- “Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong. The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi. (Ren: I'll destroy her, and you, and all of it.) No. Strike me down in anger and I will always be with you. Just like your father. See you around kid.”
- ― Luke's final words to his nephew before he dies
Luke Skywalker is a major protagonist in the Star Warsfranchise. He is the protagonist of the Original Trilogy, a minor protagonist in the Prequel Trilogy, and a supporting character in the Sequel Trilogy.
In the storyline, Luke was the son of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala through a forbidden marriage and the fraternal twin brother of Leia Organa. He became a Commander in the Rebel Alliance and redeemed his father as Anakin once more after his brutal corruption from Darth Sidious. After the rebellion, Luke trained a new generation of Jedi and was the brother-in-law of his good friends Han Solo and uncle of Ben Solo.
In the Legends, Luke Skywalker was married to Mara Jade Skywalker, the father of Ben Skywalker, uncle of Jaina Solo, Jacen and Anakin Solo and great-Uncle of Allana Solo
Powers and Abilities
- The Force
Star Wars saga
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
At the end of the film, Luke and his twin sister, Leia were born to Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker now the Dark Sith Lord, Darth Vader. Padmé died in childbirth due to a broken heart and she told Obi-Wan that there was still good in Vader before dying. Yoda, Bail Organa, and Obi-Wan Kenobi all decided to hide the Skywalker children from their father and Sidious. While Leia was adopted by Bail and taken to Alderaan, Obi-Wan delivered Luke to Anakin's step-brother, Owen, and his newly wedded wife, Beru Whitesun on Tatooine. The two accepted their nephew and raised him as their own.
Episode IV: A New Hope
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi
Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
Initially, Luke refuses to teach Rey how to use the Force but trains her to show her why the Jedi should end. At the end of the film, Luke reunites with Leia while sending a projection to planet she's on. He uses what is left of his strength to fight Kylo Ren as the Resistance escapes and promises he won't be the last Jedi
Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
Leia Organa
Leia is Luke's sister, who was born with him shortly after childbirth. However, they were separated as children and would not meet each other until nearly twenty years later. During Return of the Jedi, Luke kept Leia's identity to their father a secret. They joyously reunited when the Battle was over. However, after Luke went into hiding due to guilt in not controlling Ben, Leia was desparate in searching for her brother
Anakin Skywalker
Luke remained unaware of who his father really was and wouldn't meet Anakin until he was in his late teens. He was told by Owen and Beru, that his father, Anakin Skywalker, was a navigator on a space freight. Obi-Wan cleared things up, saying that Anakin was actually a Jedi Knight and fighter during the Clone Wars, and said that Anakin was betrayed and murdered by the Sith Lord, Darth Vader. However, Luke was unaware that Vader and Anakin were the same person.
After three years, Luke still believed Vader Killed his father. Vader revealed his relationship to Luke after they dueled in Cloud City. Luke tried not believing him but found that it was true when searching the Force, whether Luke liked the idea or not.
By The Return of the Jedi, Luke believed that his father could be redeemed but Vader reminded Luke that he was beyond saving, but Anakin was brought back to the light side of the Force when Darth Sidious tortured his son in front of him. Luke gave his father a proper funeral pyre and Anakin as a Force-ghost appeared with Obi-Wan and Yoda, happily watching his children and their friends from a distance.
Years later, Luke didn't blame his father's transformation to Darth Vader on him personally, but to the Jedi.
Padmé Amidala
Padmé Amidala was Luke's mother. Padmé loved both her children when they were born but she couldn't live on for them. Though he never interacted with his mother, Luke shared her hopes and beliefs that Anakin Skywalker could be redeemed and wished he had known his mother.
Luke has both traits of his parents: For Padme, they are kind, determined and believed that good was still inside Anakin when he is Darth Vader. They are loving, friendly, and forgiving and he has her temperance. For Anakin, he inherited his father's strong connection to the Force, and his father's blonde hair and blue eyes.