Heroes and Villains Wiki

Kraglin Obfonteri is a major protagonist and anti-hero from Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is a minor character in Guardians of the Galaxy, a supporting character in Guardians the Galaxy Vol 2, Avengers Endgame, and Thor Love and Thunder and will appear in The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. He is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy and an associate of Peter Quill during their time as members of the Ravagers. He served under Yondu Udonta as his First Mate and had a rivalry with Peter for years. After Yondu's sacrifice, Kraglin continued his legacy by using Yondu's Yaka Arrow and controller.

Kraglin was portrayed by Sean Gunn in the films and based on the character of the same name from the Marvle comics.



Kraglin is a fiercely loyal member of the Yondu Ravager Clan and eventually became Yondu's First Mate. He had a small but friendly rivalry with Peter Quill but often had more fights with him than they could count. At one point, he let his anger get the better of him when he got outraged that Yondu protected Quill, choosing him over the other Ravagers. This led them to nearly  killing the entire Ravager members, rather than Yondu and Kraglin.

He and Peter eventually reconciled and was said to have been highly respected by Yondu.  

Marvel Comics[]

He was re-designed in 2017 to fit both his Earth-616 and Earth-1999999 universe.

Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

Guardians of the Galaxy[]

Making his debut in the film, under Yondu's orders, Kraglin places a bounty on Star-Lord for 40,000 units after refusing to give up an orb containing the Power Stone. While this failed, Kraglin and Yondu went to the Broker on Xandar as the latter was admiring a knickknack in the pawnshop. The Broker could not tell if Yondu was being serious or not, with Kraglin insisting his Captain was. They revealed their true intentions: to find out who else was interested in the orb and who the Broker's buyer is. As he refused to give up his client's identity, Yondu controlled his Yaka Arrow and threatened the Broker with it as the arrow hovered over his forehead, with Kraglin smiling in the background.

The Broker gave his client's identity to the pirates as the Collector. Kraglin and Yondu found Quill and his companions. However, though the Ravagers tried catching them, Peter and his friends got away to keep the orb out of Ronan's hands. After Quill gave himself up to save Gamora from dying in the vacuum of Space, Kraglin and the other Ravagers (with their guns raised), sarcastically welcomed Quill home. Yondu threatened to kill his adoptive son for his betrayal, until Quill and Gamora convinced him otherwise to retrieve the stone. During the briefing, Kraglin gave Drax a friendly punch to the arm, however the latter did not understand the former's gesture and glared at him, causing Kraglin to back down. He participated in the Battle of Xandar and was present when Quill supposedly gave him the orb with the Infinity Stone. As the Ravagers left the planet, Kraglin commented that Quill grew up to be a good Ravager and was glad that they did not deliver him to Ego, who Udonta referred to as a jackass as they made their escape. Later, Kraglin is seen celebrating with Vorker, unaware that Quill did not give them the orb like they intended.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2[]

Kraglin returns in the sequel with a much larger role. He gets tired of defending Yondu after he constantly protects Star-Lord every time he betrayed them and confesses this to Yondu on Berhert which causes the others to create a mutiny against their captain. Those loyal to Yondu were killed but Kraglin was spared, which caused him to feel guilty for causing an unintended mutiny after watching several of his friends die. He led Nebula, who had a new robotic arm, to an M-ship and asked her what she was going to do with her share of Yondu and Rocket's bounty, she shared her past with Kraglin about how she wanted to kill Gamora for always trying to beat her at everything. Disturbed by her intensions, Kraglin bade her an awkward farewell. Feeling remorseful for the mutiny, Kraglin reconciled with Yondu after helping Groot retrieve his Captain's fin after the small tree failed to retrieve it and helped them escape by setting up the Third Quadrant. With Rocket, Groot and Yondu, Kraglin goes with them to save Quill and the other Guardians of the Galaxy from Ego, Quill's biological father. Kraglin stays in the ship while Rocket, Yondu and Groot join the other Guardians on the planet. However, as he is eating soup, Kraglin watched as the Sovereign people arrived to the planet and tries warning Yondu but is too late. As the Guardians fight both Ego and the Sovereign, Kraglin stays in outer space until he is called by Yondu to do a pick-up within five minutes. However, as he lands, Ego begins using his powers to kill Kraglin and the other Guardians as Drax tried to get Mantis on-board until Quill stands up to his father and begins fighting him.

As nearly everyone but Yondu and Quill board the ship, and Rocket after knocking Gamora unconscious, tells Kraglin to take off, which he does so, leaving Yondu and Star-Lord behind. Kraglin attended Yondu's funeral, and gave Peter a Zune that Yondu was saving for him in case he ever came back to the Ravagers one day if being with the Guardians had not worked out. In return, Peter gave Kraglin Yondu's Yaka Arrow, knowing he would want Kraglin to have it. Ge thanked Peter and acknowledged him as his Captain. When Stakar's colors manifested in fireworks, Kraglin began crying for joy that the Ravagers came to respect Yondu for his sacrifice.

In a mid-credits scene, Kraglin tries to control the arrow with the controller only for it to stab Drax in the shoulder. As Kraglin hears him screaming, he wisely and hurriedly retreats.

Avengers: Endgame[]

Kraglin is present at the Battle of Earth with the other Ravagers and helps the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and all of the others against Thanos, the Black Order, and their forces containing the Chitauri, Outriders, and Sakaarans. He is seen flying an M-ship, flying behind a gigantic Ant-Man.


Peter Quill[]

Kraglin used to have a rivalry with Peter Quill when he was younger. However, when they were older, they both made amends. At one point, Kraglin said Quill turned out okay, and that it was probably a pretty good idea they didn't give him to his father like they were supposed to. However, he grew enraged when Yondu defended Quill for a last time, but didn't like that his statement led to the mutiny of others.

After Yondu's funeral, Kraglin and Quill both gave exchanges warmly: Kraglin gave Quill a Zune that Yondu gave him and Quill gave Kraglin the Yaka Arrow he had.

Yondu Udonta[]

