Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Kryptonians are a race of fictional characters from the planet Krypton within the DC Universe. Superman and Supergirl are prominent members of the race, and are noted for being the "Last Children of Krypton." The Kryptonian dogs such as Krypto exist.

Kryptonians were created by and made their debut in Action Comics #1 and were created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster






Pocket Universe[]

New Earth[]

Prime Earth[]


Social Structure[]


Krptonians follow a polytheistic faith, worshipping multiple different gods and goddesses who govern different aspects of existence. Their chief god is Rao, god of the sun. According to Kryptonian lore, Rao was first being to come into existence before creating the universe and all the other gods. Kryptonians worship their sun, named after Rao, as the physical embodienment of their solar deity. By the time of the Krypton's destruction, the extent of the Kyrptonians worship of Rao was practically monotheistic. Despite this, a number of other deities are worshipped by the Kyrptonians, such as Cythonna, goddess of ice.

Powers and Abilities[]


Outwardly, Kryptonians are indistinguishable from humans, though generally a bit muscular due to the the much stronger gravity of their planet. Internally, however, while they share the same color of blood and identical skeletal structures, Kryptonians have vastly different internal organs. Unlike humans whose hearts are located on the left side of the chest, Kryptonians hearts are on the right. Kryptonians also possess longer lifespans than humans, capable of living for decades with only minimal signs of aging. Their most important difference from humans, is their cellular structure. significantly Kryptonian cells are capable of absorbing solar radiation tens-of-trillions of times faster than humans. As a result, the extent of their capabilities vary depending upon the particular kind of Star they are absorbing radiation from.


  • Solar energy absorption (under the power of the red sun)
    • Superhuman Strength: When exposed to the light of yellow star Kryptonians possesses tremendous superhuman strength, allowing them to carry more than a million tons and create shockwaves with their strikes.
    • Superhuman Speed: Kryptonians can run and fly at speeds faster than military aircraft. They can move, think and react fast enough to almost match speedsters such as the Flash, who can move faster than humans can even perceive. Superman generally uses his super speed while flying.
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: Kryptonians' bodies are nearly invulnerable, with missiles, explosions and bullets being unable to so much as break their skin. They can also survive unharmed in environments of intense temperatures, exposure to harmful chemicals or even the vacuum of space. However, beings who are more powerful can break though their extremely advanced durability. However, even upon death, their cells are incapable of decay, making their bodies unable to decompose.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Under a yellow sun, Kryptonians have vastly increased stamina, giving them the ability to perform superhuman feats for extended periods of time and rarely having to sleep.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: They are capable of recovering from non-fatal wounds at an accelerated rate. This is further enhanced when under direct sunlight, whereby they heal all non-fatal wounds instantaneously. Even if fatally injured, a Kryptonian's cells are incapable of decay after clinical death, causing their bodies to be naturally preserved.
    • Super Vision: They also possesses a superior sensory arrangement of microscopic, telescopic, infrared and ultraviolet visual capabilities.
      • Telescopic Vision: Kryptonians have the ability to focus their vision to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics.
      • Microscopic Vision: The ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the sub-atomic level.
      • X-Ray Vision: Kryptonians can see through almost anything, able to focus their vision past layers of matter, literally seeing "through" them. Because of this ability, Kryptonians possess a sight unparalleled by any other species, possibly perceiving x-rays, cosmic rays, or other forms of energy invisible on the spectrum of light which passes through Earth's atmosphere (and solid objects) after emission from stars. The only substance they cannot see through is lead.
      • Heat Vision: Kryptonians have the ability to generate and project extremely high radiation or fiery beams of intense heat energy from the eyes. Visually, the power is typically depicted as two beams of fiery energy being shot from their eyes. These beams form can melt through solid metal and even destroy entire buildings with explosive force. However, prologued use of this power can lead to pain in their eyes though they quickly recover.
    • Flight: When Kryptonians not under the effects of a yellow star, Kryptonians can manipulate the gravitational field within inches of their bodies such a degree that they fly at supersonic speeds in any direction. They can only use this ability, however, when on planets with weaker gravity settings compared to that of Krypton. Due to Krypton's immensely powerful gravity, Kryptonians aren't able to fly on their homeworld.
    • Superhuman Hearing: Due to their exposure to solar radiation, Kryptonians have developed Incredible hearing, allowing them to hear extreme variances of sounds and frequencies, thus allowing them to pick up noises from across the globe. They have shown enough control to block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency.
    • Super-Breath: Kryptonians' capable of surviving without air far longer than humans, allowing them to hold their breath for lengthy periods of time without adverse effects. This includes the vacuum of space, where not only are they able to breathe perfectly, but also resist the intense cold without freezing.


When under an M-Class Red Dwarf star, such as Rao, the star that serves as the sun of their homeworld, Kryptonians are possess the same capabilities of an average human, possessing no super powers or senses. Under these conditions, they are as vulnerable as humans and can easily be killed by normal attacks. This applies to any form of red Star, including red giants and supergiants. Despite this, even under a red sun, Kryptonians are still physically stronger than humans, due to their planet possessing a much stronger gravity. Even if they weren't capable of absorbing yellow sunlight, they still have vastly superior strength and speed to humans, though nothing compared to the solar energy powers they gain.

When exposed to the light of a yellow-dwarf star, like Sol (Earth's sun), Kryptonians are able to absorb the radiation into their cells at exponential rates, increasing their strength, speed, and senses to what many humans would describe as godlike levels.

