Heroes and Villains Wiki

Lana Lang is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Lois Lane) of the television series Smallville. She is one of the two tritagonists of Seasons 1-3 (alongside Chloe Sullivan), the tritagonist of Season 4, the deuteragonist of Season 5 and 6, a major character in Season 7, and a supporting character in Season 8. She is the childhood sweetheart of Clark Kent who was the most popular girl at Smallville High School.

She is also one of the many ex-wives of Lex Luthor, who she was forced to marry by Lionel Luthor.

As a junior, she learned Lewis was her adopted father and that her biological one was still alive somewhere, but with a new family.



When she was three years old, Lana was orphaned the night Kal-El arrived on Earth when a stray meteorite killed both of her parents, leading Lana To be raised by her aunt, Nell Potter. Lana kept a green kryptonite necklace from the meteors.




Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Lana Lang (Smallville).


  • Lana and Lex never had a romatnic relationship in the comics.
  • In most stories, Lana and Clark are broken up by the time Lois appears on the comics. However in Smallville, Lois was on the show when Clark and Lana were in a relationship.
  • Lana has shown to have died several times on the show (not counting dream sequences): she died once in an alternate timeline and another when she used the Limbo drug. She was thought to have died but she turned out to be hiding out in Shanghai, China.
  • In an alternate version of Lex's future, Lana was married to Lex, with a son (Alex Luthor) and a daughter on the way. She was happy with Lex and the family that she had with him. After Lana gave birth to their daughter (Lily Luthor) on Christmas Eve, she started losing blood and died at Lex's side. In a parallel universe in which she never met Clark, Lana lives in France with a husband and two children.
  • Lana has had temporary powers on four occasions:
    • She once shared a temporary mental link with Gary Watts and another time while possessed by Margaret Isobel Thoreaux, she could cast magic spells.
    • She also possessed Clark's powers twice: she acquired his heat vision after sucking his blood and all of his powers after being in close proximity during a lightning storm.
  • Lana is the only human to have destroyed a Zoner.
  • Lana was shown in a picture in Season Nine's Rabid.
  • Outside of Clark's family, Lana is one of only two main characters to figure out that Clark has powers without being told or shown by another person. Lois Lane later picks up this tradition in Season Ten.
  • Lana has a lifelong history of meteor rock coming between her and Clark. First, her necklace weakened Clark when he came nearby. Later, she absorbed Kryptonite into her power suit and he was permanently unable to come near her.
  • Although Lana wore a meteor rock necklace for several years, she did not experience any health problems related to meteor rock.
  • Lana has been kidnapped or held hostage at least 18 times, more so than any character on
    • In "Metamorphosis," Greg Arkin kidnapped Lana to "mate" with her. He wrapped her in a cocoon, but Clark saved her.
    • In "Jitters," Earl Jenkins took Lana, Clark Kent, Chloe Sullivan, and her father Gabriel, Pete Ross, and Whitney Fordman hostage to get a "cure" for his infection.
    • Gary Watts kidnapped Lana in "Obscura" intending to shoot and kill her to "solve her murder" and stop her from identifying him as Chloe's kidnapper through their psychic link. Fortunately, Clark rescued Lana.
    • In "Phoenix," Morgan Edge held Lana and the Kents hostage to coerce Clark into giving him the blood he hired to steal it.
    • In "Slumber," Sara's uncle drugged and abducted Lana, then placed her in her Jeep and tried to set it on fire to kill her so Labs couldn't expose him for drugging Sara. Clark intervened and prevented the gasoline from reaching the vehicle, saving Lana.
