronted her, and questioned why she was there instead of Kenobi. ("Old Friends Not Forgotten")
Maul, who is unfamiliar with Ahsoka, further expresses his disappointment that she is there in Obi-Wan's stead and wonders why he sent her instead of coming with his former Apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. She sarcastically remarks that he could surrender now and personally ask Kenobi, but Maul, knowing the age of the Empire and Order 66 will be upon them, declines, knowing the Jedi and republic will fall. Ahsoka assumes he wants to take over, but Maul reveals someone else will and reveals a name to her: Darth Sidious. However, they are interrupted when Rex and the battalion arrive to Ahsoka's aid, causing Maul to take out his lightsaber and briefly duels the girl before fleeing and losing them in the sewers. Maul later attacks and apparently kill a group of Clone Troopers, questioning about his new opponent, and takes the eldest one, Jesse, hostage. As he speaks to the clone, Maul reminiscent that he was cast aside by his master, especially his successor, Dooku, whom he now realizes was not so different from their last encounter. He strives to survive in the new world when "the plan" is being put into motion, but first, invades Jesse's mind to learn more about Ahsoka Tano. Through the clone, Maul becomes aware of Ahsoka's trial and her departure from the Jedi Order. Later knowing what is to come, he tells the other leaders of the Shadow Collective to hide out. With the presence of Rook Kast, and Gar Saxon, he recalls how they saved him from Sidious' imprisonment and rallies them to fight or die trying. Later, Maul sits upon the Mandalorian throne, confronting Rex, Ahsoka and Bo-Katan, who Maul briefly chokes when she tries to kill him. As a show of good faith, Maul sets Jesse free and allows him to return to Rex, who Ahsoka tells to get Jesse to safety.
Suddenly, Mandalorians attack republic forces, Ahsoka urges Bo-Katan to go help their allies, leaving Maul alone with her. Watching the battle in the throne room, Maul, aware of what is going to happen, knows that no one else knows what is to come. Ahsoka questions what the former Sith means and once again sarcastically tells him to surrender, however, Maul reveals he just wants to speak to her, confronting her about her departure from the Jedi Order. Maul acknowledges they were both used for a greater power. Ahsoka makes it clear that she is there to bring him to justice, however, Maul reveals to her that it won't exist in the new government that will replace the republic and promises that Sidious will reveal himself when the Empire takes over. Ahsoka tries convincing Maul to help the Jedi stop Sidious before it is too late, however, Maul knows the fall of the Republic has already begun and that Ahsoka does not see it and reveals that there will be nothing but chaos when the new order takes over. He convinces Ahsoka that the Jedi Order has already fallen and they cannot defeat Sidious, and offers for her to join him while offering his hand out to her. The former Padawan accepts but asks for one question, which Maul promises to answer. Ahsoka asks what he wants with Anakin. Maul reveals that he orchestrated the Mandalorian Civil War in hopes of luring Anakin there and kill him so he can deprive Sidious of an apprentice and tells Ahsoka how Anakin will fall to the dark side, as the whole war was about Sidious grooming Anakin to become his Sith Apprentice, causing Ahsoka to believe his vision to be flawed and activate her lightsabers. When he realizes Ahsoka will not join him, Maul decies she needs one more lesson before igniting his lightsabers duels the young Padawan before attempting to flee, where Saxon asks him for reinforcements. However, Maul reveals he is abandoning them and to die for their cause before trying to escape. Ahsoka finds him as he is about to escape. During the battle, they nearly fall. Maul offers her one last chance to join him but she refuses. As he tries to kill her, Ahsoka loses her lightsabers and pushes him in self-defense but catches him with the Force. As Maul yells for Ahsoka to let him fall to his death, he shouts to his captors that they will all die for what is to come. However, Bo's and Ahsoka's men stun him, successfully capturing Maul. ("The Phantom Apprentice")
A captured Maul is put in one of the containers that is meant to suppress a Jedi's imprisonment in the Mandalorian Civil war and transported to Coruscant with Ahsoka and Rex, whom he glares at through the glass. When Order 66 is initiated, Maul is nearly executed by clones sent by a brainwashed Rex however he has unexpectedly saved by Ahsoka Tano who ultimately frees him. Maul is surprised to see that she survived. Ahsokatell him about the other clones turning against her and asks if he has anything to do with it, but Maul reveals that his former Master Darth Sidious is behind it and not in the way he expected. he tries to convince Ahsoka to join him again and survive together, however the girl refuses him and actually saved him to do what he does best: wreak havoc and that she wouldn't care if he lived or died. Without a lightsaber, he uses his Force powers to fight them off and nearly slaughters all the Clones. Maul's attack allows them to escape; however, Maul uses the Force to sever one of the Clones' arms as the doorway closes. ("Shattered")
Ahsoka decides to take him back to Coruscant, but Order 66 is initiated, turning her clone troopers against her. The clones go to execute Maul until he is rescued by Ahsoka, who only frees him so he can spread chaos. Maul attacks the clones and destroys the ship's main drive. Ahsoka tries to stop Maul from escaping, however, she abandons her desire to capture Maul to help Rex; the Sith lord escapes in the shuttle and leaves the Star Destroyer before it crashes onto the nearby moon.