When exposed to the radiation of an orange star, Kyrptonians gain the same superpowers they would possess over a yellow star, but only at half-strength. This is due to the fact that orange stars emit much more radiation that red stars but not as much as yellow stars. As a result, while Kryptonians do gain super strength, speed, and stamina, it is only half of the amount that they would receive under a yellow sun. This is makes them much more vulnerable to enemy attacks, with their powers being more on par with average super powered individuals. Their healing factors are slower, their heat vision significantly less powerful, and are no longer invulnerable, making them easier to kill but still powerful.

Kryptonians are able to intermingle with humanity. Because of their similar appearance, they are able to blend into human civilizations while maintaining their powers.


In ancient times, the children of Krypton were given natural births. However, as their civilization evolved, the Kryptonians decided to produce their children through genetic engineering. However, the first natural born Kryptonain born in a millenia was Kal-El

Kryptonian Hybrids[]

It is also possible for Kryptonians and humans to have children. Half-Kryptonians come into existence through two alternatives. This can first be accomplished through cloning. This is the case with Kon-El (Conner Kent), who was a clone made with both Clark's Kryptonian and Lex Luthor's human DNA. The alternative way for a Kryptonian hybrid to come into existence is through the use of sexual reproduction. In this case, in the Post-Crisis event, Jonathan "Jon" Kent was born, having a Kryptonian father, Clark Kent and a human mother, Lois Lane.

In the Future State storyline, Kryptonians were able to even have children with Tamaraneans. Superman's descendant, Theand'r Ban-El, was Kryptonian and Tamaranean physiology.


  • Red Solar Radiation: While Kryptonians are renowned and feared for the godlike powers, they only possess them while under a yellow or orange sun (which is at half their strength). Blue radiation "super charges them," as it had done to Superman. As soon as they find themselves under a red or blue sun, their powers will instantly fade and they will be brought down to the same standards as normal humans. Lasers that mimic red solar radiation can do significant damage to yellow solar powered Kryptonians. For example, in Superman & Lois, Tal-Rho, the half-brother of Superman in that reality, was exposed to red solar radiation lasers when locked in his cell. After Clark burned away the Green Kryptonite from his brother's system, Tal's regenerative healing factor failed due to prolonged exposure, so he had to be exposed in Sol's direct sunlight
  • Kryptonite: All Kryptonians are vulnerable to Kryptonite, a rare nonmineral formed from the remains of their destroyed homeworld. Kryptonite emits a unique form of radiation that only affects Kryptonian cells.
    • Green Kryptonite; Close distance to Green Kryptonite causes Kryptonians to experience signs of dizziness, fatigue, and extreme pain throughout their body. When Superman first came across it, Clark began heaving and passed out from it. If a solar powered Kryptonian is exposed to Kryptonite, he/she will lose all of his/her powers, just like if they were under a red sun. If Kryptonite enters the bloodstream of a Kryptonian, it will kill him/her in a matter of seconds or minutes unless treated immediately. All of these effects are on account of the continuity and the color.
  • Magic: While solar powered Kryptonians possess incalculable strength while under a yellow sun, their powers are derived from natural/scientific physiology. This makes them as vulnerable to magic based attacks and weaponry as humans. Even if solar powered and invulnerable, magic weapons can piece their flesh and kill them.
  • Lead: While lead possesses no physical threat to Kryptonians, it is the only known material for which their x-ray vision cannot penetrate. Ironically, it can also shield them from the radiation emitted by Kryptonite.
  • Limited Free Will: Prior to Krypton's destruction, Kryptonians were artificially conceived in genesis chambers, being genetically engineered with thinking boundaries programmed into their DNA to perform assigned functions in their society. Genetically engineered Kryptonians possess a limited amount of free will, being unable to live out any other lifestyle assigned to them and can also makes them incapable of such emotions such as empathy and remorse as observed from General Zod and his followers.
  • Intense Gravity: While Kryptonians are able to manipulate their individual gravitational fields, they can only levitate while on planets with weaker gravitational fields compared to their home planet of Krypton. If a planet possesses a planet with too strong gravity, they won't be able to utilize their levitation powers.


Kryptonian Runes

Krypton runes from Smallville episode, "Vessel."

Over the years, Superman learned how to speak Kryptonese through his resources at the Fortress of Solitude. When Kara first came to earth, she spoke in Kryptonese due to her incapability of speaking English. However, he deal with H'El granted her the ability to speak English


Notable members[]

  • Kal-El
  • Jor-El
  • Lor-Van
  • Lara Lor-Van
  • Zor-El
  • Alura
  • Kara Zor-El
  • Kon-El (half Kryptonian DNA)
  • Power Girl
  • General Zod
  • Ursa
  • Non
  • Nam-Ek
  • Seyg-El
  • Lor-Zod
  • Jax-Ur
  • Faora
  • Quex-Ul
  • Astra
  • Krypto (Kryptonian Canine)
  • Doomsday (Prehistoric Kryptonian)
  • Karen Starr (Powergirl, Earth-2)
  • Bizarro (Kryptonian Clone)
  • Val-Zod (Superman, Earth-2)
  • H'El (Kryptonian clone)
  • David Conner/Eradicator
  • Kong Kenan (half-Kryptonian half-human)
  • Kal-Il (Ultraman, Earth-3)


