Heroes and Villains Wiki

Mako and Bolin's family are major characters of the Nickelodeon series The Legend of Korra.

The family originated from Ba Sing Se and later became a mixed race family with the Fire Nation through the Union of Bolin and Mako's parents; Bohai of Ba Sing Se and Naoki of the Fire Nation. They mainly operated in the lower rings of Ba Sing Se.


Book 3 (2014)[]

Book 4 (2014)[]



Yin is an Earth Kingdom resident from the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se, where her family owns a small fruit stand. She is the mother of San and Chow, as well as the grandmother of Bolin, Mako, and Tu.


Bohai was a fruit stand vendor of Ba Sing Se, the husband of Yin, father of San and Chow, as well as the grandfather of Bolin, Mako, and Tu.

When San decided he wanted to leave home and explore the world, Bohai wanted him to remain in the capital and take over the family's fruit selling business. This eventually erupted into a heated argument between San and his father, prompting the former to leave home and journey to Republic City, never to speak to his father again. By the time his grandsons made it toe Ba Sing Se, Bohai already passed away.

In Season 4, Yin showed disappointment in him for the way he handled his relationships with Asami and Korra. She commented, in a scolding tone that he handled his relationships with the two women just like his grandfather. This implies Bohai may have had a very strained relationship with his wife or dealt with Yin and another woman the same way


Main article: Chow (The Legend of Korra)

Chow is an Earth Kingdom fruit merchant from the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se. He is the brother of the late San and uncle of Mako and Bolin as well as the husband of LiLing and the father of Chow Jr, Tu and Meng-Meng.

During the evacuation of Ba Sing Se after Queen Hong Ting was assassinated, Chow was rescued by his nephews and took refuge in Asami Sato's mansion.


San was born to a family residing in the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se. A man with big dreams, he wanted to get out of the city and see the world. His father, however, wanted him to remain in the capital and take over the family's fruit selling business. This eventually erupted into a heated argument between San and his father, prompting the former to leave home and journey to Republic City, never to speak to his father again. Sometime after his move to the city, San met Naoki, a woman of Fire Nation descent, who later became his wife and the mother of his two sons, Mako and Bolin. Though he never returned to Ba Sing Se, San did once send them a letter with a picture of him and his family on his birthday.

In 160 AG, San and his wife were killed by a firebending mugger, leaving their children orphaned. San's family in Ba Sing Se did not receive the news of his death until eleven years later, when Mako and Bolin came across their uncle Chow, who instantly recognized them and invited them back to meet the rest of their family.

After San's death, Mako wore his father's red scarf all the time. However, upon meeting San's mother, Yin, Mako decided to give the memento to her.


Naoki originated from the Fire Nation and eventually came to live in Republic City, where she met an Earth Kingdom migrant named San. The two fell in love and eventually became married sometime before 152 AG. Naoki gave birth to two sons named Bolin and Mako. In 160 AG, she and her husband were mugged and killed by a firebender, orphaning their two sons.

Following her and her husband's death, Mako became the caretaker of himself and his younger brother. Her husband's family kept a photograph of her that had been sent to them years ago.


Liling is a citizen of Ba Sing Se, the mother of Chow Jr, Meng-Meng, and Tu, the wife of Chow, The sister-in-law San and Naoki , and the aunt of Mako and Bolin.

in 171 AG, Chow introduced LiLing to their nephews, Mako and Bolin. However, the family were sadden to learn the fates of San and Naoki.

Liling and her family fled Ba Sing Se after being rescued by her nephews in a air ship.

As soon as The Family landed in Republic City Asami gave her friends' family sanctuary at the Sato residence.

Chow, Jr.[]

Chow Jr. Is the son of Chow and brother of Tu and Meng-Menh, who met his cousins Mako and Bolin when his father Chow brought them home. They learned of Naoki and San's death from the two brothers.

She was also present after it was announced on the radio that Queen Hou-Ting was assassinated and rescued by his cousins when the lower ring of Ba Sing Se was under attack.

After Ba Sing Se was sieged by the Red Lotus, Asami allowed Chow Jr. and the rest of the family to take up residence in Sato plantation. He also attended Jinora's air master ceremony.

In 174 AG, Chow Jr. and the rest of his family were evacuated from Republic City due to Kuvira's attack.


Tu is an Earth Kingdom fruit merchant native to Ba Sing Se and the son of Chow and LiLing, the brother of Chow Jr. and Meng-Meng, and the cousin of Mako and Bolin.

After the Earth Queen was assassinated tui and his family were rescued by his cousins. They evacuated from Ba Sing Se. In book 4 it is revealed Asami let Mako and Bolin's family move into Sato Mansion.


Meng-Meng cousin of mako and Bolin

Meng-Meng is Chow and LiLing's Only daughter and Tu and ciao Chow Jr's sister, Yin's granddaughter, Mako and Bolin's cousin and Naoki and San's niece. Meng-Meng met her cousins Mako and Bolin when her father Chow brought them home. They learned of Naoki and San's death from the two brothers.

She was also present after it was announced on the radio that Queen Hou-Ting was assassinated and rescued by her cousins when the lower ring of Ba Sing Se was under attack.

After Ba Sing Se was sieged by the Red Lotus, Asami allowed Meng-Meng and the rest of the family to take up residence in Sato plantation. She also attended Jinora's air master ceremony.

In 174 AG, Meng-Meng and the rest of her family were evacuated from Republic City due to Kuvira's attack.