Darth Maul eventually dropped the title of "Darth" from his name to distinguish himself from the Sith, who he grew to hate as much as the Jedi. He took over the crime syndicate, Crimson Dawn but he worked behind a figurehead, Dryden Vos. At this point, Maul had become aware of Qi'ra, a Corellian young woman.
Towards the end of the film, Qi'ra contacts Maul and informs him of Dryden's demise and how the coaxium shipment he has been searching for has been taken by Vos' friend, Tobias Beckett (who allegedly murdered him) without mentioning Han Solo's or her other friends' involvement in the coaxium's theft. Maul realizes that Beckett couldn't have acted alone and told Qi'ra to meet him on Dathomir, where he instituted the two would work more closely from now on before ending the transmission.
However, Maul's empire soon collapsed, causing the Former Sith Lord to flee to Malachor, a planet of the Sith where Maul had once visited with Sidious.
Season Two

Years after the collapse of Crimson Dawn, Maul was stranded on the ancient planet Malachor. By then, he had given up the title of "Darth"; however, he continued to draw from the dark side of the Force. He met the Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger shortly after the boy was separated from his master, Kanan Jarrus and Ahsoka Tano. Maul offered to help Ezra get out of the lower levels of Malachor if he shows the location of the prize that will know how to defeat the Sith. Maul introduced himself as "Old Master" while Ezra insisted on being called "Jabba." During their conversation and way to the Sith Holocron, Ezra learns that Maul was once a force-wielder and accuses him of being a Sith. However, Maul reveals it was the Sith who took his mother and brother, which caused Ezra to find common ground, revealing that he lost his family to the Empire.

Maul encounters Jedi Padawan then came across
Maul and Ezra then came across a stone-closed door and opened them with the Force due to the Rule of Two established by the Sith Order. It was there that Ezra revealed what his real name was and that he is in fact called Maul. They find the Sith Holocron, but at a further distance; Ezra has Maul throw him with the Force to get the holocron. He retrieves it but Maul orders for Ezra to jump nonetheless even though the temple was collapsing. Ezra nearly falls to his death but Maul uses the Force to grab Ezra and the Holocron, helping him back up on the platform. The two managed to get out of the chasm, coming to the aid of Ahsoka and Kanan and they fend off the Seventh Sister, the Fifth Brother and the Eighth Brother, causing them to retreat. However, Kanan and Ahsoka were reluctant to trust Maul due to his past actions against the Jedi, but Ezra convinced them they all had to work together in order to succeed in defeating the Inquisitors and learning more about destroying the Sith. Maul and Ezra separated from Ahsoka and Kanan while taking the Sith holocron. Maul attempted to sow the heated and strained relationship between master and apprentice by seeing Ezra's potential Force abilities. They are suddenly attacked by the Seventh Sister, who engages in a duel with the Jedi Padawan and the former Sith lord.

