Tsar Lunar XII, known as The Man in the Moon, or Manny, is a minor but key character in the film Rise of the Guardians. He is the leader and founder of the Guardians. Though Manny never makes an actual appearance in the film, he seems to be a wise and benevolent immortal being. It is implied that he can predict the future.
In the books, The Man in the Moon (MiM) began his life in the Golden Age, when all dreams were possible. As a baby, the Man in the Moon had everything a child could need. He has his father, who showed him the wonder of the heavens; his mother, who read to him her Primer of Planets; and he had a devoted little friend named Nightlight, who watch over him.
Together they all sailed from one planet to another in their ship, the Moon Clipper. At night when the Moon Clipper turned into a moon, Nightlight sprinkled Dreamsand over MiM and sang him a lullaby. As MiM slept, Nightlight watched over him keeping him safe from nightmares.
But Pitch heard of him, a boy who had never had a nightmare, and decided to make that boy his Prince of Nightmares. MiM's parents decided to hide on a little planet called Earth but suddenly his family was attacked by Pitch, The Nightmare King. MiM's parents commanded Nightlight to take the baby to a hidden nursery in the ship, but only after taking the oath. Nightlight did as instructed and rushed MiM to safety, the Moon Clipper rocked as the battle continued. Knowing what to do next, Nightlight told MiM to remember him in his dreams, before he went to battle Pitch. Nightlight aimed the dagger at Pitch's heart causing a blinding flash followed by a great explosion.
After the battle, MiM found himself alone on a small moon, revolving around the planet called Earth. Twice he called, and listened but no answer came from his parents. In the sky, he noticed a group of new star shimmering above him. He stared at them until he was able to see his parents in this new constellation. Wondering about Nightlight, MiM got a glimpse of a shooting star as it fell to Earth. The remaining Moonbots, Moonmice and giant Glowworms surrounded and carried him into the tunnels of the moon to keep him safe.
Every night, MiM flew on the back on one of the Lunar Moths, until he was able to see his parents' constellations. He then when to sleep and dreamed about Nightlight and the Golden Age.
As time passed, the moon became his playground and every meal was lit by a school of Starfish. One day, he found his mother's book and remember something he had completely forgotten about. He ran to his father's telescope and spotted the little planet called Earth. To his surprise, he found that Earth was inhabited by children just like him.
Years went by, and MiM wasn't a child anymore. MiM decided to keep a watch over the children of Earth, and he discovered that if he held a balloon to his ear, he could hear the hope and dreams of the children. MiM learned that sometimes the children just needed a toy, candy or a prize to cheer them up, but he also discovered that they were still scared of the dark and were having nightmares. Mim vowed to never let their dreams be invaded by Pitch's nightmares and decided to call to his side, a band of heroes to serve as The Guardians.
- Immortality: Like his fellow Guardians, The Man in the Moon is immortal and untouchable to anything that happens in time.
- Protection: Man in the Moon is the Guardian of the Children of Earth. He protects children's hope and wishes.
- Listening: The Man in the Moon is able to hear the secret fears and dreams of children via lost balloons that waft up to the moon.
- Baby Teeth: The Man in the Moon's baby teeth are one of The Relics. They have a special power that let's Toothiana have the ability to see the memories within children's teeth, while also granting the ability to makes smaller copies of herself.
- Nightlight was The Man in the Moon's personal Guardian. He was also the one that gave him the nickname of Man in the Moon.
- When the Man in the Moon was little, he wished on the Sandman's shooting star.
- In Rise of the Guardians, the Man in the Moon is never seen in person, although Pitch and the Guardians are constantly talking to him from a distance, suggesting the filmmakers intended for MiM to act as more of a more spiritual deity.