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Koko kissing Lloyd on his cheek


She expected the best of me and only ever wanted the best for you.
―Garmadon to Lloyd

Lloyd generally has a loving and positive relationship with his mother. On the day that Lloyd was born Koko adored him but seeing the warrior's life not meant for her son, she divorced Garmadon and took Lloyd to Ninjago, where she would raise her son on her own for the next 16 years. However, Koko's plan for her child to be raised with a normal life did not go as planned, for many people mocked and belittled Lloyd for being the son of Garmadon, who continuously attacked their city.

Additionally, she was completely unaware that Lloyd was the Green Ninja and leader of the city protectors, indirectly following his mother's footsteps as a ninja. Otherwise Lloyd has a positive and affectionate relationship with his mom and protects the city to keep her safe. When Kokon went to confront Lord Garmadon about his recent attack on Ninjago City, Garmadon accused her of turning their son against him and that Lloyd became a ninja because of her by revealing their son was the Green Ninja.

Later at the abandoned Garmadon residence, Garmadon revealed to Lloyd and his friends that the Lady Iron Dragon was Koko. Lloyd was shocked to learn his mother was a ninja just like him, how his parents met and how much Koko wanted the best for him.

During the final battle, Lloyd apologized to his mother for lying to her but Koko didn't care. The two hugged after Lloyd defeated Meowthra and reconciled with Garmadon. Afterwards, Lloyd realized that his elemental power, green is what bonds them all together and his relationship with his family plays a part in it. In the epilogue, Garmadon, Lloyd and Koko move in together.



Wu is Lloyd's uncle who chose his nephew to be the Green Ninja because Lloyd's compassion and strength can keep the ties between himself and the other Ninjas. Due to his stained relationship with Garmadon, Wu is the only male authority figure in his nephew's life and their relationship is built on trust and love. However Lloyd would sometimes be confused by Wu's lessons and behavior. In Wu's introduction, Lloyd is happy to see his uncle return but disappointed to learn from Wu that he doesn't have an active power like the rest of his friends and even bargains for a new one. Wu also stresses that they rely on their Mechs too much and to use their elemental powers. During Wu's "mentor talk" he points out it's hard being related to Garmadon, given that Wu and Lloyd are his brother and son respectively and that Lloyd must walk the path a son of Garmadon must follow alone. Wu also was the one who introduced the ultimate weapon used to summon Meowthra, inadvertently kick-starting the events of Lloyd and the ninjas' journey as well as Lloyd's eventual reconciliation with Garmadon. When Wu seemingly drowned in the river after being knocked off of the bridge from his brother's exploding shuriken, Lloyd was devastated by the apparent loss of his uncle. This factored in another reason why Lloyd mistrusted Garmadon, who gloated to the teenagers that their only hope relied on him since Wu was gone. After Wu revealed to the Ninjas he survived, Lloyd and the other ninjas are overjoyed at seeing him again. It was here that Cole and the others revealed that Lloyd helped unlock their true potential and how much they learned under him. Wu looks concerned before proudly smiling when Lloyd tames Meowthra and finally understands his elemental power.



Zane: Man, my mom is on my case all the time. She's all... ( mechanical yelling and beeping; static) And I'm like, "Lay off, Mom. I'm just a teenager."
Lloyd: I hear that.
―Zane and Lloyd's interaction

Zane is one of Lloyd's best friends and teammates and one of the few people who don't discriminate against Lloyd because he is Lord Garmadon's son. It is shown that like the rest of the Ninjas, Zane follows Lloyd's orders without question when on they are doing their vigilante activities especially in their battles with Garmadon's armies of Shark warriors. However Lloyd is envious of Zane's ice powers because the other Ninjas have active powers that help them fight in a battle while his is simply the mystic element, Green.

Outside of this, Zane is the first friend Lloyd is seen interacts within the film, where he complains to Lloyd about how his mother is micromanaging his entire life. Lloyd agreed with Zane's sentiment as the two entered the school, where Zane joined in Kai and Lloyd's hug while inadvertently chocking Lloyd.

During their fight with Garmadon (the one that started shortly after school did), Lloyd hesitated due to his conflicted feelings about him being both his father and his arch-enemy. All of his friend's pointed this out and failed to make him feel better.

Later, when Lloyd uses the Ultimate Weapon to summon Meowthra, Zane and the other ninjas display disappointment in him for resorting to using the ultimate weapon. He showed this by deleting any reference to Lloyd being his friend.

