Feature films
Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galay Vol. 2 Captain Marvel Avengers: Endgame Spider-Man: Far From Home (mentioned)Captain Marvel
Television programs
Fantastic Four X-Men Silver Surfer Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H Guardians of the Galaxy Avengers Assemble
Video games
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Marvel: Avengers Alliance Marvel Strike Force Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series
Featured comics
Avengers Fantastic Four Inhumans Captain Marvel Ms. Marvel Silver Surfer Skrulls Guardians of the Galaxy Nova
Other names
Blue Angels Noble Warriors Noble Warrior Heroes The Big Blue Source Blues Kreepers Blue Man Group
Physical appearance
Blue skin, mostly purple eyes, pointed ears, regenerative capabilities
Occupation and niche
Hala (destroyed); later moved to Kree-Lar
Natural abilities
Kree have a higher strength level than that of a human, and require more nitrogen to breathe comfortably
The Kree are an alien race that exists in the Marvel universe. Hundred years ago the Kree visited the Earth, they sought to improve the human race and thus created the Inhumans as a result of their experimentation.
The Kree were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Members [ ]
Captain Marvel (half-Kree)
Kree Reapers †
Guest Host †
Ronan the Accuser †
Korath the Pursuer †
Mar-Vell †
Minn-Erva †
Kree Ambassador
Kasius †
Sinara †
Vicar †
Hek-Sel †
Faulnak †
Maston-Dar †
Kree Captain †
Kree Watch Commander †
Kree Doctor
Kree Doctor †
Comics: Darren Cross/Yellowjacket , Black Widow , Kree , M.O.D.O.K., Ultron , Black Cat , Doctor Doom , Beetle , Electro , Absorbing Man, A.I.M., Attuma, Shocker , Skrulls , Taskmaster , Skrulls , Masters of Evil
HYDRA , Leader , Kang the Conqueror , Egghead