    • In "Magnetic" Seth Nelson used his magnetic powers to control Lana's mind, essentially fixing her into a fake relationship and inadvertently "kidnapping" her.
    • In "Hereafter," Joseph Altman kidnapped Lana and her friend, Megan, and plans to burn them alive. However, Jordan Cross and Clark saved them.
    • In "Crisis," Adam Knight kidnapped Lana to coerce her into getting him the Lazarus serum he needed to preserve his life.
    • In "Forsaken," the Emily Dinsmore clone kidnapped Lana to prevent Lana from leaving and going to Paris and later attempted to kill her when she tried to escape.
    • In "Mine," Soldiers captured and tortured Lana for information on the Stones instead of bringing out Margaret Isobel Thoreau.
    • In "Forever" Brendan Nash kidnapped Lana and other students (including Chloe Sullivan) to keep the glory days of high school going forever; along with other students.
    • In "Arrival" Zod's disciples took Lana hostage when she claimed to know where Kal-El was. Unaware of Clark's identity at the time, Lana purposefully got captured so she could Nam-Ek and Aether to the Luthor vault and kill them with kryptonite.
    • In "Mortal," Lana, Clark, and the Kents are held hostage by Tommy Lee and the Twins, who coerced Tommy Lee into stealing the Level 3 serum, giving them an edge in their powers.
    • In "Lockdown," two officers took Lana and Lex hostage while looking for Brainiac's Ship. They later took Lana to a warehouse that allegedly had Brainiac's ship.
    • In "Zod," a Zod-possessed Lex kidnapped Lana and orders her to sire him an heir as he sets out to transform Earth into a new Krypton.
    • In "Crimson," a red Kryptonite-infected Clark Kent kidnapped Lana to force her to admit that she still loved him.
    • In "Action", Ben Meyers abducted and threw her off the roof of Queen Tower so her death would lead Clark to embrace his destiny.
    • In between Seasons 7 and 8, Tess Mercer, on orders from Lex, forced Lana to make a "breakup" video for Clark and then, Tess kidnapped her and allegedly moved Lana to a new place for the latter's protection.
  • At some point, Lana rode horses competitively, as she has dozens of riding awards.
  • Clark and Lana lost their virginity to each other the summer after they graduated from high school.
  • Lana wore red highlights in her hair for the show's second, third, and fourth season.
  • Lana was on the cross-country track team with Pete Ross during their junior year in high school. (Hereafter)
  • Lana has two half-siblings, Tyler and Kaitlyn Small, but they never appeared onscreen.
  • Lana and Lex were married on February 24, 2007.
  • Lana has had three known sexual partners: Clark, Lex, and Bizarro (whom she believed to be Clark, at that time). She offered herself to Jason, but he turned her down.
  • The final words of Lana in the series are "I love you" in Season Eight. If we count the footage, it's "Superman" in Season Ten (Pilot, Homecoming).
  • Lana is the only leading female character from the start of the show not to appear in the two hour series finale. Though, she does appear in flashbacks, using archive footage.
  • Lana has met every main character except Davis.
Main Characters: Clark KentLois LaneChloe SullivanLex LuthorLana LangPete RossJimmy OlsenMartha KentJonathan KentLionel LuthorOliver QueenKara KentTess Mercer/Red Tornado/Watchtower IIDoomsdayGeneral Zod
Justice League: Arthur CurryZatanna ZataraVictor Stone/CyborgBart Allen/ImpulseBruce Wayne/BatmanVictor Stone/CyborgDiana PrinceMeraDinah Lance / Black CanaryJohn Jones/Martian ManhunterBooster GoldJohn Stewart / Green Lantern
Clark & Lois' Family: House of El/Kent Family (Lara Lor-VanZor-ElJessica KentHiram KentJor-ElRayaJor-El's cloneConner Kent / Superboy) • Lane/Sullivans (Sam LaneElla LaneLucy LaneMoira SullivanGabe SullivanJonathan Queen)

