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Koslov is a male polar bear and a minor character in Zootopia. He is a member of the Tundratown mafia and Mr. Big's closest friend and righthand bear.


Early Life[]

Making a Cool Friend in a Hot City[]

As a cub, Koslov lived in Zootopia among his species. Because they were polar bears, Koslov and his kind suffered from extreme heat in the old city of Zootopia that was not yet a city designed for all animal species. In a laneway sitting on a wooden box, the bear cub was exhausted and panting from the overheating, then suddenly a little shrew approached Koslov with an ice cream cone much to the polar bear’s surprise. The little shrew wanted to give the cone to Koslov as a gift, which Koslov gladly accepted, and happily waved to the little shrew goodbye while he was cycling away. Feeling so grateful for what the generous shrew did for him, Koslov went after him and seeing that he couldn’t reach the doorbell, the bear cub came from behind the shrew and lifted him up with his right paw so he could ring the doorbell, much to the shrew’s surprise and delight. Once a tiger came out of the door, Koslov handed him over a box that the shrew was supposed to deliver, and the grateful tiger payed the cub for his service. Koslov shared a look with the little shrew, young Mr. Big, both tipping their hats, which was only the beginning of their friendship. After that day, Koslov became a close friend of Mr. Big and helped the little shrew in his deliveries for his grandmother’s bakery.

One day while Koslov was looking around the businesses close to Grandmama’s bakery, a Rhino Criminal Boss suddenly appeared and started terrorizing the neighborhood. When the Rhino gangster started picking on the defenseless Mr. Big, it made Koslov very angry and the small polar bear cub stood up for his friend, but the Rhino grabbed him and started to threaten the cub. Koslov asks the Rhino to let him go, but the crime boss starts bullying him in a laneway until Mr. Big approached them and demanded that the Rhino freed his friend, much to Koslov’s surprise and concern. Luckily, when the Rhino Boss attempted to flatten the tiny shrew, Mr. Big made it safely and by going under his clothes and tickling the big mammal, he was able to get the Rhino to drop Koslov, who was glad to see his friend safe and both ran away with the polar bear hiding behind a waste bin. When the Rhino Boss charges towards Mr. Big, the shrew signals his friends to ice the furious mammal by making him crash through a fence with Koslov pulling a rope to make him fall and plummet into an ice factory where the Rhino boss gets frozen. Koslov pulls the rope holding the Rhino with the help of his friends and the neighborhood sees that he is frozen solid in an ice cube. With the threat of the Rhino Boss over, Koslov shares a look of joy with Mr. Big, knowing that the criminal boss won’t be a problem for the city anymore.

A Happy Community[]

Koslov goes to the Old Country and brings the boat carrying Mr. Big’s family to the port in Zootopia, where he happily watches his friend reunite with his family. Koslov also witnesses the opening of Grandmama’s new bakery which welcomes animals of all sizes. Together with Mr. Big, Koslov helps his adult polar bear friends, who were still suffering from extreme heat, to cool down by making it snow for them by shredding ice cubes, feeling so happy that now his peers can relax. With his power and influence growing, Mr. Big became the successor of the Rhino Boss and took over the neighborhood and Koslov became his righthand, standing by his best friend’s side when he makes the Rhino’s former thugs swear their allegiance to the shrew by respectfully kissing his tiny ring. After the weasel thug kisses the ring, Koslov points with his eyes to the wolf thug to kiss the ring next. After Mr. Big finishes building the city of Rodentia with his immense power and support, Koslov holds the founder of the city in his right paw after he makes the opening of the new community, and holds Grandmama in his left paw and puts them close together and happily watches with his new family the new community they have built together.

As they grew up, Mr. Big’s power only grew more and more powerful, eventually leading to the shrew becoming the most feared crime lord in Tundratown and Koslov always remained by his side as his righthand, bodyguard and closest friend. At some point in time after Nick Wilde disgraced the Big family with the wool rug the fox sold them, Grandmama passed away, which left both Koslov and Mr. Big depressed.

Role in the series[]

Koslov in the original from

Koslov first appears in the 2016 fIlm.

