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Mantis is a character in Marvel who appears in Guardians of the Galaxy and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Avengers: Infinity War.

She is the daughter of Ego the Living Planet, the half-sister of Star-Lord, and a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Mantis is portrayed by Pom Klementieff and voiced by Jennifer Hale in other media.


When Mantis was a child, she was 'adopted" and raised by Ego the Living Plant. She became aware of Ego's plan in taking over the universe and lacked the understanding of social interaction.


Due to being raised on Ego's Planet, Mantis hardly had any social interactions with people from the outside world. However, after getting to know Drax and the other Guardians of the Galaxy, she came to know how to interact with other people. Mantis is known for having empathetic abilities, and understands many people For one, she knew immediately that Peter had feelings for Gamora, and when touching Gamora, was aware that she was only acting violence towards Mantis because of her protectiveness and worriness for Quill's safety.

According to Drax, Mantis, in a way was like his daughter, and noticed she had so much innocence within her. , and it further causes their friendship to resemble something of a brother/sister and father/daughter bond.. She holds a passive demeanour, always bowing her head in Ego's presence and being hesitant to attack anyone and due to the lack of social interactions, she does not understand metaphors or "jokes," especially shown when she gives off an improv laugh when Drax joked with her that Rocket liked to be pet. 

However, after years of possible abuse, and her friendship with Drax, Mantis manaaged to stand up against Ego by telling Drax of Ego's Expansion and how he and his friends were in danger. She even managed to overpower Ego, causing him to fall asleep whle Quill and Rocket tried finding a way around Ego's brain. 


  • Empathy: Mantis has the ability to tell what's in a person's heart and feeling just by touching them on the wrist. She could tell that Peter Quill had an attraction to Gamora , feeling "sexual love" towards her. Also, when Gamora grabbed onto Mantis' neck, the girl put her hands around Gamora's wrist and realized that she was scared for her own family. She used the ability again when she sees into Drax's mind and sees his own wife and daughter being killed and cries, feeling his pain.
  • Pathokinesis:Mantis has the ability to change the emotion of an individual just by touching them. She did this by touching Drax when he was reminscing about his daughter and instead of him crying, Drax instead remained relax and peaceful.  
  • Sleep Inducement: Mantis can put people to sleep, such as powerful beings such as Ego and Thanos.

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Mantis was raised by the living planet Ego from when she was young. As a result of being raised in isolation with Ego, she has little to no additional social interactions, and tends to be naive, shy, and insecure.

After the Guardians crash landed on the planet of Berhert, following their escape from the Sovereign, Mantis was introduced to the team alongside Ego. During this time, she trys to befriend Drax, who finds her ugly, though she doesn't get and take offence in his insults. When the team travels to Ego's planet, the two finally bond when Drax recall how he met his wife, and lament at her and their daughter's demise.

Later, Mantis would betray Ego when she warns Drax what the former did to his own children, which Gamora and Nebula would eventually found out for themselves. Then during a three-way battle between the Guardians, the Sovereign, and Ego, Mantis uses her empathetic power to have Ego "sleep", buying the team plenty of time for Baby Groot to carry Rocket's makeshift bomb to Ego's brain. During the conflict, however, Mantis is knocked out by a destroyed Sovereign drone, and Ego wakes up to resume his attack. Drax later carries her to the surface so she can be rescued. After Ego and his planet are destroyed, Mantis would stay with the Guardians, and becomes a member of their team, as they and the other Ravagers held a funeral for Yondu.

Avengers: Infinity War

When the Guardians pick up Thor, Mantis wakes him up with her powers on Quill's order. The team decides to separate. While Groot and Rocket accompany Thor to create a new weapon, Mantis goes to Knowhere to retrieve the Reality Stone with her remaining teammates. However, Thanos kidnaps Gamora after using the Reality Stone. Mantis goes to Titan, where she and her teammates meet Doctor Strange, Iron Man, and Spider-Man and decide to ambush Thanos and take the Infinity Gauntlet and the Infinity Stones. However, Thanos manages to take the Time Stone and goes to Earth.

Mantis is one of those individuals who are turned to dust by Thanos' snap.

Avengers: Endgame

Due to Bruce Banner's snap with the use of Infinity Stones, Mantis is brought back to life, along with all half of life in the universe. She appears with the other Guardians, the Avengers, and the Masters of the Mystic Arts to fight Thanos and his forces on Earth.

