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I've spent little enough time in your world, Professor, and I don't pretend to be a deep thinker, but what I see is this: Trolls are everywhere. Different shapes and sizes, calling themselves by different names, but Trolls nonetheless. They like to tear things down, make everything the same, the way they like it. They run their ship by fear and bluster. Avoiding them is no good.
―Malachi to Alan

Malachi is a character in Voyage of the Unicorn. He is the Captain of the ship called the Unicorn, a ship from Lily's paintings and drawings. He is a dwarf who was sent to the human world by Queen Titania and King Oberon to protect Alan, Miranda and Cassandra Aisling in their quest to restore Fairytale Land.

Voyage of the Unicorn[]


Not much is known about Malachi's early life but at an unknown point, he may have met Lily Aisling because she drew him. He was the one who found the elf Sebastian when he was a child after losing trolls and adopted him as a first name of a ship.
