Heroes and Villains Wiki

Mary Grayson is a supporting characters in DC's Batman franchise. She is the wife of John Grayson, the step-mother of Melinda Zucco, the mother of Dick Grayson, who was adopted by Bruce Wayne and became known as the vigilante Robin, after his mother's favorite bird. Mary was well aware of her husband's previous relationship with Meili Lin, who Mary eventually became friends with and was aware of her stepdaughter. Her and her husband's trapeze was sabotaged by Tony Zucco in revenge against Haly's circus for refusing to pay protection money for them, leading them to fall to their deaths in front of a crowd and their eight-year-old son.

It is recently revealed that it was personal that Zucco sabotaged the Graysons' trapeze: out of revenge, Zucco went against John for fathering a child with his then-wife, Meili Lin. It left their son an orphan and adopted by Bruce Wayne/Batman.



Main: Nightwing (Dick Grayson) (ComicsDC Animated Movie UniverseTitansTeen TitansFuture (Teen Titans)Young Justice) • Nightwing (Chris Kent)Kara Zor-L/Power Girl

Family: John GraysonMary GraysonMayor Melinda ZuccoMar'i Grayson

Allies: Bruce Wayne/BatmanAlfred PennyworthTim Drake/Red RobinJason Todd/Red HoodDamian Wayne/RobinBatgirl (Barbara GordonCassandra CainStephanie Brown) • Selina Kyle/CatwomanStarfireDonna TroyRavenCyborgBeast BoyKid FlashSupergirlRoy Harper/SpeedyAqualadSupermanDinah Lance/Black CanaryKate KaneBette KaneBeth Kane/Red AliceBatwingDuke Thomas/SignalBluebirdWonder WomanBarry Allen/The FlashGreen Lantern (Hal JordanJade) • Helena Bertinelli/Huntress • Superboy (Kon-ElJon Kent)John Henry Iron/SteelAquamanFirestormGreen ArrowHawkmanHawkgirlZatannaRose Wilson/RavagerJerichoBumblebeeHawk and DoveAce the Bat-HoundHarley QuinnRenee Montoya

Villains: Alex Luthor, Black MaskBlackfireBlockbuster IIBrutaleChemoClayfaceCopperheadDeathstrokeDoctor SivanaElectrocutionerFireflyFrancis RedhornGrimmJokerKGBeastKiller MothKiller CrocLady VicLeague of AssassinsLex LuthorMonsoonNite-WingPenguinPolka Dot ManPunchlineRa's al GhulRiddlerScarecrowShriekTalia al GhulTalonTarantulaThe Trigger TwinsTiger SharkTony ZuccoTwo-FaceLady ShivaSuperboy PrimeScarecrowBrainiacTrigonHushFireflyProfessor PygAmazoMad HatterVictor ZsaszDr. Simon HurtBrother BloodDoctor LightMr. FreezeCourt of Owls

Haly's Circus (Flying Graysons) • Bat FamilyCourt of OwlsJustice League (DC Extended Universe) • League of AssassinsTitans (TitansverseTeen Titans) • Teen Titans (Cartoon NetworkDCAMU)
Gotham CityGotham City Police DepartmentWayne ManorHaly's CircusBludhaven
DC Animated Movie Universe: NightwingRavenStarfireBeast BoyTerraSlade WilsonDamian Wayne

The Batman: Dick GraysonBarbara GordonBruce WayneOliver QueenKal-El/Clark Kent • Martian Manhunter

Titans: Barbara GordonDick Grayson/NightwingKoriand'rRachel RothGar LoganConnerDoveHawkRose WilsonJerichoBruce WayneDeathstrokeTim DrakeJason ToddDonna Troy

Teen Titans: Robin (Nightwing) • RavenStarfireCyborgBeast BoyAqualadKid FlashSladeTerraJericho • Doom Patrol (Elasti-GirlNegative ManMentoRobot Man) • Robin/Red X

Young Justice: OrphanRobinJason ToddDamian WayneStephanie BrownBarbara Gordon

Titans: Dick Grayson/Robin/NightwingKoriand'r/Kory Anders/StarfireRachel Roth/RavenGar Logan/Beast BoyJason Todd/Robin III/Red HoodDonna Troy / Wonder GirlConner/SuperboyKryptoTim Drake / Robin IIIGarth/AqualadJericho Wilson/JerichoRose Wilson / RavagerHank Hall/HawkDawn Granger/DoveKomand'r/Blackfire

Other Superheroes: Justice League (Bruce Wayne/Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Aquaman), Barbara Gordon, Doom Patrol (Dr. Niles Caulder/Chief, Rita Farr, Larry Trainor/Negative Man, Cliff Steele/Robot Man, Don Hall / Dove I), Roy Harper / Arsenal

Gotham City Police Department: Barbara GordonFletcher

The Organization: TrigonDr.  AdamsonNuclear FamilyAngela Azarath

Cadmus Laboratories: Lex LuthorMercy GravesWalter HawnEve Watson

Deathstroke and Associates: Slade WilsonWilliam WintergreenDoctor Light

Independent Villains: AcolyteKonstantine KovarShimmer, Gizmo, Valeska Nox, Red Hood's GangTrina Holmes

Nightwing Rogues Gallery: Lady Vic, Tony Zucco, Nick Zucco

Batman's Rogues Gallery: JokerScarecrowRiddlerPenguinMr. FreezeTwo-FaceRa's al GhulCatwoman

Other Characters: JillianFaddeiMyand'rLuand'rAmy RohrbachJack DrakeJanet Drake, Stephen ChenAlfred PennyworthJim GordonMarie GrangerHolly GrangerClayton WilliamsAdeline KaneMartha KentLionel LuthorLena LuthorMelissa Roth, Margarita Vee, Molly Jensen, Jessica Perez, Mary and John Grayson, Becky Bond, • Johnny GraysonMati MatisseDaniSantosCalebLeslie Thompkins, Myrrha, Lydia

Nightwing (DC) * WallY West/The Flash * Roy Harper/ArsenalStarfireRavenBeast BoyRed Hood (Jason Todd)BatmanRavager (Rose Wilson)Kon-El (Conner Kent)KryptoHawkDove (Dawn Granger)Tim Drake/Red RobinDonna Troy/Wonder GirlJohn GraysonMary GraysonJanet DrakeJack DrakeScarecrowDove (Don Hall)Deathstroke
Titans (Titansverse)Titans (DC)Teen Titans (DC) • Justice League • Teen Titans (2003)