Heroes and Villains Wiki

Lady Vic is a major antagonist in the third season of Titans. She is a skilled assassin hired by Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow and an enemy of both Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon. She has a strong vendetta against Barbara for causing the death of her partner. She aligns herself with Jonathan Crane to eliminate Barbara but fails.


Powers and Abilities[]


Titans: Dick Grayson/Robin/NightwingKoriand'r/Kory Anders/StarfireRachel Roth/RavenGar Logan/Beast BoyJason Todd/Robin III/Red HoodDonna Troy / Wonder GirlConner/SuperboyKryptoTim Drake / Robin IIIGarth/AqualadJericho Wilson/JerichoRose Wilson / RavagerHank Hall/HawkDawn Granger/DoveKomand'r/Blackfire

Other Superheroes: Justice League (Bruce Wayne/Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Aquaman), Barbara Gordon, Doom Patrol (Dr. Niles Caulder/Chief, Rita Farr, Larry Trainor/Negative Man, Cliff Steele/Robot Man, Don Hall / Dove I), Roy Harper / Arsenal

Gotham City Police Department: Barbara GordonFletcher

The Organization: TrigonDr.  AdamsonNuclear FamilyAngela Azarath

Cadmus Laboratories: Lex LuthorMercy GravesWalter HawnEve Watson

Deathstroke and Associates: Slade WilsonWilliam WintergreenDoctor Light

Independent Villains: AcolyteKonstantine KovarShimmer, Gizmo, Valeska Nox, Red Hood's GangTrina Holmes

Nightwing Rogues Gallery: Lady Vic, Tony Zucco, Nick Zucco

Batman's Rogues Gallery: JokerScarecrowRiddlerPenguinMr. FreezeTwo-FaceRa's al GhulCatwoman

Other Characters: JillianFaddeiMyand'rLuand'rAmy RohrbachJack DrakeJanet Drake, Stephen ChenAlfred PennyworthJim GordonMarie GrangerHolly GrangerClayton WilliamsAdeline KaneMartha KentLionel LuthorLena LuthorMelissa Roth, Margarita Vee, Molly Jensen, Jessica Perez, Mary and John Grayson, Becky Bond, • Johnny GraysonMati MatisseDaniSantosCalebLeslie Thompkins, Myrrha, Lydia

Nightwing (DC) * WallY West/The Flash * Roy Harper/ArsenalStarfireRavenBeast BoyRed Hood (Jason Todd)BatmanRavager (Rose Wilson)Kon-El (Conner Kent)KryptoHawkDove (Dawn Granger)Tim Drake/Red RobinDonna Troy/Wonder GirlJohn GraysonMary GraysonJanet DrakeJack DrakeScarecrowDove (Don Hall)Deathstroke
Titans (Titansverse)Titans (DC)Teen Titans (DC) • Justice League • Teen Titans (2003)
Main: Nightwing (Dick Grayson) (ComicsDC Animated Movie UniverseTitansTeen TitansFuture (Teen Titans)Young Justice) • Nightwing (Chris Kent)Kara Zor-L/Power Girl

Family: John GraysonMary GraysonMayor Melinda ZuccoMar'i Grayson

Allies: Bruce Wayne/BatmanAlfred PennyworthTim Drake/Red RobinJason Todd/Red HoodDamian Wayne/RobinBatgirl (Barbara GordonCassandra CainStephanie Brown) • Selina Kyle/CatwomanStarfireDonna TroyRavenCyborgBeast BoyKid FlashSupergirlRoy Harper/SpeedyAqualadSupermanDinah Lance/Black CanaryKate KaneBette KaneBeth Kane/Red AliceBatwingDuke Thomas/SignalBluebirdWonder WomanBarry Allen/The FlashGreen Lantern (Hal JordanJade) • Helena Bertinelli/Huntress • Superboy (Kon-ElJon Kent)John Henry Iron/SteelAquamanFirestormGreen ArrowHawkmanHawkgirlZatannaRose Wilson/RavagerJerichoBumblebeeHawk and DoveAce the Bat-HoundHarley QuinnRenee Montoya

Villains: Alex Luthor, Black MaskBlackfireBlockbuster IIBrutaleChemoClayfaceCopperheadDeathstrokeDoctor SivanaElectrocutionerFireflyFrancis RedhornGrimmJokerKGBeastKiller MothKiller CrocLady VicLeague of AssassinsLex LuthorMonsoonNite-WingPenguinPolka Dot ManPunchlineRa's al GhulRiddlerScarecrowShriekTalia al GhulTalonTarantulaThe Trigger TwinsTiger SharkTony ZuccoTwo-FaceLady ShivaSuperboy PrimeScarecrowBrainiacTrigonHushFireflyProfessor PygAmazoMad HatterVictor ZsaszDr. Simon HurtBrother BloodDoctor LightMr. FreezeCourt of Owls