After Tony Stark snaps his fingers with use of the Infinity Stones to destroy all of Thanos' forces, Mantis and th other Guardians appear at Stark's funeral. She and the other Guardians return to space with Nebula and Thor as new members of their team.



(Former Master and Adoptive Father turned Enemy)

He found her in the Larvae estate on her home world and kept her as his own. However, she later misinterpreted this to being his pet by Drax. She notably helped him sleep at night, but Mantis knew that behind Ego's true colors is a man who has killed his own family. Mantis grew terrified of her master, but still remained in his services because she had no where else to go.


Mantis formed a friendly bond with Drax after meeting him on Berhert. However, Drax was scared of her at first, as he thought her attempts to smile at him were disturbing. The two bonded on Ego's planet, where she learned of his family's death and shared his sorrow when she touched him. It was her friendship with Drax that caused Mantis to turn against her "adoptive father" and tell Drax of Ego's plans to expand the universe in his image.

Peter Quill

Peter is Mantis' half-brother, but she kept this knowledge from him after the way Ego treated him badly




Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Mantis (Marvel Cinematic Universe).


  • In an interview, Jonathan Schwartz said “She has never really experienced social interaction, everything she learns about dealing with people, she learns from the Guardians of the Galaxy, which is a very weird group to learn your social intricacies from.”[9]
  • Boni Yanagisawa, Kelly Bellini, Tamiko Brownlee and Corrina Roshea were stunt doubles for Pom Klementieff in the role of Mantis.
  • Grace Marie Williams was a stand-in for Pom Klementieff in the role of Mantis.
  • She was originally going to have green skin but James Gunn changed her skin color to a natural skin tone to avoid confusion between Gamora, another green-skinned female who was a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • Mantis is similar to Captain Victoria, given that they are both Peter Quill's paternal half-sister and the youngest child of their father's children


Comics: 31st Century Guardians of the Galaxy (Charlie-27 • Martinex T'Naga • Nikki • Starhawk • Vance Astro/Major Victory • Yondu Udonta) • 21st Century Guardians of the Galaxy (Adam WarlockAgent Venom • Cosmo the Spacedog • Drax the DestroyerGamoraRocket Raccoon Star-Lord Groot) • • Angela • Bug • Hulkling • Jack Flag • MantisMarvel BoyMoondragonNebulaNova (Richard Rider) • Quasar (Phyla-Vell) Wiccan • Annihilators • Beta Ray Bill • Gladiator • Silver SurferAvengersCaptain MarvelIron ManThor • Cosmic Ghost Rider • Fantastic FourThing • Howard the Duck • Inhumans • Kismet • Nova Corps • Richard RiderSam Alexander • Quasar (Wendell Vaughn) • Starjammers • Symbiotes • Uatu the Watcher • X-Men • Kitty Pryde • YellowjacketHercules • Shocket Raccoon • Scott LangAbominationAbsorbing Man • A.I.M • Alkhema • Annihilation Wave • Annihilus • ApocalypseArchangel • Badoon • Beyonder • Blastaar • Black Cat • Black Order • Blob • Blood Brothers • Brood • Bulldozer • Carnage • Collector • Celestials • Chitauri • Crime-Master • Dark Avengers • Dark Phoenix • Diablo • Doctor DoomDoctor OctopusDormammu • Dragon of the Moon • Eddie Brock • Ego the Living Planet • Electro • Fin Fang Foom • Firelord • Frost Giants • Galactus • Garthan Saal • GorgonGrandmasterGreen Goblin • Grey Gargoyle • Hela • Hera • High Evolutionary • Jack O' Lantern • J'son • JuggernautKang the ConquerorKorath the Pursuer • Korvac • Knull • Kraven • Kree • Loki Laufeyson • Madame Masque • Maelstrom • Magneto • Magus • Mastermind • Masters of Evil • Medusa • Mephisto • M.O.D.O.K. • Mole Man • Namor • Nebula • Oddball • Piledriver • Puff Adder • Pyro • Red Skull • Ronan • Rhino • Sabretooth • Sandman • Savage Six • Sentinels • Shocker • Skrulls • Space Phantom • Super-Adaptoid • Super-Skrull • Supreme Intelligence • Symbiotes • Taskmaster • Terrax • Thanos • Titania • Thunderball • Ultimus • Ultron • Universal Church of Truth • Venom • Vulcan • Vulture • Whiplash • Whirlwind • Wrecker • Xemnu
RavagersYondu Ravager ClanGuardians of the Galaxy

