Heroes and Villains Wiki

Lillian Luthor is a minor character in Smallville who appears in the episodes "Lexmas" and "Void." She was the wife of Lionel Luthor and the mother of Lex and Julian Luthor, and the step-mother of Tess Mercer and Lucas Luthor.

On Earth Two, Lillian is the adoptive mother of Clark Luthor.




Void - Lillian's spirit

Lillian's death has been extremely influential in adult Lex's life. He has had visions of his mother on many occasions. After Lillian's death, she gave her share of LuthorCorp to her son Lex and Pamela Jenkins, her closest friend. Since his wife died, Lionel continued to resent and abuse their son, Lex, unaware that Lillian murdered Julian and banned Christmas from ever being celebrated in their family. While he treated Lex harshly from before, Lionel surely hated his only surviving son.

Lex often told his friends about it when he comes to Smallville. He often told Clark about Lillian. He later informed Lana Lang that he was away at boarding school when Lillian died and found out about her passing from The tabloids written by reporters who had sneaked into his school.

When Lionel hired Martha Kent to be his secretary, her brutal honesty reminded him of Lillian

For most of his life, Lex believed that his brother had stopped breathing the morning of his baptism. The truth came out when Lex tried to recover seven weeks of his missing memory at the Summerholt Institute, Lex's blocked memory of Lillian murdering Julian emerged. He confronted his father about it, informing Lionel that Lillian killed Julian instead of him. Horrified, Lionel refused to believe. However, he realized things could have been different between him and Lex if he had known what Lillian had done.[1]

When Clark went to consult with Lionel at the prison after Lex was accused of murder, Lionel revealed that Lex slept with any brunette that reminded him of Lillian. This was when Clark learned her name after Lex mentioned her several times.

Lillian's spirit later appeared to her son when Lex was shot during an attempted robbery. She showed him a happy future that would wait for Lex if he walked away from Lionel and LuthorCorp and gave up the senatorial election. However, when Lana (Lex's dream wife) died at the end of the vision, Lex didn't have the resources to save her. Because of this, Lex chose to continue the path of being evil.[2] A few weeks later, Lex was injected with the limbo drug, Lillian's spirit was angry with Lex. Not only did he reject the happy future she showed him, he also continue using unethical methods for running for senator, even for planning to ruin Jonathan Kent's reputation. Lillian berated him for it.[3]

Shortly after Jonathan's death, Lionel went to visit Martha and offered his condolences, reasoning he went through the same with Lillian after she died.[4]

Lionel tells Lex that he knows so little about women: referring to Lana's true feelings of hate towards Lex. Lionel debases Lex saying "I suppose losing your mother at such an early age didn't help matters." After Lana's supposed murder, Lionel went to confront Lex about her "Death." However, Lex retorted by comparing Lionel's treatment of Lillian, statingh his and Lana's marriage was not so different. [5]

Season 7 - Fracture - Clark watching the past

A year later, Lex was shot and sent into a coma,  Lionel reluctantly allowed Clark to enter his former friend's mind with a machine invented by LuthorCorp. Meeting a younger version of Lex, Clark witnessed Lionel's verbal and physical abuse of both Lex and Lillian about Veritas. Chloe Sullivan was forced to use her empathic abilities to heal both Lex and Clark when the machine started malfunctioning.





  • Rachel Dunleavy - Nurse
  • Pamela Jenkins - Son's Nanny


  • Lionel remarks that Lillian loved the smell of gardenias, as well as admired a cigarette case he owned with gardenias engraved on it.
  • According to Lionel, Lex sleeps with women who are dark haired because they remind him of his mother. However, it is shown in flashbacks and Lex's dream sequences that Lillian has red hair.
    • Interestingly enough Lionel seems to be attracted to redheads similar to Lillian, such as Rachel Dunlevy, Pamela Jenkins and Martha Kent.


  1. Smallville - Memoria (Season 3, Episode 19)
  2. Smallville - Lexmas (Season 5, Episode 9)
  3. Smallville - Void (Season 5, Episode 17)
  4. Smallville - Vengeance (Season 5, Episode 13)
  5. Smallville - Phantom (Season 6, Episode 22)


Main Characters: Clark KentLois LaneChloe SullivanLex LuthorLana LangPete RossJimmy OlsenMartha KentJonathan KentLionel LuthorOliver QueenKara KentTess Mercer/Red Tornado/Watchtower IIDoomsdayGeneral Zod
Justice League: Arthur CurryZatanna ZataraVictor Stone/CyborgBart Allen/ImpulseBruce Wayne/BatmanVictor Stone/CyborgDiana PrinceMeraDinah Lance / Black CanaryJohn Jones/Martian ManhunterBooster GoldJohn Stewart / Green Lantern
Clark & Lois' Family: House of El/Kent Family (Lara Lor-VanZor-ElJessica KentHiram KentJor-ElRayaJor-El's cloneConner Kent / Superboy) • Lane/Sullivans (Sam LaneElla LaneLucy LaneMoira SullivanGabe SullivanJonathan Queen)