Maul goads Ezra to kill the Seventh Sister
As Ezra fought the Inquisitor, Maul told the teenager to let his emotions fuel his duel with the Sister. In her moment of weakness, Maul grabbed the Seventh Sister in a force choke hold and goaded Ezra to strike her down. However, the boy hesitated, unable to kill a defenseless opponent. Maul shared no such qualms and took his Lightsaber and decapitated the Seventh Sister. He scolded Ezra, telling the teen Jedi that if hesitated like that again, it would cost him the lives of himself and his friends. Maul sent Ezra the rest of the way to use the holocron to activate the temple while he went and helped Kanan and Ahsoka kill the Fifth and Eighth brother. However, Maul betrayed his Jedi Allies, immediately blinding Kanan and revealed Ezra was going to activate the Sith weapon and revealed that he intended take Ezra on as an apprentice and to use the weapon to crush his enemies. During the duel, he taunted both Ahsoka and Kanan, who ultimately bested Maul in combat and set him falling off the cliff. Maul miraculously survived the fall and was finally able to escape the planet Malachor using one of the fallen inquisitors' TIE fighter. ("Twilight of the Apprentice")
Season Three
Six months later, Maul resurfaced. but this time, decided to torment Ezra and his friends. He tortured one of the rebel commanders into coercing him to reveal where Ezra's home, the Ghost, was located, where Maul captured Ezra's and Kanan Jarrus's crew and held them hostage. Maul contacted the two Jedi. Infuriated, Ezra demanded to know what Maul wanted after betraying him on Malachor. Maul offered to spare them in exchange for the Sith holocron he and Ezra retrieved on Malachor. Ezra and Kanan agreed, promising to deliver it in exchange for their friends' safety. Maula greed to their terms but also asked for Kanan's Jedi holocron. During his time on the Ghost, Maul saw it was more than just Ezra's ship, but also his and the crew's home. He tricked Hera into showing him around the ship in order to find Kanan's holocron. Shown all the crew's room, when he appeared at Kanan's cabin, he successfully identified it as a Jedi's headquarters and attempted to get Hera to show him where the holocron was, but the Twi'lek woman lied and pretended not to know anything about him until Maul learned through probing through Hera's mind that she knew Kanan's real name was Caleb Dume and therefore, knew more about him what she let on. Probing through her mind, Maul learned how the Ghost crew met Ezra, how it was Hera's idea to recruit him and that where Ezra found the Holocron when he stole it. Maul later attempted to open the Holocron, however, he was unable to open it because he was too imbedded within the dark side. He later found the Ghost crew escaped and attempted to take the Ghost crew back from Maul. However, the former Sith Lord overpowered the crew and threatened to kill them when their usefulness was over.
Shortly after Kanan and Ezra's arrival, Maul saw Ezra had found the Sith Holocron and told Mandalorian guide droids he re-programmed to lead him to the command center and pretended to lead the Jedi Knight to where their friends were supposedly taken until he shoved the Jedi out of airlock in another attempt to make Ezra his apprentice and ordered the droids guarding Ezra to kill Hera, Sabine and Zeb. They combined Kanan's Jedi and the Malachor Holocron together to find the answers they sought. However, Ezra broke their connection when Kanan called for Ezra to look away before it was too late. The boy looked away, ultimately cutting off his and Maul's connection to the Sith holocron. However, the brief connection caused Maul to realize that Kenobi was still alive and left in a hurry, leaving the Ghost crew behind. ("The Holocrons of Fate")
Several weeks later, Maul began using his bond with Ezra to his advantage by projecting his image into Ezra's mind and making him have visions of the former Sith. The first caused Ezra to faint out of exhaustion and the second time, caused Ezra to nearly kill another fellow rebel officer. Maul later cornered Ezra and Kanan in the desert of Atollon and revealed that Ezra formed a bond between the two of them and that Maul had obtained several of Ezra's secrets, including the location of their base. Maul threatened to reveal their location to the Empire by activating a beacon nearby, and not even his death would stop it. Ezra, wanting to protect the rebellion, agreed; the two went to Dathomir, preforming a ritual that combined their minds once again, where their vision of Kenobi was completed. However, the price of using the Nightsisters magic caused their spirits to awaken. As the Nightsisters tried possessing Maul and Ezra, Kanan and Sabine had appeared but were easily possessed. As the Nightsisters in Kanan and Sabine's bodies fought the two, Maul and Ezra escaped the alter, which the witches were trapped in. He attempted to recruit Ezra one more time, who rejected Maul's proposal. Seeing that Ezra would not come with him and willingly leave his friends, Maul left Ezra and began his quest to hunt Obi-Wan down.
In "Twin Suns", Maul wandered in search of Obi-Wan on Tatooine, intent on seeking his revenge. He soon became lost in the desert and screamed Obi-Wan's name in vain, wondering if it was his destiny to die in the wastes of the planet. Regaining his determination, he continued in his search. Maul then set a trap for Ezra Bridger, luring him to a canyon with a piece of the Sith Holocron. After Ezra’s ship was taken out by Tusken Raiders, Maul intervened, slaying the Sand People before seemingly leaving Ezra alone and unharmed. As Ezra sought a way off-world and was caught in a sandstorm, Maul followed out of sight, knowing Obi-Wan would rescue him. As Ezra recovered and Obi-Wan explained to Ezra, Maul manipulated Ezra into seeking out Obi-Wan, trying to manipulate and accelerate events that were already in motion. He also further stated that Maul was an "old wound" that Obi-Wan himself must deal with, and not Ezra's responsibility. As Maul arrived, Obi-Wan faced down his old foe, whereupon Maul remarked and pondered as to why Obi-Wan would hide on such a planet. He then correctly deduced that Obi-Wan was protecting someone. Obi-Wan, realizing Maul had to die to protect Luke, ignited his lightsaber then readied himself for one last confrontation. After a tense stare down, Maul then attacked, but Obi-Wan defeated the former Sith Lord in a few quick blows, severing his lightsaber and simultaneously slashing Maul across the chest. Shocked at being mortally wounded so quickly, Maul fell, only to be caught by Obi-Wan. He then asked if the person Obi-Wan was guarding was indeed the one who would destroy the Sith, to which Obi-Wan replied yes. Satisfied by this and finally having come to terms with his fate, with his last breath Maul stated that this "chosen one" would avenge him and Obi-Wan both. With this, Maul died, with Obi-Wan closing the fallen dark warrior's eyes out of respect for his old nemesis.
