Mateo (Elena of Avalor)
Distinguishing Features
Slim, tan skin, brown hair, hazel eyes, teal vest, white undershirt, khaki pants, brown boots, red neckerchief
Master Wizard Royal Wizard of Avalor Wizard-in-training (formerly) Keeper of the Codex MaruOlivia 's mentor
To become a master wizard like his grandfather (succeeded)
Alacazar † (maternal grandfather)Rafa (mother)
Princess Elena ,
Gabe ,
Naomi Turner ,
Princess Isabel ,
Zuzo ,
Chancellor Esteban ,
Migs, Luna, and Skylar ,
Francisco ,
Luisa ,
Armando ,
Princess Sofia ,
Cacahuate ,
King Verago ,
Olivia ,
Chief Zephyr ,
Nico ,
Bobo ,
Dulce ,
Daniel Turner ,
Scarlett Turner ,
Prince Marzel ,
Princess Marisa ,
Cuco ,
Flo ,
Doña Paloma ,
Cristina ,
Amara ,
Quique ,
Princess Valentina ,
Princess Rebecca ,
Princess Chloe ,
Antonia Bello ,
Ixlan ,
Carla Delgado ,
Victor Delgado
Fiero ,
Shuriki ,
Orizaba ,
Marimonda ,
Victor Delgado (formerly),
Carla Delgado (formerly),
Cruz (formerly),
Vestia (formerly),
Duke Cristóbal ,
Saloso ,
Ash Delgado ,
Chancellor Esteban (temporarily),
Zopilote ,
Tito the Magical Bandit ,
Chatana ,
Pili ,
Tziloco ,
Kizin ,
Four Shades of Awesome
Carla, getting his spells right, helping others, olaball, his grandfather, puns and jokes, dancing, crowds, singing, Carla getting his name right
Elena in danger, crowds (at times), his mother embarrassing him, being nervous, disappointing his princess, mice, Carla getting his name wrong
Powers and abilities
Becomes a Master Wizard after Elena is crowned Queen of Avalor
Elena and the Secret of Avalor
TV Series
Elena of Avalor
“Don't worry, I have a few tricks up my sleeves. ”
―Mateo to Naomi
Mateo de Alva is the deuteragonist from the Disney Channel animated series, Elena of Avalor . He is a master wizard who is the Royal Wizard of Avalor and one of Elena 's closest friends.