Lagos is a young female Mandalorian and a character in the third and fifth seasons from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. She was a cadet in the Royal Academy of Government who helped uncover Almec's corruption in the Mandalorian government and dealings of the black market. Lagos tried to free Satine with her friends but failed when Maul's forces attacked them and recaptured Satine.
Lagos was a young female from Mandalore. By the time of the Clone Wars, she was attending the Royal Academy of Government. She was part of a group of friends that consisted of Korkie Kryze, Soniee and Amis. The Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker loaned his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, to Duchess Satine, who suspected that someone she worked closely with was corrupted in her government after children got sick from Slavin poisoning and hoped a Jedi could uncover the plot. Ahsoka gave Lagos and her fellow classmates lectures about corruption within their own government.
That night, instead of studying, Lagos and her friends sneak out of their dorms to acquire some food for dinner but instead discovered a group of insurgents meeting at the docks. Lagos records the entire event. Going to Duchess Satine, Lagos shows the recording to Satine. The Duchess tells Lagos and the other cadets not to pursue the matter any further. During a lecture with Ahsoka, Lagos and her friends tell told Ahsoka the next day what happened and she told them they must have proof to show people that they saw, which Lagos provides with the recording. Ahsoka helps them identify the man from Lagos's hologram as Almec and because he sent guards to apprehend them. Lagos and the other cadets go through with Ahsoka's plan after finding Satine missing by turning them in for conspiracy against the Prime Minister. Thanks to the kids' efforts, they help Ahsoka and Duchess Satine expose Almec as a fraud and a traitor, charged with treason.
However, the victory was short lived when Death Watch joined Maul and his brother/apprentice, Savage Opress. Joining the Mandalorian resistance, Lagos tried to free Satine by helping Korkie and Bo-Katan break her out of her Mandalorian prison by driving the getaway speeder. However, Lagos and her friends were stopped when Maul's soldiers fired upon the group and Lagos and her friends were overpowered, with Satine ended up getting recaptured. Lagos' further fate is unknown.