Superman logo
Comics: Kal-El/Clark Kent/SupermanKara Danvers/SupergirlConner Kent/Kon-El/SuperboyKara Zor-L/Power GirlJohn Henry Irons/SteelLois LaneJonathan Samuel "Jon" Kent/Superboy/Superman IIOtho-RaOsul-RaJonathan "Pa" KentMartha "Ma" Kent • Kryptonians (Jor-ElLara Lor-VonZor-ElAlura In-ZeLor-Zod/Chris Kent/NightwingMon-El) • Lana LangJimmy OlsenPerry WhitePete RossCat GrantSam LaneLucy LaneBibbo BibbowskiLoboLori LemarisMaximaImra Ardeen/Saturn GirlNatasha Irons/SteelKrypto the SuperdogStreaky the SupercatComet the Super-HorseHot Dog

Justice League: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDiana Prince/Wonder WomanVictor Stone/CyborgBarry Allen/The FlashOliver Queen/Green ArrowJ'onn J'onzz/John Jones / Martian ManhunterDinah Lance/Black Canary)

Batman Family: Dick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/RobinAlfred Pennyworth )

Other: Adam Strange

Smallville: Clark Kent, Oliver Queen (Smallville), Arthur Curry, Chloe Sullivan, Lois Lane, Carter Hall, Shayera Hall, Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, Lara Lor-Van, Jor-El, Zor-El, Brainiac, Lex Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Tess Mercer

DC Animated Movie Universe: SupermanLois LaneJustice League (BatmanAquamanCyborgThe FlashGreen LanternHawkmanMartian Manhunter • & Wonder Woman) • Jimmy OlsenSuperboySteelEradicatorChloe Sullivan

DC Extended Universe: SupermanBatmanFlashWonder WomanAquamanLex LuthorGeneral Zod, Faora-Ul

Arrowverse: Clark KentKara DanversLois LaneLena LuthorJ'onn J'onzzOliver Queen/ArrowJeremiah DanversAlex DanversSuperman FamilyBatman FamilyJordan KentJon KentZor-ElAlura Zor-El, Christine " Chrissy" Beppo

Comics: Alex LuthorAmazoAnti-MonitorBaneBizarroBlack AdamBrainiacCaptain BoomerangCaptain ColdCatwomanBarbara Minerva/CheetahCirceClayfaceCyborg SupermanDark KnightsDarkseidDax NovuDeathstrokeDesaadDoctor PolarisDonna TroyDoomsdayEclipsoThe EnchantressEve TeschmacherFaora Hu-UlGorilla GroddGranny GoodnessHeat WaveHector HammondHellgrammiteJax-UrJokerLegion of Super-VillainsLex LuthorLivewireMagpieMaximaMaxwell LordMercy GravesMetalloMorgan EdgeMr. FreezeMxyzptlkNeronParademonsParallaxParasitePhantom ZonersPlasmusPlastiquePrometheusPsycho-PirateQueen BeeReverse-FlashRoyal Flush GangSamuel LaneScarecrowSecret Society of Super VillainsSilver BansheeSinestroSolomon GrundySuicide SquadSuperboy-PrimeSuperman Revenge SquadSuperman (The Dark Side)SteppenwolfTalia al GhulTarantulaTobias WhaleToymanTwo-FaceUltra-HumaniteUltramanUrsaVincent EdgeVirman VundabarWeather WizardZod

Arrowverse: Non, Metallo, Lex Luthor, Kal-El/Bizarro, Tal-Rho, Ally Allston, Anti-Monitor, Lillian Luthor, Lena Luthor

KryptoniansJustice League (ComicsDC Animated Movie UniverseDC Extended Universe) • Batman FamilySuperman FamilyParademonsLegion of Super-HeroesAmazonsAtlanteans
KryptonRaoMetropolisNational City


Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers/Supergirl (DC Super Hero GirlsDC Extended UniverseDC Animated UniverseArrowverseMy Adventures With Superman) • Supergirls (Linda DanversCir-ElAriella Kent) • Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman (DC Extended UniverseArrowverseSmallvilleDC Animated Universe, Young Justice, My Adventures with Superman, Superman & Lois, Superman Returns) • Power GirlLois Lane (DCEUArrowverse, My Adventures With Superman) • StreakyComet the Super-HorseKryptoBrainiac 5Legion of Super-Heroes (ArrowverseSmallvilleLegion of Super-Heroes) • Alura Zor-ElZor-ElJor-ElLara Lor-VanKon-El/Conner Kent/SuperboyJon KentOtho-RaOsul-RaEliza DanversJeremiah DanversMartha KentJonathan KentBatmanWonder Woman
Rogues: AtroticusAnti-MonitorLex LuthorBrainiacGeneral ZodReignDarkseidLivewireSiobhan Smythe/Silver BansheeAlex LuthorIntergangDominatorsMister MxyzptlkKal-L/Superboy-PrimeUltra-HumaniteMalefic J'onzzDoomsdayCyborg SupermanIndigoEmerald EmpressLesla Larr/Leslie LarrBizarroH'elKiller FrostDesperoDoctor SivanaToymanSuicide SquadSuperman Revenge SquadPrincess Zala Jor-ElParasiteMorgan EdgeMetalloMaxwell LordLoboGigantaGranny GoodnessFemale FuriesPenguinTeth-Adam/Black Adam
Allies: Dick Malverne • Thara Ak-VarHippolytaThe Red Lantern CorpsDiana Prince/Wonder WomanBruce Wayne/BatmanStephanie Brown/SpoilerJimmy OlsenLena Luthor/ThurolJohn Henry Irons/SteelNatasha Irons/Steel IIDick Grayson/NightwingCassie Sandsmark/Wonder GirlNightwing (Chris Kent)Koriand'r/Starfire

