Limestone Pie is a minor character in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic franchise. She is Pinkie Pie's oldest sister. and Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz's oldest daughter.
She first appears as a filly in a flashback in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles". She officially appeared as a fully grown mare in present day in the chapter book Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party! and the season five episode "Hearthbreakers. "
Limestone is often very grumpy and commanding, but also protective of her sisters. This genuinely comes to a surprise to Applejack when she meets Pinkie's sisters, as she assumed Pinkie's sisters would be just as energetic and fun loving as Pinkie is.
She is also very insightful, telling Pinkie that Mudbriar is like a geode who is dull and dreary on the outside, but has beauty within him that Maud sees.
To accommodate with Pinkie Pie, G.M. Berrow named Marble and Limestone so that they and Pinkie would have the initials "MLP".