Lang family: Louise McCallum • Dexter McCallum • Lewis LangLaura Lang • Margaret Isabel Thoreaux/
Smallville High School: Whitney Fordman • Greg Arkin • Sasha Woodman • Smallville Crows • Abby Fine
Other: Robert QueenLaura QueenVirgil SwannEdward Teague • Bridgette Crosby
LuthorCorp Employers • Family • and Associates: Victoria Hardwick • Lucas LuthorLillian Luthor • Gina • Regan Matthews • Julian Luthor • Injustice League (Plastique) • Alexander Luthor/Lx- 15 • Lx-3 • Steven Hamilton • Donovan Jamison • Otis Berg • Christina Lamell • Helen Bryce • Pierce • Pamela Jenkins • Rachel Dunleavy
Kryptonians: Brainiac • Faora • Nam-Ek and Aethyr • Davis Bloome/Doomsday • Major Zod • Clone Faora • Alia • Basqat • Vala • Dax-Ur • Ruling Council
Justice Society of America: Carter Hall/HawkmanKent Nelson / Doctor Fate • Jay Garrick / The Flash • Courtney Whitmore/StargirlSylvester Pemberton AKA Star Spangled Kid • Dinah Drake / Black Canary I • Wesley Dodd's / Sandman • Pat Dugan / Stripesy • Alan Scott / Green Lantern • Ted Grant / Wildcat • Charles McNider/Doctor Mid-Nite • Abigail Hunkel/Red Tornado • Rex Tyler/Hourman • Terry Sloane/Mister Terrific • Jim Corrigan/The Spectre • Al Pratt/The Atom
Other Superheroes: Legion of Super-Heroes (Rokk Krinn/Cosmic BoyImra Ardeen/Dream GirlGarth Ranzzl/Lightning LadBrainiac 5) • Dick Grayson / Robin • Barbara Gordon/Nightwing/Blue Lantern • Green Lantern Corps • Blue Lantern Corps • Santa Claus • John Constantine • the Outsiders (Jefferson Pierce / Black Lightning • Grace Choi • Rex Mason / Metamorpho • Tatsu Yamashiro / Katana and Roy Harper) • Billy Batson • Ted Kord
Teen Titans: Conner Kent / Superboy • Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle • Mia Dearden / Speedy • M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian • Zan and Jayna/Wonder Twins • Rachel Roth/Raven
Phantom Zone Escapees: Gloria • Baern • Aldar • Dr. Hudson • Titan • Bizarro
Government: Amanda Waller/White Queen & Maxwell Lord/Black King (Checkmate) • Cameron Mahkent/Icicle II • Stuart Campbell • General Slade Wilson • Lieutenant Trotter • Steve Trevor • Suicide Squad (Rick Flag • Floyd Lawton / Deadshot • Bette San Souci/ Plastique • Emil LaSalle/Warp)
Civilians: Daily Planet Staff (Perry White • Jimmy Olsen • Grant Gabriel • Cat Grant • Jeff Hage • Franklin Stern) • Nancy Adams • Emil Hamilton • Maggie Sawyer • Carrie Castle
Earth 2: Clark Luthor/UltramanLionel LuthorLutessa LuthorLex LuthorOliver QueenLois QueenChloe SullivanJonathan Kent
Other Antagonists: Darkseid • Gordon Godfrey • Granny Goodness • Harriet • Desaad • Morgan Edge • Maxima • The Persuader • Toyman • Bruno Mannheim • Metallo • Isis • Marionette Ventures • Black Flash • Rose Wilson / Ravager • Joe Chill • Sam Phelan • Dr. Laurence Garner • Roger Nixon • Van McNulty • Adam Knight • Dr. Lia Teng • Jason Teague • Margaret Isobel Thoreaux • Genevieve Teague • Curtis Knox • Edward Teague • Vordigan • Bruce Wayne (Earth-13) • The Monitors
Kryptonite Metahumans: Greg Arkin • Sasha Woodman • Wade MahoneyScott BowmanDerek Fox

Smallville: Smallville High School, Smallville Youth Center • Smallville Teen Crisis Hotline • Smallville Sheriff's Department • The Wild Coyote, Kent Farm, Ross Creamed Corn, Luthor Mansion, The Talon, Smallville Medical Center, the Smallville Ledger, Smallville Beanery, LuthorCorp Fertilizer Plant Number Three, Kawatche Caves, Reeves Dam, Riley Field, Lawson's Field, Chandler's Field, Miller's Field, Crater Lake, Hob's Pond, Hobson's Pond

Metropolis: Suicide Slums LuthorCorp Plaza • The Daily Planet, Metropolis University
Worlds/Planets: Almerac, Apokolips, Earth-167, Earth-2, Earth-Majestic, Krypton, Mars, New Kandor, New Krypton, Oa, Winath, New Genesis
Other: Hub City, Gotham City, Coast City, Themyscira

Groups and Organizations
Smallville High School (Smallville Torch • Smallville Crows) • Metropolis University, Sharks

Newspaper: gold, the Smallville Torch, Daily Star, LuthorCorp Media, Star City Register, Metropolis Inquisitor, Metropolis Journal
Businesses: LuthorCorp Other: Sports Teams (Smallville Crows, Metropolis Sharks)