Donnorverse: Kara Zor-El/SupergirlJimmy OlsenSelena • Bianca
Superman/Batman: Supergirl • Superman • Batman • Wonder Woman


Heroes: Superfriends (SupergirlAlex DanversJ'onn J'onzzLena LuthorNia NalWinn SchottJames OlsenClark KentLois LaneKelly OlsenMaggie SawyerM'gann M'orzzQuerl "Brainy" Dox) • Jor-ElZor-ElAlura Zor-ElLara Lor-VanJeremiah DanversEliza Danvers • M'yrnn J'onzz • Malefic J'onzzLucy LaneJonathan Kent IIMartha KentLegion of Superheroes (Mon-ElImra Ardeen/Saturn GirlNura Nal) • White Martian Resistance (Till'all, N'keyy) • Team Flash (Barry Allen (Earth-1)Iris West-AllenCisco RamonCaitlin Snow/FrostJoe WestCecile HortonRalph DibnyHarry WellsH.R. WellsJay GarrickNora West-AllenBart West-AllenNash Wells) • Team Arrow (Oliver QueenFelicity SmoakJohn DiggleThea QueenCurtis Holt/Mr. TerrificWild DogDinah DrakeMia Queen/Green Arrow) • The Legends (Mick RorySara Lance • Firestorm (Jefferson Jackson and Martin SteinRay PalmerNate HeywoodAmaya JiweZari TomazBehrad Tarazi) • Lyla MichaelsKing SharkHawkman and HawkgirlRay TerrillLeo Snart/Citizen ColdFreedom FightersKate KaneLuke FoxEarth-96 SupermanRyan WilderRyan ChoiCat GrantSam Arias • The Flash (Earth-90) • Peter Lockwood • Ruby AriasD.E.O. (Susan Vazquez) • Olivia Marsdin • Miranda Crane • Lucy LaneGeneral LaneColonel Haley • Mitch • Thara Ak-VarJindah Kol RozzLar GandMr. MxyzptlkGary Green • Adam Foster • Mary McGowan • Clarissa Stein • Lily Stein • Rob • Cap. David Singh, Barry Allen/Earth-90 The Flash
Smallville: Kara Zor-El/Kara Kent/SupergirlClark Kent/Kal-El/Superman
Villains: General AstraNonIndigoLillian LuthorQueen RheaReignSelenaLex LuthorAgent LibertyGamemnaeNyxlygsptlnzMorgan EdgeEve TeschmacherRed Daughter/Linda LeeLeslie Willis / LivewireSiobhan Smythe / Silver Banshee • Thomas Coville • Rudy Jones / Parasite IWinslow Schott • Sr. / Toyman • Veronica Sinclair / Roulette • Lydia Lockwood • Reactron • LuthorCorp (Hope • Lionel LuthorMercy GravesOtis Graves) • Astra and Non's Army (Vartox • Hellgrammite & Maxima) • Maxwell LordEthan KnoxRed TornadoT.O. MorrowJemmDirk ArmstrongBizarroWhite MartianMaster JailerProject Cadmus (Colonel James Harper • Cyborg Superman & John Corben) • ScorcherPhillip KarnowskyBeth BreenRick Malverne • Zod • Worldkillers (SelenaReignPurityPestilence & Thomas Coville) • BloodsportPsiChilden of Liberty (Raymond Jensen & Natalie Hawkings) • Otis Graves • The Elite (Manchester BlackPamela Ferrer • The Hat & Morae) • Phil Baker • Leviathan (Gamemnae • Rama Khan • Tezumak • Sela • Andrea Rojas • Margot Morrison • & Eve Teschmacher) • Midnight
Crossover: DominatorsAgent SmithMusic MeisterDark ArrowOvergirlMetalloTommy Merlyn/Prometheus XEobard Thawne/Reverse-FlashJohn DeeganA.M.A.Z.O.MonitorJoe Wilson • Psycho-Pirate • Anti-MonitorShadow DemonsMagogKal-El • New Reich (Promethus & Quentin Lance

Krypton (Argo City, Candor) • Metropolis • New York City • National CityCentral CityS.T.A.R. LabsCatCo Worldwide MediaDaily PlanetBig Belly BurgerCC JittersEarth-1 (Arrowverse)whiteEarth-38Earth-PrimeMidvaleStar CityGotham CityEarth-2Themyscira • Mars • Phantom Zone • Fort Rozz • The Monitor's lair • Speed Force (Arrowverse), Jarhanpur
Families: Superman Family • House of El (ComicsArrowverseSmallville)

Superhero Teams: (Superfriends) • Justice League (Arrowverse) • Freedom Fighters (Earth-X) • Amazons of Paradise Island • The ParagonsTeam FlashTeam Arrow • the Legends • Bat Team (Comics, Arrowverse)
Government Organizations: D.E.O. • ARGUS • Legion of Super-Heroes (ComicsArrowverse) • White Martian Resistance)
Villainous Factions: Project CadmusSecret Society of Supervillains • Sons of Liberty • Red Lantern Corps • Secret Six • White Martians • Leviathan (Arrowverse) • Obsidian North

