Heroes and Villains Wiki

Lauren Haley is a major character in the fourth season of the CW series, Supergirl. She is the interim secretary of Alien Affaris and a colonel for the U.S. Army.


Haley's opinion of aliens starts to change when she sees that then-president Baker is attempting to destroy alien spacecrafts and that the Children of Liberty have transformed into a violent domestic terrorism group. When Supergirl's doppelgänger, Red Daughter, attacks the White House, Haley is overcome with guilt and remorse.


  • High-level intellect/Military training/Expert tactician/Leader: As an ex-colonel of United States Marine Corps, Haley is a highly intelligent individual, an excellent tactician and leader.
  • Network: Due to Haley's affiliation with the Marine Corps and United States Department of Alien Affairs; she has connections with several military organizations.
  • Intimidation: Haley was able to intimidate Reiff; to the point that she revealed that Kara Danvers is Supergirl.


  • Lauren is somewhat similar to Samanda Watson.
    • They are both African American women.
    • They are both intimidating
    • They both investigate the main character and try blackmailing them into revealing their true identities (Supergirl and Green Arrow)
      • However, Samanda was successful in convincing Oliver to give up his identity as the Green Arrow.
    • Both feel remorseful for their actions.
      • Watson then verbally acknowledges Felicity as a good individual and that she does not deserve to be without her family, hinting that she truly is remorseful for having sent Oliver to the Slabside Maximum Security Prison.
      • Haley ultimately reforms when she learns that Philip Baker and Lex Luthor are truly evil individuals and she ultiamtely becomes Kara's ally while also publically apologizing to her for what the past did for her.