Fru Fru’s Wedding[]

During the wedding day of Mr. Big’s daughter, Fru Fru, Koslov and the crime boss are informed of Nick Wilde’s trespassing in the Tundratown Limo Service parking lot and the polar bear, with Mr. Big in his paws, heads to the office where the fox awaits them. Once he’s at the office, Koslov confronts Nick with the bunny accompanying him. Once he sits down in the office desk, the huge polar bear presents the fearsome crime lord, Mr. Big, to the two mammals and listens to them talking. As the discussion goes on mentioning Grandmama and her passing, Koslov makes the sign of the cross in respect of the deceased kindhearted shrew, feeling great sadness for Grandmama’s loss.

After Mr. Big’s grudge against the fox is resolved thanks to the great service the bunny cop had done to the crime boss by saving his daughter, the duo is invited to Fru Fru’s wedding. Koslov comes close to the wedding venue with Mr. Big in his paws and puts the shrew down close to the wedding table. Seeing that Mr. Big’s nephew, Morty, was drunk and starting to make a mess, a look from his old friend was enough for Koslov to know what was to be done. Koslov grabbed the drunk shrew and iced him, though not fatally, and used him as an ice cube for his drink. With the venue calm, Koslov listens, along with all those present, at Mr. Big telling their shared childhood backstory. Once he finishes, Mr. Big holds his glass towards Koslov while stating that the friends one chooses makes them family, and Koslov too holds his glass in respect of his old childhood friend, never leaving his side after decades. Mr. Big makes a toast for the married couple and the whole family cheers.

Family Time[]

Two to three months later, Koslov watches as Mr. Big threatens to freeze Duke Weaselton to get the weasel to cooperate on Judy and Nick’s case.

After the night howler crisis is resolved and all the former savage citizens are cured, Koslov attends Gazelle’s concert with all of Zootopia. Mr. Big and a pregnant Fru Fru dance on Koslov’s paws, while the polar bear bobs his head to the music with an expressionless face, enjoying the evening with his little shrew family.



Koslov is a calm and quiet polar bear that rarely expresses his emotions. Koslov is always frowning and never seen smiling, even during great events. Still, even without expressing himself in appearance or words, Koslov’s personality can be read like an open book by Mr. Big, who has known the bear since childhood, and the polar bear himself shows his feelings with simple gestures regarding his friends and family that he values greatly.

In his childhood, Koslov used to be a gentle and friendly polar bear cub that expressed his feelings more openly than in his adulthood. Being treated kindly by others was enough for Koslov to become a friend to his kind acquaintances, willing to help them in any way he could. Even as a small bear cub, Koslov was very brave and selfless when it came to protecting his friends, even if it meant confronting those bigger and stronger than him. After his friend, Mr. Big, became a powerful and fearsome figure, Koslov himself began to change, by being less cheerful, but still maintained a happy smile as a cub.

Physical Appearance[]

Koslov is a large and rather intimidating polar bear, identified as the largest polar bear around Mr. Big. He has thick, black eyebrows and a black nose at the tip of his gray snout and muzzle. He has round ears and a fat neck. He looks almost the same as Raymond and Kevin, with the exception that Koslov is much taller and larger.

In his youth, Koslov was a small and rather adorable polar bear cub. He used to have thin, black eyebrows, wider eyes and his head was rather round and didn’t reveal his neck. He also had a tuft of fur on his head.

He wears a black business suit over a black turtleneck, as well as two golden necklaces.

As a cub, Koslov wore patched pants, a brown belted red jumper and a large newsboy hat that had a button resembling a red eight petal flower in the right side of the hat.


  • Polar Bear Physiology: Koslov is the biggest polar bear in Mr. Big’s Mafia, which makes it clear that he is the strongest as well.
    • Above Strength: As a cub, Koslov was obviously weaker because of his small size, but still displayed remarkable strength by making the Rhino Crime Boss trip by pulling a rope and even raising a giant ice cube with support from his friends.



Mr. Big[]

Mr. Big is Koslov’s boss as well as his best friend. Koslov serves as Mr. Big’s righthand bear, bodyguard and mode of transportation. He cares for the little shrew greatly and always stands by his side as a true friend.