Kryptonite (RedSilverBlueBlack) • Toyman's inventions • Vigilante SuitsOliver Queen's BowsPhantom Zone Projector • Glasses • Legionnaire Rings • Yellow sun grenade • Myriad, Jarhanpurium, • Lexosuit • Book of Destiny • Book Of Ra • Staff of H'ronmeer • Sword of Juru • Antimatter • AllStone Totems
Kryptonians • Metahumans • White Martians • Saturnians • Amazonians • Daxamite • Green Martians
Waverider • Kryptonian Pod • Cosmic Treadmill • Martian Manhunter's Spaceship/Car,
Moon RiverPut a Little Love in Your HeartMore I Cannot Wish YouSuper FriendRunnin' Home to You

Main Cast

Main Heroes: Oliver Queen/Green ArrowBarry Allen/The Flash (Earth-1/Earth-PrimeEarth-90) • Sara LanceKara Danvers/SupergirlJefferson Pierce/Black LightningKate Kane/BatwomanRyan Wilder/BatwomanClark Kent/Superman (Earth-38Superman & Lois) • Ray Terrill • Lois Lane (Earth-38Earth-TUD25Earth-TUD22) • Mick RoryLeonard SnartRip Hunter

Main Villains: Malcolm MerlynRa's al GhulDamien DarhkAdrian Chase/PrometheusRicardo Diaz/The DragonEmiko Adachi Queen/Green Arrow IIIEobard ThawneZoomSavitarThe ThinkerOrlin Dwyer/CicadaGrace Gibbons/Cicada II • Bloodwork • Eva McCullochGodspeedDeathstormNonAstra In-ZeRheaLillian LuthorSelenaReign • Lex Luthor (Earth-38/Earth-PrimeEarth-TUD25) • Agent LibertyNyxlygsptlnzMallusNeronLachesisBishopEvil GideonTobias WhaleGravediggerBeth Kane/AliceSafiyah SohailBlack MaskMarquis Jet • the Red DeathCobalt Blue, Gamemanae
John DiggleFelicity SmoakThea QueenLaurel Lance (Earth-1)Quentin LanceMoira QueenEmiko AdachiNyssa al GhulLyla MichaelsCurtis HoltRene Ramirez Dinah DrakeLaurel Lance (Earth-2)Roy HarperRay PalmerSlade WilsonHelena BertinelliMia QueenConnor HawkeWilliam ClaytonZoe RamirezMonitorRuvé AdamsLincoln Machin/Anarky • Anatoly Knyazev • Nora DarhkTalia al GhulEvelyn SharpLeague of AssassinsRicardo Diaz
The Flash
David SinghIris West-AllenCisco RamonCaitlin SnowJoe WestWally WestMartin SteinJesse Chambers WellsHarry WellsJay Garrick/The FlashH.R WellsRalph DibnyNora West-AllenBart AllenHarrison Sherloque WellsLeo SnartKamilla HwangAllegra GarciaChester P. RunkNash WellsMarlize DeVoeKiller Frost • Nature Forces (Speed Force Nora • Deon Owens • Alexa Rivera) • Meena Dhawan • Mark Blaine/ChillblainePied PiperKeith/GoldfaceJack Birch/The Hotness • Ryan Wilder/Red Death • the Rogues (Owen Mercer/Captain Boomerang IIAndrea Wozzock/FiddlerMichelle Amar/Murmur II) • The Forces (Still • Strength • Sage • Speed) • Negative Forces (Still • Strength • Sage • Speed) • August Heart/Godspeed • Kristen Kramer • David Singh
Alex DanversJames OlsenWinn SchottCat GrantJ'onn J'onnzLena LuthorMaggie SawyerMon-ElM'gann M'orzzQuerl DoxNia NalKelly Olsen, Laura Haley, Samantha Arias, Imra Ardeen, Legion of Super-Heroes, Lar Gand, Hank Henshaw/Cyborg Superman, Rama Khan, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane, Indigo, Siobhan Smythe / Silver Banshee, Rhea, Olivia Marsdin, Orlando Davis, Esme, Mitch, Rama Khan, Gamemnae, Alura Zor-El, Astra, Non, Zor-El, Manchester Black
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Ray PalmerJefferson JacksonMartin SteinWally WestJohn ConstantineAva SharpeGary GreenNate HeywoodZari Tomaz/Zari TaraziDamien DarhkNora DarhkAmaya JiweGideonCharlieEsperanza CruzBehrad TaraziVandal Savage
Black Lightning
Jennifer PierceAnissa PierceLynn StewartPeter GambiBill HendersonKhalil Payne/PainkillerGrace ChoiJeremiah HoltKhalil PayneBrandon MarshallTCGardner GrayleErica MoranHassan Shakur
Luke FoxMary HamiltonJacob KaneSophie MooreJulia Pennyworth, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane / AliceRenee MontoyaJada JetCatherine Hamilton-Kane, Vesper Fairchild, Cora Lewis,
Superman & Lois
Jordan Kent/SuperboyJonathan Kent IISam LaneLana LangKyle CushingSarah CushingChrissy BeppoJohn Henry Irons/SteelNatalie Irons/Steel, Mitchell Anderson, Bruno Mannheim, Lana-Rho, Inverse Society, Lex Luthor, Kal-El/Bizarro/Doomsday, Peia Mannheim