Lang family: Louise McCallum • Dexter McCallum • Lewis LangLaura Lang • Margaret Isabel Thoreaux/
Smallville High School: Whitney Fordman • Greg Arkin • Sasha Woodman • Smallville Crows • Abby Fine
Other: Robert QueenLaura QueenVirgil SwannEdward Teague • Bridgette Crosby
LuthorCorp Employers • Family • and Associates: Victoria Hardwick • Lucas LuthorLillian Luthor • Gina • Regan Matthews • Julian Luthor • Injustice League (Plastique) • Alexander Luthor/Lx- 15 • Lx-3 • Steven Hamilton • Donovan Jamison • Otis Berg • Christina Lamell • Helen Bryce • Pierce • Pamela Jenkins • Rachel Dunleavy
Kryptonians: Brainiac • Faora • Nam-Ek and Aethyr • Davis Bloome/Doomsday • Major Zod • Clone Faora • Alia • Basqat • Vala • Dax-Ur • Ruling Council
Justice Society of America: Carter Hall/HawkmanKent Nelson / Doctor Fate • Jay Garrick / The Flash • Courtney Whitmore/StargirlSylvester Pemberton AKA Star Spangled Kid • Dinah Drake / Black Canary I • Wesley Dodd's / Sandman • Pat Dugan / Stripesy • Alan Scott / Green Lantern • Ted Grant / Wildcat • Charles McNider/Doctor Mid-Nite • Abigail Hunkel/Red Tornado • Rex Tyler/Hourman • Terry Sloane/Mister Terrific • Jim Corrigan/The Spectre • Al Pratt/The Atom
Other Superheroes: Legion of Super-Heroes (Rokk Krinn/Cosmic BoyImra Ardeen/Dream GirlGarth Ranzzl/Lightning LadBrainiac 5) • Dick Grayson / Robin • Barbara Gordon/Nightwing/Blue Lantern • Green Lantern Corps • Blue Lantern Corps • Santa Claus • John Constantine • the Outsiders (Jefferson Pierce / Black Lightning • Grace Choi • Rex Mason / Metamorpho • Tatsu Yamashiro / Katana and Roy Harper) • Billy Batson • Ted Kord
Teen Titans: Conner Kent / Superboy • Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle • Mia Dearden / Speedy • M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian • Zan and Jayna/Wonder Twins • Rachel Roth/Raven
Phantom Zone Escapees: Gloria • Baern • Aldar • Dr. Hudson • Titan • Bizarro
Government: Amanda Waller/White Queen & Maxwell Lord/Black King (Checkmate) • Cameron Mahkent/Icicle II • Stuart Campbell • General Slade Wilson • Lieutenant Trotter • Steve Trevor • Suicide Squad (Rick Flag • Floyd Lawton / Deadshot • Bette San Souci/ Plastique • Emil LaSalle/Warp)
Civilians: Daily Planet Staff (Perry White • Jimmy Olsen • Grant Gabriel • Cat Grant • Jeff Hage • Franklin Stern) • Nancy Adams • Emil Hamilton • Maggie Sawyer • Carrie Castle
Earth 2: Clark Luthor/UltramanLionel LuthorLutessa LuthorLex LuthorOliver QueenLois QueenChloe SullivanJonathan Kent
Other Antagonists: Darkseid • Gordon Godfrey • Granny Goodness • Harriet • Desaad • Morgan Edge • Maxima • The Persuader • Toyman • Bruno Mannheim • Metallo • Isis • Marionette Ventures • Black Flash • Rose Wilson / Ravager • Joe Chill • Sam Phelan • Dr. Laurence Garner • Roger Nixon • Van McNulty • Adam Knight • Dr. Lia Teng • Jason Teague • Margaret Isobel Thoreaux • Genevieve Teague • Curtis Knox • Edward Teague • Vordigan • Bruce Wayne (Earth-13) • The Monitors
Kryptonite Metahumans: Greg Arkin • Sasha Woodman • Wade MahoneyScott BowmanDerek Fox

Smallville: Smallville High School, Smallville Youth Center • Smallville Teen Crisis Hotline • Smallville Sheriff's Department • The Wild Coyote, Kent Farm, Ross Creamed Corn, Luthor Mansion, The Talon, Smallville Medical Center, the Smallville Ledger, Smallville Beanery, LuthorCorp Fertilizer Plant Number Three, Kawatche Caves, Reeves Dam, Riley Field, Lawson's Field, Chandler's Field, Miller's Field, Crater Lake, Hob's Pond, Hobson's Pond

Metropolis: Suicide Slums LuthorCorp Plaza • The Daily Planet, Metropolis University
Worlds/Planets: Almerac, Apokolips, Earth-167, Earth-2, Earth-Majestic, Krypton, Mars, New Kandor, New Krypton, Oa, Winath, New Genesis
Other: Hub City, Gotham City, Coast City, Themyscira

Groups and Organizations
Smallville High School (Smallville Torch • Smallville Crows) • Metropolis University, Sharks

Newspaper: gold, the Smallville Torch, Daily Star, LuthorCorp Media, Star City Register, Metropolis Inquisitor, Metropolis Journal
Businesses: LuthorCorp Other: Sports Teams (Smallville Crows, Metropolis Sharks)
