Lois Lane is a posthumous overarching protagonist in the television series Superman and Lois. She was the doppelgänger of Lois Lane from Earth-TUD25, the Inverse World and Earth-Prime, a reporter for The Daily Planet, the wife of John Henry Irons and the mother of their daughter Natalie. However, she was killed at the hands of Superman.
When Lois was in TV, she revealed the Kryptonians' weakness as green kryptonite from their homeworld, Kal-El appeared from behind and proceeded to kill Lois, with her husband and daughter watching.
John and Natalie had a hard time moving on from their loved one's death and both worked effortlessly to defeat Kal-El of their Earth. It was also initially hard for both John and Natalie to get along with Earth-TUD25 Superman when they came to Earth; however, they learned to adjust to him when they realize the Clark Kent of Earth-TUD25 is nothing like the one from their homeworld.
According to John Henry, the Lois of his Earth is very similar to the one he met on Earth - TUD25, except they married two different people. This means that Lois was a righteous person who always exposed the truth and got her story no matter what. She is also very brave because Lois risked her life to go on the site and air where Superman and the alien Invaders were at. She managed to warn individuals that the Kryptonians weakness was kryptonite. Knowing her husband and daughter were watching, Lois told John and Natalie she loved them moments before Superman murdered her
This version Lois is the second one to not marry a version of Superman. In this case she married to John Henry Irons who, in the comics, is a good friend of hers. However, the Arrowverse's precursor show, Smallville, presented the Earth 2 version of Lois Lane, who married Oliver Queen instead and also from an earth where a version of Kal-El is evil
This version of Lois is similar to the one from the Injustice series, where in a similar story, Superman becomes evil and both versions of Lois are killed by him.
However, a difference is the Lois from Injustice was married to Clark and the Joker tricked him to killing his lover and unborn daughter.
This act leads both their husbands on a path of vengeance. The Superman and Lois version of John Henry becomes obsessed with killing Superman while Injustice Superman goes on a tirade and becomes a dictator on his Earth.
Smallville Citizens:Sarah Cushing, Kyle Cushing, Sophie Cushing, Sean Smith, Timmy Ryan, Tag Harris, Tegan Wichem, Candice Pergande, George Dean Metropolis: Perry White, Ron Troupe, Dabney Donovan, Oliver, John Diggle, Jimmy Cutter
Criminals: Intergang (Thaddeus Killgrave, Bruno Mannheim, Onomatopeia), Inverse Society (Ally Allston, Lucy Lane), Atom-Man, Nuclear Man U.S. Military: General Hardcastle, Mitch Anderson, Reno Rosetti, Jason Trask, Supermen of America John Henry Irons' Earth:Kal-El/Superman, General Sam Lane, Lois Lane, Tal-Rho Bizarro World: Kal-El, Ally Allston, Lois Lane, Jonathan-El, Jordan-El, Lana-Rho, Bizarro Tal-Rho Kryptonians:Leslie Larr, The Eradicator, Zeta-Rho, General Zod Earth-38:Clark Kent/Superman! (Earth-38), Lois Lane