Digger Harkness • Rainbow Raider • Laura Washington/CyberwomanAgent SmithDominatorsSusan BraydenOliver Queen/Dark ArrowKara/OvergirlTommy Merlyn/Prometheus XLeo SnartWinn Schott (Earth-X)John DeeganMar Novu/Monitor • Mobius/Anti-Monitor • Shadow Demons • DesperoRyan Choi, Siobhan Smythe/Silver Banshee, Lucy Lane, Leslie Willis/Livewire
Earth-X: John Trujillo/Black Condor • Jenny Knight/Phantom Lady • Red Tornado, Siren X

Alternate Earths

Stargirl: (Earth-2: New Multiverse) Courtney Whitmore/StargirlPat Dugan/S.T.R.I.P.E.Beth Chapel/Doctor Mid-NiteYolanda Montez/WildcatRick Tyler/Hourman
Other Earths: Julio Mendez (Earth-90)Tina McGee (Earth-90)Clark Kent (Earth-167)Lois Lane (Earth-167)Superman (Earth-96)Barry Allen (DCEU)Helena KyleLucifer MorningstarRavenCourtney WhitmoreJason ToddHank Hall/Hawk

Government Agencies: A.R.G.U.S.D.E.O.ASIS

Criminal Fractions: League of Assassins • Bertinelli Crime Family • Legion of DoomProject Cadmus • Supermen of America

Vigilante Teams: Team FlashTeam ArrowBat TeamBlack Lightning's TeamJustice LeagueJustice Society of AmericaCanariesSuperfriendsSuperman FamilyLegion of Super-Heroes

Businesses: Big Belly BurgerCC JittersCatCo Worldwide MediaDaily PlanetLuthor Corps

Earths: Earth-38Earth-9Earth-1Earth-XEarth-2Other Earth's

Locations: KryptonLian Yu

Cities: Argo CityCentral CityNational CityStar CityCoast CityIvy TownGotham City MetropolisMidvaleFreelandSmallville

Cosmic Forces: Speed ForceStill ForceStrength ForceSage Force
Negative Forces: Negative Speed ForceNegative Still ForceNegative Strength ForceSage Force

Police Departments: Gotham City Police DepartmentCentral City Police DepartmentStar City Police Department

Spear of DestinyVigilante suitsGreen Arrow's Bows
Kryptonian • Humans • Meta-humans, Unicorn, Green Martians, White Martians,
Moon River, Put a Little Love in Your Heart, Super Friend, More I Cannot Wish You, Runnin' Home to You

Justice League: SupermanBatmanWonder WomanThe FlashCyborgAquaman

Suicide Squad: DeadshotHarley QuinnRick FlagKatana • El Diablo • Bloodsport • Ratcatcher 2 • Polka Dot Man • King Shark • Peacemaker • Javelin • The Detachable Kid

Shazam Family: ShazamKing ShazamLady ShazamShazam StrongShazam ThunderShazam Lightning

Harley Quinn & Associates: Harley QuinnCassandra Cain
'Birds of Prey
HuntressBlack CanaryRenee Montoya

Corto Maltese Freedom Fighters: Sol Soria • Milton

Justice Society: Doctor FateHawkmanAtom Smasher • Cyclone

Others: Lois LaneJor-ElMartian ManhunterColonel Nathan HardyAlfred PennyworthSteve TrevorHippolyta • Antiope • Zeus • James GordonArtemisGreen Lantern CorpsMeraNuidis VulkoAtlanna • Atlan • KarathenNereusWizard ShazamEmilia HarcourtJohn EconomosFlo CrawleyLeota AdebayoVigilanteClemson MurnJohn EconomosEaglyBlack AdamAdrianna TomazSupergirlBatman (Burton/Schumacherverse)Iris WestBlue Beetle Main Antagonists: Black Mask

Justice League, Birds of Prey, Suicide Squad, ARGUS

Alfred Pennyworth, Aquaman, Batman, Creeper, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel

'Heroines: Batgirl, Bid Barda, Black Canary (DC Animated Universe), Supergirl (DC Animated Universe) Catwoman
Groups: Justice League, Green Lantern Corps

Superman and Lois Logo
Superman Family: Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman, John Henry Irons, Lois Lane, Jordan Kent, Jonathan Kent, Sam Lane, Natalie Lane Irons, Tal-Rho, Lucy Lane, Lara Lor-Van, Jor-El, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent Sr., Chrissy Beppo, Lana Lang

Smallville Citizens: Sarah Cushing, Kyle Cushing, Sophie Cushing, Sean Smith, Timmy Ryan, Tag Harris, Tegan Wichem, Candice Pergande, George Dean
Metropolis: Perry White, Ron Troupe, Dabney Donovan, Oliver, John Diggle, Jimmy Cutter
Criminals: Intergang (Thaddeus Killgrave, Bruno Mannheim, Onomatopeia), Inverse Society (Ally Allston, Lucy Lane), Atom-Man, Nuclear Man
U.S. Military: General Hardcastle, Mitch Anderson, Reno Rosetti, Jason Trask, Supermen of America
John Henry Irons' Earth: Kal-El/Superman, General Sam Lane, Lois Lane, Tal-Rho
Bizarro World: Kal-El, Ally Allston, Lois Lane, Jonathan-El, Jordan-El, Lana-Rho, Bizarro Tal-Rho
Kryptonians: Leslie Larr, The Eradicator, Zeta-Rho, General Zod
Earth-38: Clark Kent/Superman! (Earth-38), Lois Lane