Teammates: Ant-ManCaptain AmericaHulkIron ManThorWasp BeastBlack CatBlack KnightBlack PantherBlack WidowCannonballCaptain BritainCaptain MarvelCrystalCyclopsDaredevilFalcon • Firebird • FirestarHawkeyeHellcatHerculesInvisible WomanIron FistJane FosterJulia CarpenterMaria HillMiles MoralesMister FantasticMockingbird • Moondragon • Nadia van DyneNamorNoh-VarrQuake • Quasar • Quicksilver • Red Hulk • Robbie ReyesScarlet WitchScott LangSentrySersiShang-ChiShe-HulkSilver SurferSpectrumSpider-ManStormSunspotThing • Tigra • VisionWar MachineWinter SoldierWolverineWonder ManYellowjacket • Yondu Udonta • Adam WarlockAmadeus ChoAmerica ChavezBladeBlue MarvelBrunnhildeCannonballCassandra LangDavid AlleyneDeadpoolDoctor StrangeEchoElsa BloodstoneEmma FrostEnchantressFlash ThompsonGhost Rider (Johnny Blaze)GwenpoolHavokHulklingIron PatriotJohnny Storm • Jessica DrewJessica JonesJim HammondKate BishopLuke CageMedusaMoon KnightMs. MarvelNick Fury, Jr.NovaPatriotPower ManProdigyRogueSam AlexanderSongbirdSunfireSuperior Spider-ManSquirrel GirlThe PunisherU.S. AgentWhite TigerWiccanX-23Betty RossBucky BarnesGhost RiderGwen StacyLoki LaufeysonMary Jane WatsonNew GoblinOdinPepper PottsRed GuardianRick Jones • Ronin • Sharon CarterShuriSilver Sable • Thunderstrike • Venom

Villains: Emil Blonsky/AbominationCarl Creel/Absorbing ManA.I.M.AnnihilusEn Sabah Nur/ApocalypseArnim ZolaAtlasAttumaBaron MordoBaron Wolfgang von StruckerBaron ZemoBeetleBeyonderBlack KnightBlackoutBlack OrderBlack CatBlack WidowBoomerangBrotherhood of Evil MutantsCarnageCelestialsChanceChitauriCrossbonesD'SpayreDark AvengersDark ElvesDark PhoenixDeadpoolDestinyDiamondbackDoctor DoomDoctor OctopusDormammuDraculaEddie BrockEggheadEgo the Living PlanetElectroFrost GiantsGalactusGarthan SaalGhostGreen Goblin ( Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn) • Grey GargoyleHelaHeinz KrugerHigh EvolutionaryHorsemen of ApocalypseHYDRAJackalJ. Jonah JamesonJuggernautJustin HammerKaineKang the ConquerorKingpinKlawKnullKorath the PursuerKorvacKraven the HunterKreeLady DeathstrikeLoki LaufeysonMagnetoMan-ApeMasters of EvilMedusaMephistoMister SinisterM.O.D.O.K.MystiqueMysterioNamorNebulaNightmarePuppet MasterPyroQuicksilverRadioactive ManRed SkullRhinoRogueSabretoothSandmanScarlet WitchScorpionSebastian ShawShockerShockwaveSilver SableSkrullsSuper-SkrullSupreme IntelligenceTaskmasterTen RingsThanosTiger Shark UltronVenomVultureWinter SoldierZzzax

Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Team: Iron ManCaptain AmericaHulkThor OdinsonBlack WidowHawkeyeLoki LaufeysonPhilMaria HillErik SelvigNick FuryPepper PottsJ.A.R.V.I.S.QuicksilverScarlet WitchVisionFalconHeimdallLaura BartonHelen ChoEitriWongStar-LordCaptain MarvelBlack PantherSpider-ManGamoraValkyrieNebulaMantisDrax the DestroyerRocket RaccoonGrootThe CollectorThaddeus RossShuriM'BakuAyoWarsongRamondaNed LeedsMay Parker
Villains: Alexander PierceThanosThe OtherUlysses KlaueMadame B.ListJasper SitwellCull Obsidian (2014 Time Heist) • Ebony Maw (2014 Time Heist) • Proxima Midnight (2014 Time Heist) •Corvus Glaive (2014 Time Heist) • Red Skull
Neutral: Cooper BartonLila BartonNathaniel Barton

