Heroes and Villains Wiki

Lilith Clay is a fictional superheroine in DC Comics. She is an occasional member of the Teen Titans superhero team and Donna Troy's best friend.

Created by Robert Kanigher and Nick Cardy, Lilith made her first appearance in Teen Titans #25 (February 1970).

Dick Grayson/Robin/NightwingWally West/Kid Flash/The FlashGarth/Aqualad/TempestDonna Troy/Wonder Girl/Troia/DarkstarRoy Harper/Speedy/ArsenalVictor "Vic" Stone/CyborgGarfield "Gar" Logan/Beast BoyKoriand'r/StarfireRaven/Rachel RothLilith Clay/OmenHank Hall/HawkHolly Granger/HawkDon Hall/DoveDawn Granger/DoveMalcolm Duncan/Guardian/HeraldTula/AquagirlLorena Marquez/AquagirlJohn Gnaark/GnarrkDuela Dent/Joker's Daughter/HarlequinKaren Beecher/BumblebeeBette Kane/Flamebird. Tara Markov/TerraJoseph Wilson/JerichoJason Todd/Robin/Red HoodDanny Chase/PhantasmRosabelle Mendez/PanthaLeonid Kovar/Red StarWildebeest
DC Animated Movie Universe

Members: NightwingStarfireDamian WayneRavenBeast BoyBlue BeetleKid FlashBumblebee • Superboy • Speedy
Allies: Justice League (BatmanCyborgFlashSupermanWonder Woman)
Enemies:Trigon • Sons of Trigon • Lex LuthorDeathstroke • Church of Blood (Brother Blood • Mother Mayhem) • PlasmusDarkseidParademons, the calculator
