Heroes and Villains Wiki

I know how that feels. To be judged unfairly. So, um... I just wanna say that I forgive you. And... I'm sorry. When I said "I wish you weren't my father," I didn't really mean it. What I... What I should've said is I wish we didn't fight all of the time. I wish I could've spent more time with you. And that you could've seen, like, everything I've been through, but you weren't there. I wish we could get that time back, and... I need my dad. I just... I need my dad.”
~ Lloyd Garmadon to his father

Lloyd Garmadon is the main protagonist of Warner Bros. Animation's fourth animated feature film The LEGO Ninjago Movie.

He is Koko and Garmadon's son, Wu's nephew, Kai, Jay, Nya, Cole and Zane's best friend, the current Green Ninja and Elemental Master of Green and the leader of the Secret Ninja Force.

As he grew up, Lloyd was discriminated and bullied by the citizens of Ninjago for being the son of the evil Lord Garmadon and got blamed for everything his father did until his paternal uncle, Wu recruited him as part of his Secret Ninja Force.

Official descriptions[]

Lloyd: Master of Green[]

As the legendary Green Ninja, Lloyd is a Master Builder and the leader of a secret ninja force protecting NINJAGO City from the most notorious villain of all time: Lord Garmadon. Crowds cheer the Green Ninja as a hero, but when he takes off his mask they only see him as Lloyd, the boy unfortunate enough to be Garmadon’s son. It’s hard for him to make friends or get through a day at school because Garmadon ruins everything. Still, Lloyd yearns to have a real relationship with his dad.

Meet Lloyd[]

The Green Ninja. The chosen one, honor bound and sworn to protect NINJAGO - even when it's from his own father Garmadon.

Meet Lloyd Garmadon[]

It wasn't hard enough secretly being the Green Ninja, Lloyd must deal with life in NINJAGO as the infamous son of Garmadon, the worst warlord ever.


Lord Garmadon: La-Loyd?
Lloyd: That's right! It's me! Your son! And it's Lloyd, Dad.
Lord Garmadon: No. L-L-O-Y-D. I named you.
Lloyd: You ruined my life!
Lord Garmadon: How could I ruin your life? I wasn't even there.
Lloyd: I wish you weren't my father!
~ Lloyd to Garmadon after revealing himself as the Green Ninja.
Yeah. Yeah. No one ever says mean things to me when my dad knocks over their Pilates studio, or their waxing salon, or their kayak repair store, or that place that sells toner cartridges. And you better believe no one ever makes fun of me, for not knowing how to throw or catch a ball
―Lloyd sarcastically addressing how he's blamed for everything his dad does


  • He has the same face as the young Garmadon seen in a family photo in the Temple of Fragile Foundations.
  • He is the only ninja to have a different element than the TV show counterpart, because in the show his element is Energy, and in the movie his element is Green. All the others remained the same.
    • In this continuity, Green is actually symbolized through "life."
  • His polish voice actor - Aleksander Sosiński, also voices Fugi-Dove in the show.
  • His name is supposed to be a play on of his father's name.


Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Lloyd Garmadon (The Lego Ninjago Movie).

Lloyd Garmadon (movie) • Kai (movie) • Jay (movie) • Cole (movie)• Naya (movie) • Master Wu (movie) • Garmadon (movie) • Misako Montgomery Garmadon (movie) • GripeKorgranPlundarBenthomaarAdamCouncil of the Crystal KingElemental MastersSoraWyldfyreArinGreat DevourerHutchinsEmperor of NinjagoEmpress of NinjagoHarumiGreat DevourerKalmaarKorgranMaaray GuardsRayMayMorroMystakeQueen VaniaVangelisNinjaRiyuSkylorThe MechanicThe Overlord