Original multiverse: Earth-38/Earth-Prime o Earth-TUD22

New multiverse: Earth-TUD25, Inverse World

Earth: Sol • The Arctic (Fortress of Solitude I • Fortress of Solitude II) • The Desert (Tal-Rho's Fortress) • Central City • New Carthage • Smallville (Kent farm • Cushing house • Irons house • Smallville High School • Smallville Gazette • Victoria May's • Smallville Fire Department)
Krypton (Kryptonopolis • Rao) • Saturn

Inverse World: Smallville

Kryptonians • Superman Family, Kent family, House of El, Cushing family, Inverse Society

Justice League 2017 Movie Logo
Comics: Clark Kent/SupermanBruce Wayne/BatmanDiana/Wonder WomanThe Flash (Barry Allen)AquamanGreen ArrowMartian ManhunterVictor Stone/CyborgHippolytaHawkgirlBlack CanaryBlack AdamCaptain AtomNaomiAqualad/Jackson Hyde • Atom (Ray Palmer & Ryan Choi) • Batgirl/Oracle (Barbara Gordon)BatwomanBeast BoyNightwingRavenDonna Troy • Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond • Martin Stein and Jason Rusch) • EtrigonStarfireEmiko Queen (Red Arrow)Wallace WestWally WestCarter Hall/HawkmanM'gann M'orzz/Miss MartianMeraDamian WayneJerichoSupergirlZatanna • Green Lantern (Hal Jordan ),ShazamJohn ConstantineBlack Lighting (Jefferson Pierce) • Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man• Red TornadoAdam StrangeAgent LibertyAlan ScottAmazing ManAmbush BugAmethystAndrew BennettAnimal ManAntaeusAtomicaAugust General in IronAzraelAztekBart Allen/Impulse/Kid FlashBatwingBatwomanBig BardaBlack CondorBlack LightningBlack OrchidBlue BeetleBlue DevilBlue JayBooster GoldBronze TigerCaptain AtomCaptain ColdCatwomanCommander SteelCongorillaCreeperCrimson FoxDamian WayneDeadmanDoctor Mid-NiteDetective ChimpDoctor FateDoctor LightDoctor MistElement Woman • • EquinoxFaithFireFirehawkFrankensteinGeneral GloryGeo-ForceGuardianGuy GardnerGypsyHarley QuinnHourman (Rex TylerRick TylerMatthew Tyler) • HuntressIceJackson HydeJadeJaime ReyesJames GordonJerichoJesse QuickJessica CruzJohn StewartKatanaKid FlashKiller FrostKyle RaynerLightrayLoboLois LaneMadame XanaduMaximaMeraMetamorphoMister MiracleMiss MartianMister TerrificMon-ElMoon MaidenNatasha IronsNightmare NurseNightwingOracleOrionPandoraPhantom StrangerPlastic ManPower GirlDuke Thomas/The QuestionRoy Harper/ArsenalRocket RedRyan ChoiSaturn GirlShade the Changing MannShazamSilver SorceressSimon BazStargirlSteelSteve TrevorSupergirlSwamp ThingTasmanian DevilTed KordTempestTraci 13Tomorrow Woman • Triumph • VibeVixenWally WestZauriel

DC Extended Universe: BatmanWonder WomanSupermanCyborg • The FlashAquaman

DC Animated Movie Universe: BatmanSupermanWonder WomanAquamanCyborg • The FlashMartian ManhunterShazamRavenNightwingBeast BoyMeraZatannaStarfireBlue BeetleGreen Lantern
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Black Canary, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Lex Luthor, Slade Wilson

Amazo, Darkseid, Dark Knights, Steppenwolf, Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Dominators, Secret Society of Super-Villains, Abra Kadabra, Brainiac, Solomon Gundy, Mr. Freeze, Killer Frost, Legion of Doom, League of Assassins, Hector Hammond, Dominators, Hellgramite, Injustice League, Joker, Johnny Sorrow, General Eiling, Poison Ivy, Ra's al Ghul, Starro, Ultra-Humanite, Black Mask, Black Manta, Captain Cold, Doctor Sivana, Doomsday, Electrocutioner, Eclipso, Enchantress, Floronic Man, Doctor Polaris, Scarecrow, Simon Stagg, Sinestro, Gorilla Grodd, Icicle, Ocean Master, Professor Zoom, Parademons, Parasite, Psycho Pirate
Animated Films

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths: Ultraman (evil counterpart), Owlman, Superwoman, J'edd J'arkus, Power Ring, Johnny Quick (formerly), the Crime Syndicate of America

Main Characters: Clark KentLois LaneChloe SullivanLex LuthorLana LangPete RossJimmy OlsenMartha KentJonathan KentLionel LuthorOliver QueenKara KentTess Mercer/Red Tornado/Watchtower IIDoomsdayGeneral Zod
Justice League: Arthur CurryZatanna ZataraVictor Stone/CyborgBart Allen/ImpulseBruce Wayne/BatmanVictor Stone/CyborgDiana PrinceMeraDinah Lance / Black CanaryJohn Jones/Martian ManhunterBooster GoldJohn Stewart / Green Lantern
Clark & Lois' Family: House of El/Kent Family (Lara Lor-VanZor-ElJessica KentHiram KentJor-ElRayaJor-El's cloneConner Kent / Superboy) • Lane/Sullivans (Sam LaneElla LaneLucy LaneMoira SullivanGabe SullivanJonathan Queen)