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Characters Killed by Maul
- Qui-Gon Jinn (impaled with his lightsaber)
- Eldra Kaitis (impaled in the chest with his lightsaber)
- Zek Peiro (killed with a piece of metal)
- Pre Vizsla (beheaded with the Darksaber)
- Almec (Not committed though ordered by Maul)
- One ID9 seeker droid
- Duchess Satine Kryze (killed with the Darksaber in front of Obi-Wan Kenobi)
- Clone Troopers of Ahsoka's Company (deflected blasters towards them
- Seventh Sister (beheaded after Ezra Bridger refused to kill her)
- Fifth Brother (impaled when fighting him with Ahsoka)
- Eighth Brother (pushed off of a cliff)
- Tusken Raiders (killed a couple to save Ezra Bridger for his own goals)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (attempts to imaple with his lightsaber multiple times)
- Ahsoka Tano (attempts to impale with his lightsaber in Siege of Mandalore to escape Order 66, and mission to Malachor to make Ezra his own apprentice)
- Kanan Jarrus (blinded, attempted to impale with his lightsaber and throw out of airlock to make Ezra his own apprentice)
- Ghost crew (indirectly, ordered their executions b to free Ezra of his family in attempt to make him his next apprentice; failed, were saved by Kanan)
- Talzin (mother)
- Savage Opress (brother)
- Feral (brother, deceased)
- Darth Sidiouss (formerly)
- Cad Bane
- Nute Gunray (formerly)
- Shadow Collective
- Pyke Syndicate
- Marg Krim
- Mandalorian Super Commandos
- Gar Saxon
- Rook Kast
- Almec
- Crimson Dawn
- Pyke Syndicate
- Ezra Bridger (formerly)
- Kanan Jarrus (briefly)
- Ahsoka Tano (formerly)
- Jedi
- Qui-Gon Jinn
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Yoda
- Adi Gallia
- Anakin Skywalker
- Ahsoka Tano
- C-3PO
- R2-D2
- Jar Jar Binks
- Padmé Amidala
- Asajj Ventress
- Hondo Ohnaka
- Inquisitors
- Seventh Sister
- Fifth Brother
- Eighth Brother
- Anakin Skywalker
- Sith
- Darth Sidious (former master)
- Count Dooku
- Death Watch
- Pre Vizsla
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Seperatists
- General Grievous
- Droid Army
- Nute Gunnray
- Rebel Alliance
- Tusken Raiders
- The term "Maul" usually means to maim someone.
- Ian McCaig designed Darth Maul as a figure that manifested in the form of his own nightmares, courtesy to George Lucas' suggestion.
- As of "Twilight of the Apprentice," he completely abandoned the title "Darth" from his name to show he was no longer affiliated with Palpatine or the Sith Order.'
- Despite dropping "Darth" from his name, Maul is still credited as "Darth Maul" on merchandise and called "Darth Maul" by Ezra when he mentions him to the Bendu for the first time.
- Maul dies in Kenobi's arms in the exact pose when he held Satine Kryze and Qui-Gon Jinn.
- Maul is one of the precursors to Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader due to both becoming cyborgs and their legs were cut off by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
- Maul was originally going to die in "Twilight of the Apprentice" during a confrontation with Vader on Malachor.
- Everyone thought that Maul, including the audience and most of the characters, that the character originally died in the Prequel Trilogy until the Clone Wars proved otherwise.
- To prevent leaks about Maul's appearance as the true leader of Crimson Dawn in Solo: A Star Wars Story, he went unnamed in the script, even causing some of the filmmakers to think the decision of who was Crimson Dawn's leader was still undecided. Instead, he was credited as "The Boss."
- Maul is voiced by Sam Witwer, who also voiced Palpatine in other media and Galen Marek/Starkiller in The Force Unleashed, and The Son in the "Mortis" arc.