Animation Next Avengers: James RogersTorunn Henry Pym Jr Azari Francis Barton
'Marvel Animated Universe:'Heroes: Iron ManCaptain AmericaHulkBlack WidowHawkeyeThor OdinsonCaptain MarvelSpider-ManFalconRed HulkWolverineIron FistMr. FantasticThe ThingPunisherStar-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonDrax the DestroyerGrootScott LangVisionBlack PantherBucky BarnesDoctor StrangeCrystal AmaquelinBlack BoltMoon KnightInfernoBeetleSongbird • Techno • AtlasMeteoriteRed GuardianDarkstarRadioactive Man • Ursa Major • Ms. MarvelDevil DinosaurRed SkullM.O.D.O.K.AbominationLoki LaufeysonUltronWhiplashLeaderDoctor Doom • Nighthawk • Doctor Spectrum • Power Princess • Speed Demon • Super-Adaptoid • DestroyerGrim Reaper • Crimson Dynamo • TaskmasterKraven the Hunter • Baron Strucker • GalactusThanosEnchantressBaron ZemoSurturMorgan le FayBlack Widow IIVultureGhostDormammuDracula • Ultimo • Supergiant • The Beyonder • Titania • Nick FuryMaria HillJane FosterJ.A.R.V.I.S.Odin BorsonJ. Jonah Jameson • Hunter the White Wolf

Groups and Organizations
Marvel: S.H.I.E.L.D.A.I.M.

Marvel Cinematic Universe: AvengersS.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesAsgardian Royal FamilyHYDRAGuardians of the GalaxyOutriders

Main Protagonists:Iron ManHulkThor OdinsonCaptain AmericaBlack WidowHawkeyeStar-LordQuicksilverScarlet WitchVisionWar MachineBucky BarnesAnt-ManWaspDoctor StrangeSpider-ManBlack PantherCaptain MarvelRunaways (Karolina DeanAlex WilderNico MinoruChase Stein Molly HernandezGert YorkesOld Lace) • Cloak/Tyrone JohnsonDagger/Tandy BowenDaisy "Skye" Johnson (Quake)Melinda MayLeopold FitzJemma SimmonsAlphonso MackenzieAntoine "Trip" TriplettLincoln CampbellJoey GutierrezYo-Yo RodriguezJessica JonesDaredevilLuke CageIron FistPunisherDeke ShawRunawaysMedusaBlack BoltShe-HulkShang-Chi

Secondary Characters: Phil CousonNick FuryPepper PottsPeggy CarterJane FosterErik SelvigLoki LaufeysonGamoraWongDrax the DestroyerRocket RaccoonGrootMantisNebulaYondu UdontaKraglin ObfonteriHank PymJanet Van DyneAncient OneShuriEverett RossOkoyeAyoM'BakuNakiaRamondaValkyrieTalosMaria RambeauMonica RambeauSorenNed LeedsMay ParkerMichelle "MJ" JonesElizabeth "Liz" ToomesChristine PalmerBobbi MorseLance HunterFriendly Neighborhood Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man

Tertiary Characters: Darcy LewisIan BoothbyIrani RaelRhomann DeyMaria StarkFriggaMeredith QuillHoward StarkHappy HoganLaura BartonStakar OgordCharlie-27MartinexAleta OgordVolstaggFandralHogunSifJ.A.R.V.I.S.HeimdallMiekLuisJim PaxtonKurtDave

ThanosHelaCorvus GlaiveCull ObsidianEbony MawProxima MidnightAyeshaEgoRonan the AccuserTaserfaceAgatha HarknessTyler HaywardOtto Octavius/Doctor OctopusCurt Connors/LizardNorman Osborn/Green GoblinMax Dillon/ElectroFlint Marko/Sandman
S.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesTen RingsHydraRavagersYondu Ravager ClanGuardians of the GalaxyAvengersBlack OrderDefendersKree Empire
Loki: LokiSylvie LaufeydottirMobius M. MobiusHunter B-15Miss MinutesBoastful LokiKid LokiClassic LokiThrogTime Keepers • Minutemen

Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings: Shang ChiXialing

Eternals: SersiIkarisBlack KnightThena
Other Worlds: Green Goblin (Spider-Man Films)Doctor Octopus
