Heroes and Villains Wiki

This article is about Lois Lane from My Adventures with Superman. For other uses of Lois Lane, see Lois Lane.

Lois Lane is the deuteragonist and lead female protagonist of Adults Swim's TV series My Adventures with Superman. She is a news reporter of the Daily Planet and learns Clark and Superman are the same person.

She is based on the character of the same name by Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel.


Early Life[]

Lois was born to USA General Sam Lane and an unidentified woman. Sam's commitment to his military duties made him emotionally distant as a parent, leaving Lois to be primarily raised by her mother. Tragically, her mother passed away from an illness that Lois was unaware of until she discovered that her father had kept it a secret from her. She used to have two close friends, Izzy and Christine, but has been particularly drawn to the latter since her mother's passing.

In college, Lois was classmates with Hank Henshaw, and after college, the two kept in touch with Hank becoming an informant for her at Star Labs. Lois would go on to get an internship at the Daily Planet, with intentions to work her way up by breaking a major story.

Season 1[]

In the two part series premiere, Lois Lane makes her first appearance in the series alongside Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen. The owner embarrasses Clark in front of Lois, causing Clark to grab his order and leave to avoid further embarrassment. At the Daily Planet, Lois presents a story to her boss, Perry White. According to Lois, a cargo of military robots has been stolen from a top-secret warehouse, and now criminals are armed with military-grade equipment. Frustrated, Perry tells Lois that he only called her to his office so she could meet the newest interns: Clark and Jimmy. Although they are initially surprised that they have already met, Clark and Lois agree to work together to investigate her story.

Perry wishes for Lois to oversee the new interns as they familiarize themselves with scanning and coffee preparation duties. After the interns left Perry's office, Lois took the opportunity to present a different take on Perry's instructions, inviting them to explore the story surrounding military robots. Clark, Jimmy, and Lois went to a convenience store where they saw a group of children who do delivery work for the Daily Planet. Their leader, Flip Johnson, calls them the "Newskid Legion". One of the Newskids, Gabby, informed them that she saw a group of garbage trucks running a red light. Clark and Lois suspected that the thieves might be using these trucks to transport their stolen goods in plain sight.

The Daily Planet interns deduce the trucks arrived at a warehouse located at Metropolis' docks. Suddenly, Lois gets multiple text messages from Perry, who insists that the interns return to the Daily Planet immediately, but Lois insists on following the story. As the interns access the warehouse, they realize the robots have already been removed. Clark gets a phone call from Perry, who once again insists the interns return to the Daily Planet. Clark confronts Lois about lying to Perry and Lois, desperate to investigate her story, replies that Clark and Jimmy wouldn't have followed her if she had told them the truth. Clark, however, is disappointed that Lois put her ambitions over her co-workers' feelings and departs from the docks, leaving Lois and Jimmy to continue the investigation on their own.

Jimmy tells Lois not to be so harsh on Clark and Lois feels bad for lying to Clark and being selfish about her work. At that moment, Lois and Jimmy spot Willis and her minions loading the robots into a ship, ready to leave Metropolis. Willis catches a glimpse of the young reporters and shoots them, while one of the thieves is one of the robots. Flip, who is riding her bicycle, watches Lois and Jimmy getting chased by the robots and attempts to find Clark. She tells him what happened and Clark quickly goes to the docks in an attempt to help them.

Clark recognizes the necessity of utilizing his powers to rescue his friends, so he swiftly retrieves a jacket with a hood from a nearby locker room to conceal his identity. Despite facing a challenging situation, Clark manages to disable one of the robots, only to have Willis summon additional robots to impede their escape. Surrounded by the overwhelming number of robots, Clark is saved when Lois accesses the robots' control panels and deactivates them individually. However, the final robot destroys its control panel before Lois can intervene, prompting Clark to swiftly eliminate the threat.

To maintain his secret identity, Clark changes his attire at super speed, creating the illusion that he and the flying man are separate entities in the eyes of Lois and Jimmy. Jimmy has already captured images of the individual referred to as "Superman" by Lois, and the interns present their account to Perry. Perry agrees to publish their story once Jimmy obtains clear photographs of Superman, as the images taken at the docks are blurry. Relieved that his identity remains concealed, Clark opts to collaborate with Lois and Jimmy, emphasizing their teamwork. An enthusiastic Lois decides to focus their next assignment on Superman.

Season 2[]

During the show, Lois grows jealous of seeing Silver flirting with Clark.


Like all versions of Lois, she is an intrepid reporter who will do whatever she can to get her story and uncover the truth. When she wanted to learn Superman's identity, she also wanted to expose it to the world at first. However Lois eventually changes her mind due to falling in love with Superman, enough for him to trust her with his secret; he is her co-worker, Clark Kent, he was actually born Kal-El, and came from another planet, Krypton.