Lang family: Louise McCallum • Dexter McCallum • Lewis LangLaura Lang • Margaret Isabel Thoreaux/
Smallville High School: Whitney Fordman • Greg Arkin • Sasha Woodman • Smallville Crows • Abby Fine
Other: Robert QueenLaura QueenVirgil SwannEdward Teague • Bridgette Crosby
LuthorCorp Employers • Family • and Associates: Victoria Hardwick • Lucas LuthorLillian Luthor • Gina • Regan Matthews • Julian Luthor • Injustice League (Plastique) • Alexander Luthor/Lx- 15 • Lx-3 • Steven Hamilton • Donovan Jamison • Otis Berg • Christina Lamell • Helen Bryce • Pierce • Pamela Jenkins • Rachel Dunleavy
Kryptonians: Brainiac • Faora • Nam-Ek and Aethyr • Davis Bloome/Doomsday • Major Zod • Clone Faora • Alia • Basqat • Vala • Dax-Ur • Ruling Council
Justice Society of America: Carter Hall/HawkmanKent Nelson / Doctor Fate • Jay Garrick / The Flash • Courtney Whitmore/StargirlSylvester Pemberton AKA Star Spangled Kid • Dinah Drake / Black Canary I • Wesley Dodd's / Sandman • Pat Dugan / Stripesy • Alan Scott / Green Lantern • Ted Grant / Wildcat • Charles McNider/Doctor Mid-Nite • Abigail Hunkel/Red Tornado • Rex Tyler/Hourman • Terry Sloane/Mister Terrific • Jim Corrigan/The Spectre • Al Pratt/The Atom
Other Superheroes: Legion of Super-Heroes (Rokk Krinn/Cosmic BoyImra Ardeen/Dream GirlGarth Ranzzl/Lightning LadBrainiac 5) • Dick Grayson / Robin • Barbara Gordon/Nightwing/Blue Lantern • Green Lantern Corps • Blue Lantern Corps • Santa Claus • John Constantine • the Outsiders (Jefferson Pierce / Black Lightning • Grace Choi • Rex Mason / Metamorpho • Tatsu Yamashiro / Katana and Roy Harper) • Billy Batson • Ted Kord
Teen Titans: Conner Kent / Superboy • Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle • Mia Dearden / Speedy • M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian • Zan and Jayna/Wonder Twins • Rachel Roth/Raven
Phantom Zone Escapees: Gloria • Baern • Aldar • Dr. Hudson • Titan • Bizarro
Government: Amanda Waller/White Queen & Maxwell Lord/Black King (Checkmate) • Cameron Mahkent/Icicle II • Stuart Campbell • General Slade Wilson • Lieutenant Trotter • Steve Trevor • Suicide Squad (Rick Flag • Floyd Lawton / Deadshot • Bette San Souci/ Plastique • Emil LaSalle/Warp)
Civilians: Daily Planet Staff (Perry White • Jimmy Olsen • Grant Gabriel • Cat Grant • Jeff Hage • Franklin Stern) • Nancy Adams • Emil Hamilton • Maggie Sawyer • Carrie Castle
Earth 2: Clark Luthor/UltramanLionel LuthorLutessa LuthorLex LuthorOliver QueenLois QueenChloe SullivanJonathan Kent
Other Antagonists: Darkseid • Gordon Godfrey • Granny Goodness • Harriet • Desaad • Morgan Edge • Maxima • The Persuader • Toyman • Bruno Mannheim • Metallo • Isis • Marionette Ventures • Black Flash • Rose Wilson / Ravager • Joe Chill • Sam Phelan • Dr. Laurence Garner • Roger Nixon • Van McNulty • Adam Knight • Dr. Lia Teng • Jason Teague • Margaret Isobel Thoreaux • Genevieve Teague • Curtis Knox • Edward Teague • Vordigan • Bruce Wayne (Earth-13) • The Monitors
Kryptonite Metahumans: Greg Arkin • Sasha Woodman • Wade MahoneyScott BowmanDerek Fox

Smallville: Smallville High School, Smallville Youth Center • Smallville Teen Crisis Hotline • Smallville Sheriff's Department • The Wild Coyote, Kent Farm, Ross Creamed Corn, Luthor Mansion, The Talon, Smallville Medical Center, the Smallville Ledger, Smallville Beanery, LuthorCorp Fertilizer Plant Number Three, Kawatche Caves, Reeves Dam, Riley Field, Lawson's Field, Chandler's Field, Miller's Field, Crater Lake, Hob's Pond, Hobson's Pond

Metropolis: Suicide Slums LuthorCorp Plaza • The Daily Planet, Metropolis University
Worlds/Planets: Almerac, Apokolips, Earth-167, Earth-2, Earth-Majestic, Krypton, Mars, New Kandor, New Krypton, Oa, Winath, New Genesis
Other: Hub City, Gotham City, Coast City, Themyscira

Groups and Organizations
Smallville High School (Smallville Torch • Smallville Crows) • Metropolis University, Sharks

Newspaper: gold, the Smallville Torch, Daily Star, LuthorCorp Media, Star City Register, Metropolis Inquisitor, Metropolis Journal
Businesses: LuthorCorp Other: Sports Teams (Smallville Crows, Metropolis Sharks)
