Heroes and Villains Wiki

Called the Blue Stone Healer, Maudra Laesid’s (LAY-sid) healing abilities were unparalleled. A proud and trusting mother, she believed her children, Naia and Gurjin, when they brought news of the Skeksis betrayal.
―Official description

Maudra Laesid is the Maudra of the Drenchen Clan and a supporting character in The Dark Crystal novels by J.M. Lee and The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. She is the wife of Bellanji and the mother of their four children, Gurjin, Naia, Eliona and Pemma. She (along with Maudra Fara) did not align themselves with Seladon when she became All-Maudra and believed her children of the Skeksis deception, which would lead her to join the Gelfling Resistance.

She is puppeteered by Warrick Brownlow-Pike and voiced by Nimmy March.

Official description[]


When Gurjin and Naia came to their mother and revealed the Skeksis' true nature, she believed them. After hearing the Gelfling Rian's call, Laesid rallied her clan and went to fight alongside them. They arrived the next afternoon with her children and the rest of the Drenchen clan.


  • Laesid carries around with a walking cane.
  • She, Mera and All-Maudra Mayrin are the only Maudras in the television series to be parents. 



Characters: JenKiraFizzgigAughraRianBreaDeetKenshoThurmaLahrNeffiNaiaGurjinKylanHup

Gelflings: CadiaAll-Maudra Mayrin/The All-MaudraTavraThe LibrarianSeladonMaudra Fara/The Rock SingerMiraOnicaOrdonRek’yrMaudra Argot/The Shadow BenderMaudra LaesidMaudra MeraMaudra SeethiMaudra EthriBobb'NMitjanBobb'NBellanjiShoniEliona and PemmaRed-Haired PaladinDaudranCrystalline EminenceAlyadonBregIvoPomboBoggiWukki

Skeksis: skekSil/The ChamberlainskekSo/The Emperor\skekNa/The Slave MasterskekOk/The Scroll KeeperskekTek/The ScientistskekEkt/The OrnamentalistskekAyuk/The GourmandskekZok/The Ritual MasterskekUng/The GeneralskekShod/The TreasurerskekLach/The CollectorskekMal/The HunterSkekGra/The HereticSkekVarskekEerskekHakskekYiskekSaskekLi

urRu: urZahurImurUtturAmajurNolurYodurSolurAcurTihurSuUrGohurVaUrHomUrLiiUrMaUrSanurSenUrYa

Podlings: Ydra

Other: BaffiVliste-StabaLoreBohrtogRaunipTumbyFiolaFire That StaysChalCindrahKataalLord CommanderKolbaNitaWhouf

Races: GelflingFirelingMysticsSkeksisPodlingsGarthimArathimCrystal SkimmersFizzgig (creature) • Crystal BatNurlocGobblesGruenakLandstrider

Gelfling Clans: Gelfling ResistanceDousan ClanDrenchen ClanGrottan ClanSifa ClanSpriton ClanStonewood ClanVapra Clan