Powers and abilities[]

  • Skilled Reporter




  • Jimmy Olsen
  • Perry White (boss)
  • Cat Grant
  • Steve Lombard
  • Ronnie Troupe
  • Leslie Willis/Livewire - Former Enemy turned Situational Ally
  • Heat Wave - Former Enemy turned Situational Ally
  • Izzy - Former Best Friends; Estranged
  • Christine - Former Best Friends; Estranged



  • This is the only version of Lois Lane to be Korean. In the comics, Lois is a Caucasian young woman.
    • She is also the second person to be of Asian culture descent, p isreceded by Lana Lang from Smallville.However unlike Lois, Lana's actress, Kristen Kruek, is half-Chinese on her mother's side rather than be a full-blooded Chinese person like Lois is full blooded Korean.
  • She calls Clark "Smallville", which was popularized by Lois Lane from the DC Animated Universe and done the same thing by Lois Lane from Smallville and Supergirl.
  • In the comics, Lois married Clark and has one son with him Jonathan Samuel Kent, who succeeded his dad as Superman. In the two different timelines, Clark and Lois also adopted three children.
    • On New Earth, they adopted Lor-Zod, who later became Nightwing after the Kryptonian superhero on New Earth and adopted the name "Christopher Kent."
    • On Prime Earth, they adopted two former gladiators Clark have on Warworld: Osul-Ra and Otho-Ra who are members of the Kryptonian sister species.
  • Fans on social media see the similarities with Lois and Luz Noceda from Disney's The Owl House franchise. Their hairstyle is a pixie cut and their clothes are nearly similar. However, the creators of the show stated that Lois is actually modeled after the anime character Meryl Stryfe from Trigun. However this isn't a coincidence because some workers on My Adventures With Superman also worked on The Owl House.


  1. "Two Lanes Diverged." My Adventures with Superman. Season 2, Episode 4.
  2. "Let's Go to Ivo Tower, You Say." My Adventures with Superman. Season 1, Episode 4.


Superman logo
Comics: Kal-El/Clark Kent/SupermanKara Danvers/SupergirlConner Kent/Kon-El/SuperboyKara Zor-L/Power GirlJohn Henry Irons/SteelLois LaneJonathan Samuel "Jon" Kent/Superboy/Superman IIOtho-RaOsul-RaJonathan "Pa" KentMartha "Ma" Kent • Kryptonians (Jor-ElLara Lor-VonZor-ElAlura In-ZeLor-Zod/Chris Kent/NightwingMon-El) • Lana LangJimmy OlsenPerry WhitePete RossCat GrantSam LaneLucy LaneBibbo BibbowskiLoboLori LemarisMaximaImra Ardeen/Saturn GirlNatasha Irons/SteelKrypto the SuperdogStreaky the SupercatComet the Super-HorseHot Dog

Justice League: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDiana Prince/Wonder WomanVictor Stone/CyborgBarry Allen/The FlashOliver Queen/Green ArrowJ'onn J'onzz/John Jones / Martian ManhunterDinah Lance/Black Canary)

Batman Family: Dick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/RobinAlfred Pennyworth )

Other: Adam Strange

Smallville: Clark Kent, Oliver Queen (Smallville), Arthur Curry, Chloe Sullivan, Lois Lane, Carter Hall, Shayera Hall, Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, Lara Lor-Van, Jor-El, Zor-El, Brainiac, Lex Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Tess Mercer

DC Animated Movie Universe: SupermanLois LaneJustice League (BatmanAquamanCyborgThe FlashGreen LanternHawkmanMartian Manhunter • & Wonder Woman) • Jimmy OlsenSuperboySteelEradicatorChloe Sullivan

DC Extended Universe: SupermanBatmanFlashWonder WomanAquamanLex LuthorGeneral Zod, Faora-Ul

Arrowverse: Clark KentKara DanversLois LaneLena LuthorJ'onn J'onzzOliver Queen/ArrowJeremiah DanversAlex DanversSuperman FamilyBatman FamilyJordan KentJon KentZor-ElAlura Zor-El, Christine " Chrissy" Beppo

Comics: Alex LuthorAmazoAnti-MonitorBaneBizarroBlack AdamBrainiacCaptain BoomerangCaptain ColdCatwomanBarbara Minerva/CheetahCirceClayfaceCyborg SupermanDark KnightsDarkseidDax NovuDeathstrokeDesaadDoctor PolarisDonna TroyDoomsdayEclipsoThe EnchantressEve TeschmacherFaora Hu-UlGorilla GroddGranny GoodnessHeat WaveHector HammondHellgrammiteJax-UrJokerLegion of Super-VillainsLex LuthorLivewireMagpieMaximaMaxwell LordMercy GravesMetalloMorgan EdgeMr. FreezeMxyzptlkNeronParademonsParallaxParasitePhantom ZonersPlasmusPlastiquePrometheusPsycho-PirateQueen BeeReverse-FlashRoyal Flush GangSamuel LaneScarecrowSecret Society of Super VillainsSilver BansheeSinestroSolomon GrundySuicide SquadSuperboy-PrimeSuperman Revenge SquadSuperman (The Dark Side)SteppenwolfTalia al GhulTarantulaTobias WhaleToymanTwo-FaceUltra-HumaniteUltramanUrsaVincent EdgeVirman VundabarWeather WizardZod

Arrowverse: Non, Metallo, Lex Luthor, Kal-El/Bizarro, Tal-Rho, Ally Allston, Anti-Monitor, Lillian Luthor, Lena Luthor

KryptoniansJustice League (ComicsDC Animated Movie UniverseDC Extended Universe) • Batman FamilySuperman FamilyParademonsLegion of Super-HeroesAmazonsAtlanteans
KryptonRaoMetropolisNational City