Heroes and Villains Wiki

Lanny Parker is the (former) main antagonist turned anti-hero in the Disney XD series Pair of Kings. He is the cousin of Brady, Boomer, and Boz who wants the throne for himself, all the while deceiving them. However, Lanny fails miserably at each time, even under the direction of Yamakoshi, his strange pet fish.


  • Lanny is one of the four villains from a Disney XD show to reform. The others being Douglas Davenport and Taylor from Lab Rats and Wallace and Clyde from Mighty Med.
  • He is similar to Alan Diaz from the Mighty Med series. They both despise the heroes of the story (Kaz and Oliver, Boz, Boomer and Brady) and try everything to get rid of them and are both are unsuccessful (usually being inadvertently foiled by the heroes). However, unlike Lanny, Alan seems to tone down this attitude and is more light hearted as the show goes on while it takes Lanny until the final moments of Season 3 for him to truly see the error of his ways.
Main Characters: Boomer ParkerBrady ParkerBoz ParkerMikayla MakoolaMason MakoolaLanny Parker