Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Magistrate's Daughter is one of the secondary antagonists of the second and third season of the television series Runaways. She is the Gibborim daughter of Jonah/the Magistrate and his wife, the younger sister of the Magistrate's Son and the paternal older half-sister of Karolina and Elle Dean. She hates her older brother, and grows tired of living in his shadow and is equally surprised to hear that Karolina is her half-sister. After her spaceship was apparently destroyed during a team up between Pride and the runaways, The Magistrate's Daughter survived and chose Tina Minoru as her host.  


Millions of years ago, during prehistoric times, Magistrate's Daughter, her family and the alien warrior Xavin were all on on a Gibborim spaceship that crashlanded on Earth. The Magistrate was the only passenger able to escape, as his family and Xavin were trapped. Spending thousands of years on Earth, The Magistrate eventually went on to

During the second skirmish at the Pride construction site, The Gibborim ship was destroyed by the Yorkeses and Victor Stein. The daughter took possession of Nico Minoru's mother, Tina and would have a hard time grasping her host's will. During her time as Tina, The Magistrate's daughter found her to be a control freak and a nuisance. However, she would later be expelled from Tina's body by her host's daughter, Nico, we used the staff of one to send The Daughter and her family into the dark dimension.



Members: Nico MinoruKarolina DeanChase SteinGertrude YorkesMolly HayesOld Lace • Victor Mancha • Alex Wilder • Leapfrog • Klara Prast • Xavin
Villains: The Pride • Geoffrey Wilder • The Gibborim • Topher • Masters of Evil • Val Rhymin • Skrull • Wrecking Crew • Doctor Doom • Kingpin • Alex Wilder • Doc Justice
Allies: Cloak and Dagger • Excelsior • Young AvengersX-MenSpider-ManAvengers • Daken • Street Arabs • Avengers Academy • Heroine • Doombot • The New Avengers, Power Pack (Alex Power, Katie Power, Julie Power, Jack Power)

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Main: Alex Wilder Nico Minoru Karolina Dean Gert Yorkes Chase Stein Molly Hernandez Catherine Wilder Geoffrey Wilder Leslie Dean Frank Dean Janet Stein Victor Stein Stacey Yorkes Dale Yorkes Tina Minoru Robert Minoru

Antagonists: PRIDEMagistrateMagistrate's WifeMagistrate's DaughterMagistrate's SonMorgan le FayBronwyn † • Cassandra Jonah Xavin
Other characters: EiffelDestiny GonzalezVaughn KayeDarius DavisFloresAmy MinoruKincaidGraciela AguirreTamarLivvieMike on a BikeMeganTopherAnthony Wall/AWOLTandy Bowen/Dagger & Tyrone Johnson/Cloak
