Heroes and Villains Wiki

Autobots. Decepticons. Like little children, always fighting, making a mess out of the universe, then I've got to clean it up

Lockdown is the secondary antagonist of the 2014 film Transformers: Age of Extinction and the main antagonist of the non-canon video game Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark.

He is a bounty hunter sent to Earth by the Creators to hunt down Optimus Prime and other Transformers while allied with Harold Attinger.


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Power and Abilities[]


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This section of the character's history comes from the Villains Wiki.

Upon arriving on Earth to proceed in completing his mission, Lockdown had, at some point, interacted with Harold Attinger and learned of his purpose of eliminating all Transformers from Earth. The two would form a partnership and a mutual respect, forming a deal that Lockdown would assist Attinger's CIA unit into hunting down Autobots being provided unlimited access to the Earth's resources, in exchange for locating Optimus Prime. He finds Ratchet, and asks him where is Optimus, and when Ratchet did not tell, Lockdown simply kills him by ripping out his spark.

Later on, Attinger meets up with Lockdown to discuss their partnership. Lockdown, however, is unimpressed with Attinger and confronts him over the lack of his and his unit's attempts to capture Optimus before questioning their partnership, with Attinger attempting to ensure Lockdown about their joint-quest for achieving their purposes. Afterwards, Attinger suspiciously questions Lockdown over his motives for capturing Optimus and goes on to ask his true intentions, only for Lockdown to respond by warning Attinger about how they're supposed to settle their partnership, blaming Attinger and his mercenaries for causing Optimus to escape across the world.

When Optimus Prime's location is discovered, Attinger sends his personal henchman James Savoy alongside his mercenaries to confront Optimus before warning Lockdown about this. Lockdown gets himself into position where he shoots down the farm of Cade Yeager after witnessing Optimus and his newly human allies, including Cade, fleeing. Lockdown gives chase and catches up with Optimus, but is unable to apprehend him when Optimus fights back. Lockdown then uses one of his grenades to target Optimus' human allies, but is only successful in killing Cade's best friend Lucas, while the others flee with Optimus.

After reuniting with the other Autobots, Optimus gradually begins to learn of Lockdown's presence and his friendship with Attinger, whom Optimus vows to personally kill for his cause against the Transformers. As the story goes on, Lockdown unknowingly gets word of Optimus fighting Galvatron in a rendezvous location and proceeds to intervene their confrontation by heading there and shooting down Optimus. As Galvatron flees, Lockdown approaches Optimus and reveals his true purposes towards him, revealing his affiliation with the Creators in the process. After capturing Optimus aboard his ship, Lockdown heads down to meet with Savoy and his henchmen to honor his deal with Attinger by giving them the Seed, a bomb that will turn the city into Transformium, the mineral that all Transformers are made of. He then leaves them to depart before preparing to launch out into space, but he discovers that the Autobots, alongside Cade, have come to rescue Optimus and sends his hunting party to dispose of them, which is unsuccessful, allowing the Autobots to rescue Optimus and for all of them to quickly escape Lockdown's ship just as it takes off.

Having discovered this, and also finding out that Optimus had freed his Dinobots' captives as well, Lockdown furiously returns to Earth with the intention of hunting down Optimus and reclaiming his Dinobots by any means necessary. He gets word from Attinger about Optimus' current position in Hong Kong, and proceeds to active his magnetic weapon under his ship to recapture Optimus and the Dinobots. He almost succeeds after leveling Hong Kong and nearly killing the Autobots (having outmaneuvered Galvatron's Decepticon army and the remainder of Cemetery Wind's forces, including Savoy), but Optimus manages to destroy the weapon and heads off to confront Lockdown, who disengages from his ship and engages Optimus in a one-on-one brawl. During the battle, Optimus gains the upper hand until he notices that Cade is held up at gunpoint by Attinger. Optimus is forced to save Cade by killing Attinger before resuming his fight with Lockdown, who uses this distraction to overpower Optimus and impale him against the wall with his sword. After disgracing Optimus for betraying his kind over humanity, Lockdown is attacked by Cade before getting fought by Bumblebee. He easily defeats Bumblebee before battling Cade and his family, going on to dispose what remains of his sanity when he declares his intention to kill everyone. While Cade's daughter Tessa and her boyfriend Shane free Optimus, Lockdown corners Cade and prepares to finish him off. Before he can kill Cade, however, Optimus reclaims his sword and surprises Lockdown by impaling his spark before slicing him in half, killing the villainous bounty hunter, and avenging Lucas and all the Autobots (including Ratchet and Leadfoot) he had killed.

Shorty afterwards, Optimus escapes with Cade and his family after using Lockdown's final grenade to destroy Galvatron's remaining minions, which ultimately eradicates Lockdown's deceased body into ashes alongside Attinger's.

           Transformers Logo Film Series

Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Jazz, Ratchet, Ironhide, SideswipeJetfire • Arcee Triplets (ArceeChromia • & Elita-1) • Skids & MudflapJoltWheelieBrainsDino/MirageQue/Wheeljack • The Wreckers (RoadbusterLeadfootTopspin) • HoundCrosshairsDriftHot RodCogmanSqweeksDaytraderCanopyTrench BulldogKnights of Iacon/Dragonstorm (StormreignDragonstormStormreign) • Breakaway
Sam WitwickyCade YeagerMikaela BanesMiles Lancaster, Tessa YeagerViviane WemblyIzabellaMaggie MadsenGlen WhitmannShane DysonSarah Lennox
Sector Seven: Tom BanachekSeymour Simmons
NEST: William LennoxBobby Epps • Graham • Stone
KSI: Joshua JoyceDarcy TirrelSu Yueming
Transformers Reaction Force: Commander Santos • Glenn Morshower
Witwicky Family/Order of the Witwiccans: Judy WitwickyCarly Brooks-SpencerRon WitwickyArchibald WitwickySir Edmund BurtonCogman
Military Officials: John KellerCharlotte Mearing
Decepticons: MegatronThe FallenSentinel PrimeStarscreamBarricadeFrenzyBlackoutScorponokBonecrusherBrawlMegatronus Prime / The FallenSoundwaveRavageReedmanSidewaysGrindorDemolishorDevastatorThe ConstructiconsAliceShockwaveThe DrillerLaserbeak • The Dreads • GalvatronStingerOnslaughtDreadbotMohawkNitro Zeus
Government Officials: Director GallowayJames SavoyHarold Attinger
The Creators: QuintessaInfernocons
Other: Dylan GouldLockdownUnicronTrent DeMarco

NEST • Sector Seven • AutobotsDecepticonsDynasty of Primes • The Creators
Objects: AllSparkMatrix of LeadershipSpace BridgeMerlin's Staff • Archibald Witwicky's glasses • the Ark, Sun Harvester
Locations: Cybertron, NEST Base