In the jungle after Wu' falls off the bridge after his flight with Garmadon, Zane and the rest of his friends (due to their mistrust of Lloyd) choose to follow some of Lord Garmadon's suggestions over Lloyd's insisting they listen to their "late Master". For the first time in the movie, Zane and the Ninja don't listen to Lloyd and actually flee when the Lost Generals. However, Zane and the other Ninjas restore their faith in Lloyd once Nya makes them realize they were horrible friends to Lloyd by abandoning him and his dad in the woods so they go to rescue them. When Lloyd lost his arm, the ninja go look for it.

Later on with Lloyd's help, Cole and the others tell Wu they couldn't have unlocked there true potential without Lloyd, who has become the heart of the group. During the final battle, after taming Meowthra, Lloyd finally understands the true meaning of his element Green in two ways; it is an unseen power that connects Lloyd to all living creatures, which is how he tamed Meowthra, and keeps his bond with his friends and family together, including his relationship with Zane.


Nya comforting Lloyd (movie)

Nya is among Lloyd's closest friends and teammates, distinguished as one of the few individuals who do not judge him for being the son of Lord Garmadon. Like the other Ninjas, Nya adheres to Lloyd's commands without hesitation during their vigilante activities. It is suggested that she is his sole best female friend, treating him with a brotherly affection similar to that of Kai. When the two first interact in their civilian forms, Lloyd and Nya shout to each other in greeting when she enters the school hallways in her bike, which Lloyd and their friends admire.

Like Kai, Nya addressed Lloyd as "bro" in a form of comradery. She assumes an older sister rolr in the film, particularly evident when she provides comfort to Lloyd regarding his conflicted emotions about his father and his reluctance to confront Garmadon in their final battle. Nevertheless, Lloyd experiences envy towards Nya and the other Ninjas, as they possess active elemental powers that enhance their combat abilities, while his own power is limited to the mystic element of Green.

Lloyd's decision to use the Ultimate Weapon to summon Meowthra leads to disappointment from Nya and the other Ninjas, who see it as a sign of desperation. After Wu's presumed death, Nya glares at Garmadon, reflecting Lloyd's own distrust. However, when they discover that both Lloyd and Garmadon have been captured by the Lost Generals, Nya and the others realize they have let Lloyd down by not standing by him in danger. They quickly take action to help, ultimately rescuing both Lloyd and Garmadon from execution by freeing them from their captors.

Later on with Lloyd's help, Cole and the others tell Wu they couldn't have unlocked there true potential without Lloyd, who has become the heart of the group. After successfully taming Meowthra, Lloyd gains a deeper understanding of the true essence of his Green element in two significant ways: it represents an unseen power that connects him to all living beings, which enabled him to tame Meowthra, and it reinforces the bonds he shares with his friends and family, including his relationship with Nya.


Kai is among Lloyd's best friends and teammates, and he is one of the few who does not judge Lloyd for being Lord Garmadon's son. Like Nya, Kai refers to Loyd as "bro", implying a close relationship between the two much like the TV series. Kai also obeys Lloyd's commands without hesitation during their vigilante missions, particularly when facing Garmadon's Shark warriors. However, Lloyd feels a sense of jealousy towards Kai's Fire element, as it provides him with active powers that are beneficial in combat, while Lloyd's Green element seems less effective in duels. The two are first seen interacting outside of their civilian forms when Kai calls to Lloyd and forcefully gives him a birthday hug while lifting him off the ground. Later after returning from successfully defeating Garmadon's forces again, Kai points out that Lloyd had an opening to defeat his dad but still held back.

Lloyd decides to use the Ultimate Weapon to call Meowthra, which disappoints Nya and the other Ninjas, who view it as a desperate move. In the jungle, after Wu falls from the bridge during his fight with Garmadon, Kai and the others, not trusting Lloyd, opt to follow some of Garmadon's advice instead of listening to Lloyd's call to remember their "late Master." For the first time in the film, Kai and the Ninjas ignore Lloyd when danger approaches and they actually run away from the Lost Generals. However, Kai and the Ninjas regain their trust in Lloyd when Nya points out that they were bad friends for leaving him and his father in the woods, prompting them to go and rescue them.

Later on with Lloyd's help, Cole and the others tell Wu they couldn't have unlocked there true potential without Lloyd, who has become the heart of the group. Successfully taming Meowthra allows Lloyd to grasp the true nature of his Green element in two important ways: it symbolizes a hidden force that links him to all living creatures, which helped him tame Meowthra, and it strengthens the connections he has with his friends and family, particularly with Kai.

