Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Main Characters[]

  • Merlin - Destined to bring about an era of a new dawn with Arthur.
  • Guinevere Pendragon - Queen of Camelot, Arthur's wife, Merlin's best friend
  • Morgana Pendragon - The main antagonist of Merlin She was once kind-hearted and free spirited. However, she turned evil after being corrupted by Morgause.
  • Arthur Pendragon - Prince of Camelot; At first arrogant, he bullies his servants, especially his servant Merlin.
  • Gaius - Court physician and not only a guardian of Merlin, but also his mentor.
  • Uther Pendragon - Arthur and Morgana's father. Fatally wounded by an assassin trying to kill Arthur.
  • Kilgharrah - AKA The Great Dragon.

Season 1[]

Character Name Played by Information Image
Nimueh Michelle Ryan A witch once friends with Uther. She brings about various ways to get her revenge on him, like poisoning Camelot's water supply and resurrecting his brother-in-law. Killed by Merlin on the Isle of the Blessed. appeared in The Mark of Nimueh, The Poisoned Chalice, Excalibur and Le Mort d'Arthur.
Lancelot Santiago Cabrera A commoner who desires to become a knight of Camelot. He shares a brief romance with Gwen and becomes one of Merlin's long-term Secret Keepers. He appeared in the first, second, third and fourth series.
Lancelot (bbc series)
Mordred (BBC) Asa Butterfield & Alexander Vlahos Merlin rescued Mordred from the guards. He forged a bond with Lady Morgana.