Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Maestro (real name Dr. Robert Bruce Banner) is a major antagonist in the Hulk comic book series published by Marvel Comics. He is an evil alternate version of the Hulk from a dark future (designated as Earth 9200). Like his good counterpart, The maestro has Bruce Banner's intelligence as well as the Hulk's strength and more malevolent personality traits, lacking his counterpart's semi restraint.

Created by writer Peter David and artist George Pérez, the character first appeared in The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect #1 (Dec. 1992). The Maestro has appeared in video games, and made his animation debut in Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., voiced by Fred Tatasciore.

Hulk family
Hulk (Bruce Banner)She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)SkaarThunderbolt RossRobert MaverickA-Bomb (Rick Jones)She-Hulk (Lyra)Hiro-KalaRed She-Hulk (Betty Ross)Hulk (Amadeus Cho)Weapon H
Supporting Characters
AmphibionAvengersCaptain AmericaDoc SamsonFantastic FourGamma CorpsGlorianIron ManJarellaJim WilsonMarlo ChandlerNamorNick FuryPantheonRebecca BannerS.H.I.E.L.D.Spider-ManThorWarbound (CaieraElloe KaifiHiroimKorgMiekNo-NameWolverine) • X-Men
AbominationAbsorbing ManBi-BeastGargoyleLeaderMadmanMaestroTyrannusU-FoesWendigoZzzax HydraRoxxonThunderboltsApocalypseBrian BannerDestroyerEnchantressExecutionerGalactusGrey GargoyleGrandmasterMODOKMandarinSandmanTiger SharkGlenn TalbotSabretooth
Marvel Cinematic Universe
HulkBetty RossAbominationSamuel SternsLeonard SamsonThaddeus RossIron ManJennifer Walters/She-HulkMatt Murdock/Daredevil