Jay Walker[]

Jay Walker is one of Lloyd's best friends and teammates and one of the few people who don't discriminate Lloyd because he is Lord Garmadon's son.  It is shown that like the rest of the Ninjas, Jay follows Lloyd's orders without question when fighting Garmadon's forces on a regular basis. However Lloyd is envious of his friend's lighting powers because the other Ninjas have active powers that help them fight in a battle while his element, Green doesn't even do much in a fuel. Following the confrontation with Garmadon, Jay observes the complexity of Lloyd's situation, emphasizing the emotional difficulty of battling his own father. Jay understands Lloyd's feelings because no parent is perfect. However, he makes a poor comparison by mentioning that Mrs. Walker, Lloyd's mom, collects seashells, which seems minor next to his dad destroying Ninjago City. He ends by saying that every parent has their quirks, showing that all parents have flaws.

Lloyd decides to use the Ultimate Weapon to call Meowthra, which disappoints Nya and the other Ninjas, who view it as a desperate move. In the jungle, after Wu falls from the bridge during his fight with Garmadon, Jay and the others, not trusting Lloyd, opt to follow some of Garmadon's advice instead of listening to Lloyd's call to remember their "late Master." For the first time in the film, Jay and the Ninjas ignore Lloyd when danger approaches and actually run away from the Lost Generals. However, Jay and the Ninjas regain their trust in Lloyd when Nya points out that they were bad friends for leaving him and his father in the woods, prompting them to go and rescue them.

Later on with Lloyd's help, Cole and the others tell Wu they couldn't have unlocked there true potential without Lloyd, who has become the heart of the group. Upon successfully taming Meowthra, Lloyd attains a profound comprehension of the true nature of his Green element in two notable aspects: it symbolizes an invisible force that links him to all living entities, facilitating his ability to tame Meowthra, and it strengthens the connections he has with his friends and family, including Jay.


Cole is one of Lloyd's best friends, being one of the few individuals who does not judge Lloyd for being the son of Lord Garmadon. It is evident that, like the other Ninjas, Cole adheres to Lloyd's directives without hesitation during their vigilante missions, especially in their confrontations with Garmadon's Shark warrior forces. Nevertheless, Lloyd harbors feelings of envy towards Cole's Earth element, as its active abilities significantly contribute to their combat efforts, while his own Green element appears less effective in direct confrontations.

After Lloyd chooses to use the Ultimate Weapon against his dad, he instead summoned Meowthra. This made Cole and the other Ninjas feel let down, seeing it as a sign of desperation. In the jungle, after Wu falls from the bridge while fighting Garmadon, Jay and the others decide to follow some of Garmadon's advice instead of listening to Lloyd's reminder about their "late Master." For the first time in the movie, Jay and the Ninjas ignore Lloyd and run away from the Lost Generals when danger comes. However, they regain their trust in Lloyd when Nya reminds them that they were not good friends for abandoning him and his father in the woods, leading them to go and save them.

Later on with Lloyd's help, Cole and the others tell Wu they couldn't have unlocked there true potential without Lloyd, who has become the heart of the group. After successfully taming Meowthra, Lloyd gains a deep understanding of his Green element in two key ways: it represents an unseen force that connects him to all living things, helping him tame Meowthra, and it enhances his relationships with friends and family, including Cole.


Meowthra (formerly)[]

Lloyd tames Meowthra

Lloyd tames the cat while taking to her.

Meowthra is accidentally summoned to Ninjago City with the Ultimate Weapon by Lloyd.

Later, when Garmadon returns from the expedition, he calls her over and throws the trinkets of the Weapon at her, which angers her, and she eats him. Lloyd then attempts to tame her by using his power of empathy. He then touches her nose with his hand, which she enjoys and purrs continuously. Unknown to her, Lloyd is speaking to Garmadon (stuck inside her mouth), and Garmadon cries tears of fire.

Chen the Cheerleader (formerly)[]

Chen and the rest of the Cheerleaders were especially cruel to Lloyd, because he was Lord Garmadon's son and coming to with a "Boo Lloyd" chant. However, he and the other cheerleaders adore Lloyd as the Green Ninja and are surprised to learn the Lloyd Garmadon is the Green Ninja.

General One (Olivia)[]

After it was revealed the Green Ninja was her boss's son, she showed little concern about Garmadon being haunted by Lloyd disowning him. Instead Olivia celebrated her boss taking over Ninjago City and partied with the other guards. Garmadon asks her sarcastically if she captured his son, or any of the members of his family and she confirmed that she didn't. Following this, Garmadon fired Olivia out of the volcano like his previous with generals.

When Olivia joined the Lost Generals, a group of his followers he launched out of a volcano, she developed an intense hatred of Garmadon that even expanded even towards Lloyd simply because he was her ex-boss's son. She tried having him executed alongside his father (ignoring Garmadon's demands the release him and his son). As the ninjas come to rescue father and son, Olivia attacks Lloyd as he is throwing bricks at her followers. But with Garmadon's intervention, she fails.