Koslov relationship with Mr. Big dates way back during their childhood. Koslov first met Mr. Big when the little shrew gave him an ice cream cone to cool off from the extreme heat. This simple act of kindness was enough for Koslov to become Mr. Big’s friend and helper in his job as a delivery shrew. Koslov cared a lot for Mr. Big and was even willing to stand up to a dangerous Rhino Crime Boss to protect his friend. Koslov’s friendship with Mr. Big only continued to grow stronger and even after the little shrew became a crime boss himself, Koslov stood by his side and even became his righthand bear.


Not much is known about Koslov relationship with Grandmama, who is Mr. Big’s deceased grandmother, but it’s likely that they were close since he used to help her grandson in deliveries and stood up for him when he was threatened by the Rhino Crime Boss. The polar bear respected the kindhearted shrew greatly.

Grandmama’s passing was a hard experience for Koslov, and he hadn’t gotten over it, feeling great grief when he was reminded of her.

Fru Fru[]

Koslov’s relationship with Mr. Big’s daughter, Fru Fru, is unknown. But because she is the child of his best friend, he cares for her. He enjoyed his time in Gazelle’s concert with Fru Fru and her father on his paws.

Mr. Big’s Mafia[]

Koslov is the second-in-command of Mr. Big’s Mafia, which is comprised of Koslov’s species. Their relationship is unknown, but because Mr. Big treats it like a family, Koslov’s relationship with it is likely positive.

Nick Wilde[]

Koslov’s relationship with Nick Wilde is unknown, but because the fox disrespected Mr. Big and his Grandmama, Koslov likely held animosity towards the con-artist, because he cared for the shrews greatly. However, after Mr. Big let go of his grudge against Nick, Koslov probably did the same thing, respecting his friend’s wishes.

Judy Hopps[]

Koslov’s relationship with Judy is unknown, but because the bunny saved Mr. Big’s daughter, the polar bear is likely grateful to the cop.


Rhino Boss[]

The Rhino Crime Boss is a former childhood enemy of Koslov. The moment they first met, Koslov held great animosity towards the Rhino Boss for bullying his best friend, Mr. Big. Even though the Rhino was a dangerous criminal, Koslov was brave enough to stand up to him to protect Mr. Big, but got easily intimidated by the big mammal who threatened the little polar bear. Thanks to Mr. Big bravery and leadership skills, Koslov helped the shrew defeat the Rhino, putting an end to his criminal reign.

Duke Weaselton[]

Koslov’s relationship with Duke Weaselton is unknown. It’s also unknown if the polar bear knows that the weasel endangered Mr. Big’s daughter, but he didn’t mind Mr. Big icing him.


  • In the original film concept, Koslov's son Morris made an appearance


Zootopia logo
Judy HoppsNick WildeFinnickChief BogoBenjamin ClawhauserMayor LionheartDawn BellwetherYaxFlashMr. BigKoslovFru FruEmmitt OttertonMrs. OttertonDuke WeaseltonBonnie and Stu HoppsRenato ManchasGazellePeter MoosebridgeFabienne GrowleyJerry Jumbeaux Jr.Gideon GreyNangiDougWoolter and JesseDr. BadgerPriscillaBucky and Pronk Oryx-AntlersonZootopia Police OfficersSwintonQuildaStephanie StalkinewDharma ArmadilloPop-PopCottonGerbil JerksGary and LarryGram-mamaLemmingsTiger Dancers

Deleted: Jack SavageMr. WildeOfficer MabelRazorbacksBat Eyewitness
Zootopia+: Molly HoppsTimmy HoppsBriancaChristineMandyCharismaTru TruRhino BossSir WhiskersKitty ClawsDJ StripesSamGerald

ZootopiaSahara SquareSavanna CentralTundratownBunnyburrowLittle RodentiaRainforest DistrictMystic Springs OasisZootopia Police DepartmentDepartment of Mammal VehiclesJumbeaux's CaféZootopia Police AcademyGrand Pangolin ArmsCliffside AsylumWild TimesLemming Brothers Bank
PawpsicleJumbo-popNight howlersCarrot Pen
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