Haly's Circus (Flying Graysons) • Bat FamilyCourt of OwlsJustice League (DC Extended Universe) • League of AssassinsTitans (TitansverseTeen Titans) • Teen Titans (Cartoon NetworkDCAMU)
Gotham CityGotham City Police DepartmentWayne ManorHaly's CircusBludhaven
DC Animated Movie Universe: NightwingRavenStarfireBeast BoyTerraSlade WilsonDamian Wayne

The Batman: Dick GraysonBarbara GordonBruce WayneOliver QueenKal-El/Clark Kent • Martian Manhunter

Titans: Barbara GordonDick Grayson/NightwingKoriand'rRachel RothGar LoganConnerDoveHawkRose WilsonJerichoBruce WayneDeathstrokeTim DrakeJason ToddDonna Troy

Teen Titans: Robin (Nightwing) • RavenStarfireCyborgBeast BoyAqualadKid FlashSladeTerraJericho • Doom Patrol (Elasti-GirlNegative ManMentoRobot Man) • Robin/Red X

Young Justice: OrphanRobinJason ToddDamian WayneStephanie BrownBarbara Gordon

Comics: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/RobinJason Todd (Red Hood)Tim Drake (Red Robin)Selina Kyle/CatwomanAce the Bat-HoundBatgirl (Barbara GordonCassandra Cain/Orphan/BatgirlStephanie Brown/Spoiler/Batgirl/Robin) • Harley QuinnKate Kane/BatwomanBette Kane/BatwomanJulia PennyworthBasil Karlo/ClayfaceDuke Thomas/The SignalLucas Fox/BatwingHarper Row/BluebirdTerry McGinnis/BatmanHelena Bertinelli/HuntressHelena Wayne/HuntressHarold AllnutMinhkhoa "Khoa" Khan/Ghost-MakerJarroJames Gordon • Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman • Diana of Themyscira/Wonder WomanTeen TitansBat-CowAzrael (Jean-Paul Valley)Poison Ivy • Zatanna

Titans: Dick Grayson/NightwingBruce Wayne/BatmanJason Todd/Red Hood/Robin IITim Drake/Robin IIIBarbara GordonSlade Wilson/DeathstrokeJonathan Crane/Scarecrow

Arrowverse: Helena Bertinelli/HuntressBatwoman (Ryan Wilder)Kate Kane (Arrowverse)Slade Wilson/Deathstroke

DC Extended Universe: Bruce Wayne/BatmanSupermanAquamanWonder WomanHarley QuinnHuntress (Helena Bertinelli)Slade Wilson/Deathstroke

DC Animated Movie Universe: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/Robin IIRavenSuperman

Batman: The Brave and the Bold Series Batman, Aquaman, Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Black Orchid, Ambush Bug, Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)

Comics: The JokerJonathan Crane/ScarecrowVictor Fries/Mr. FreezeRa's al GhulHarleen Quinzel/Harley QuinnTalia al GhulDeathstrokeTony ZuccoRiddlerMan-BatNocturnaThe Batman Who LaughsOwlmanTalonTwo-FaceBaneDarkseid, Grundy

Arrowverse: Slade Wilson (Arrowverse)Talia al GhulLex Luthor

Titans: Slade Wilson/DeathstrokeMercy GravesScarecrowJokerPenguinMad Hatter

DC Extended Universe: Lex LuthorDoomsdayDeathstroke (Slade Wilson)Lex LuthorSteppenwolfDarkseidParademons

The Batman (2022): Bruce Wayne/Batman (2022)Selina Kyle/Catwoman

Batman Family • Justice League (ComicsDC Extended UniverseThe BatmanDC Animated Movie Universe) • Teen Titans (Comics2003DC Animated Movie Universe • Titans (ComicsTitansverseCartoon Network) • Court of OwlsLeague of AssassinsSuicide Squad (ComicsDC Extended Universe) • Birds of Prey (ComicsDC Extended Universe) • S.T.A.R. LabsSecret SixRed Hood GangOutsidersJustice League of ArkhamJustice Society of AmericaTitans EastDark Knights
Gotham City (Wayne ManorBatcave) • Lazarus Pit, Bludhaven, Haly's Circus, Wayne Enterprises, Arkham Asylum, Gotham City Police Department, Metropolis, S.T.A.R. Labs
Batman Suits, Robin Suits