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"Listen Up" is a song from Tangled: The Series, performed by Rapunzel, the Snuggly Duckling Thugs and Ruthless Ruth. In the series, it was a song composed by Ruthless Ruth, who was cursed to never leave the Snuggly Duckling until someone sang it. She was freed from her curse after Rapunzel and the Thugs helped Ruth's ghost live at her dreams of becoming a singer.


Ruth: Since I was a lassie,
just a sweet young thing,
all I truly longed to do
was make up songs to sing
Sure my voice was rotten
And had a pity twang
But I had dreams, and in my dreams
this is what I sang

Listen up, all you goons
Listen up and hear my tunes
Every line, boys, is mine
So listen up

Rapunzel: Catchy. (giggles)

Ruth: How I yearned to sing it
Still I was afraid
Guess I feared
they call me weird
And mocked the songs I made
So I shut my PIE HOLE
And hid my work away
Rapunzel: But you had dreams
Ruth: And in my dreams
this is what I played

Listen up, if you please
Listen to my melodies
Rapunzel: Folks she wrote
every note
Both: So listen up

Ruth: I kept my song a secret
But carved it on this club
Waiting till the perfect moment came
At last I worked the nerve up
And stood before the pub
I let one note
come through my throat
And then I died of shame

Big Nose: Died?
Attila: Died?
Ruth: DEAD!

And now I haunt this tavern
suffering for my art
Years and years
of doubts and fears
Rapunzel: It's time to heed your heart
Ruth: I can end this curse now
If I can end the song
Vladimir: Like in your dreams
Ruth: But in my dreams
You ALL must sing along

Listen up, all you thugs
lift your voices and your mugs
Don't be shy,
let it fly!
Thugs: Listen up

Ruth: Ha! That's it!

Big Nose: Listen up
Attila: Listen here
Hook Foot: Raise the roof
Shorty: And rock the house!
Thugs: Make it loud,
sing it proud, listen...
Ruth: WAIT!

Rapunzel: What's wrong?
Ruth: Him!
Rapunzel: Come on, everyone needs to sing!
Captain: I... I haven't sung in quite some time. What if I'm rusty?
Shorty: Your name's not Rusty as Captain, and I'm Susan.
Rapunzel: Captain, please, it's almost midnight! We have to free Ruth!

Captain: Listen up, listen close
You're disgusting, old and gross!
But your song
is quite strong
Listen up

All: Listen up, listen up
Everybody raise your cup
Here's to Ruth,
that's the truth
Listen up
Ruth: Listen up
All: Listen up
Ruth: Listen up
All: Listen up

Original: RapunzelFlynn RiderMother GothelPascalMaximusStabbington BrothersHook HandBig NoseVladimirAttilaUlfShortyPub ThugsCaptain of the GuardsKing FredericQueen AriannaCastle Guards

Series: CassandraFidellaOwlPete and StanLady CaineHook FootPocketVarianRuddigerQuirinOld Lady CrowleyMontyDaleWreck MarauderLance StrongbowFriedborgNigelKing TrevorFernanda PizazzoAndrewSeparatists of SaporiaXavierFeldsparAngry and RedThe BaronAnthony the WeaselRuthless RuthAxelWillow (Tangled)Zhan TiriLord DemanitusSugracha the EternalUumlautKing EdmundAdiraStalyanVexCaptain QuaidVigorMadame CanardistCalliopeMother and FatherLorbsSeraphinaHectorTromusHamuelLittle Big GuyBrock Thunderstrike

Film: When Will My Life BeginMother Knows BestI've Got a DreamI See the LightHealing IncantationSomething That I Want

Musical: Flower of GoldWanted ManWhen She Returns
TV Series: Life After Happily Ever AfterWind in My HairMore of MeFriendship SongListen UpI've Got ThisLet Me Make You ProudSet Yourself FreeReady As I'll Ever BeNext Stop, AnywhereIf I Could Take That Moment BackView From Up HereHook Foot's BalladBuddyWaiting in the WingsLivin' the DreamWith You by My SideEverything I Ever Thought I KnewCrossing the LineStronger Than Ever BeforeBigger Than ThatThe Girl Who Has EverythingNothing Left to LoseThrough It AllI'd Give Anything
