Heroes and Villains Wiki

Hey, robot. Watch out for my brother.
―Kris to Mirage

Kris Diaz is supporting character in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. He is Noah's ailing, 11-year-old, younger brother who lives in New York with sickle cell disease. Kris looks out for his brother as much as Noah does, telling Mirage. to look out for him.

He was portrayed by Dean Scott Vazquez known for his role of Sedo from In the Heights and Sam from 9 Bullets.


Kris Dias was born in 1983 or 1984 to Breanna Diaz and her husband several years ago. He was, unfortunately, born with a sickle blood cell disease that required several trips to the hospital. the Diaz family was poor and therefore, were behind on Kris' hospital bills. With the lack of a father around, Noah was left to take care of his family. Over the years, Kris developed a love a video games, such as Super Mario Bros. and Sonic the Hedgehog as well as Power Rangers.


Transformers Wiki[]

Though he doesn't look so different from any other Nintendo-playing, Power Rangers-watching boy his age, Kris Diaz is often the subject of concern from his older brother Noah due to an unfortunate (and expensive) chronic medical condition known as sickle cell disease. However, despite his illness Kris looks out for Noah just as much as Noah looks out for him. Fiercely protective of Noah, Kris is always ready to cheer his brother on and give him the energy he needs to keep going in times of crisis with an invigorating pep talk.
He takes the existence of giant transforming alien robots remarkably well.
―Transformers Wiki Description


  • Second film where Anthony Ramos and Dean Vasquez appear. They both previously appeared in In the Heights.

