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Korra is the titular main protagonist of Nickelodeon's The Legend of Korra franchise.

She is a young woman born as a water bender and the reincarnated Avatar of her generation after Aang's passing. Because of this, Korra can control all four elements of nature: air, water, fire, and Earth.


Korra is born among the Southern Water Tribe, her bending abilities over Water, Earth, and Fire manifesting by age 4.

Thirteen years before the series, P'Li, Zaheer, Ming-Hua, and Ghazan attempted to abduct Avatar Korra as a child, planning to raise her in their philosophy after being guided so by Unalaq. However, Korra was saved by her father, Tonroq, Chief Sokka, and Lord Zuko. Deemed extremely dangerous, the Red Lotus were imprisoned in special holding cells, and brutally interrogated about his motives for kidnapping Korra, never revealing anything. Afterward, Korra was hidden away at once in the White Lotus stronghold compounds in the south, isolated away from everyone else. She was taught waterbending by Katara and Firebending by Yim. As time went on, Korra eventually met and befriended Tenzin and Pema, becoming like a third daughter to them and became an older sister figure for Tenzin's children, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo.

At some point in her childhood, Fire Lord Zuko visited Korra once.

Korra saved a small polar bear dog -whom she dubbed Naga- became a close companion, and her parents acquiesced to allow her to keep the animal as a pet.

Inseparable during the following years of growing up, Naga became Korra's best friend, animal guide, and main means of transport.

In Legend of Korra[]

This section is incomplete.
Reason: Entire summary of Seasons 1-4.

Book 1[]

Book 2[]

Book 3[]

Book 4[]

In the Comics[]

Turf Wars trilogy[]

Ruins of the Empire trilogy[]

In the Video Games[]

The Legend of Korra (video game)[]

Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game[]


On the surface, Korra displays fierceness, independence, and pugnacity, yet beneath her tough exterior lies a deep loyalty to her friends and duty as the Avatar. Initially struggling to connect with her spiritual side, Korra faced obstacles in her training, acknowledging that her personality differed from that of a typical airbender. Avatars often find bending arts challenging when it contrasts their nature, as noted by Tenzin. Lacking a spiritual center led Korra to be impulsive, making it difficult for her to conceal her true emotions, evident in her reaction to Asami Sato and Mako. Concentrating on the physical aspect of bending, Korra was alarmed by Amon's abilities, leading to fears expressed in a nightmare.

Despite trying to suppress these fears, she struggled to maintain her usual demeanor, eventually confronting Amon in a duel. This emotional vulnerability made her susceptible to Amon's manipulation. Like Aang, Korra possesses humor, enthusiasm, and teenage charm. Unafraid to intimidate or threaten those who harm her loved ones, she demonstrated this when seeking Bolin's whereabouts. After discovering the Avatar Spirit's origins and regaining her memories through Avatar Wan's life, Korra transformed.

In the four year time skip, Korra has become traumatized from her captivity with the Red Lotus, even having traces of the mercury poison within her system. However, after overcoming her problems, Korra became more cool headed and reserved, as Tenzin noted that Korra was no longer the hot-tempered, arrogant person she once was and had grown up to be a lovely young woman.

Powers and abilities[]


Korra waterbending

Having been taught water bending by Master Katara, Korra's waterbending abilities manifested at a young age before she had even been recognized as the Avatar by the Order of the White Lotus. Subsequently trained formally in the art for over a decade by Katara, Korra has demonstrated a high level of skill in this art in addition to its various techniques. She is capable of creating large walls of ice, and powerful water whips[1] and water waves strong enough to push back and, when frozen, contain an enormous mecha suit standing over twenty-five stories tall.[2]

Despite never performing bloodbending, she is aware of its inner workings as well as its history, as she asks Tarrlok how he could do bloodbending without the assistance of a full moon. [3]


Korra has some knowledge in healing. Having been taught water bending by Master Katara, who is a powerful healer and one of the best in the entire world, Korra became a healer in her own right. She learned how to use water to heal other people of their injuries. Korra used healing to soothe away the pain in Bolin's injured arm[4] and mitigate the severe burns on General Iroh's arm, leaving no trace of scars. [5]


Korra Spiritbending

Korra uses spirit bending to purify bat spirits into butterfly spirits

Korra can turn dark energy in to produce energy. Despite her short time studying under her uncle Unalaq, a spiritual expert, Korra managed to learn his technique. She was later able to purify smaller spirits, such as purifying dark bat spirits that attacked Korra, Kya, and Tenzin. She was even able to use the technique to destroy Unalaq and purify the dark spirit Vaatu when the two were fused as the Dark Avatar. Korra later used Spiritbending to stop Kuvira's spirit cannon from being used.


Korra firebending at Kuvira

Korra tends to utilize firebending when provoked, frustrated, or attempting to assert dominance, such as when she falls back on firebending a newspaper cut out of Lin after failing to do so with airbending. Korra excels in firebending, using it heavily in combat. This is considered unusual because most Avatars have trouble connecting with their opposite elements due to nature like Aang had trouble with Earth. However, according to Tenzin, Korra's fiery personality allowed her to bend with ease. She completed her training at seventeen under Master Yim, mastering techniques like the breath of fire. She can produce intense flames at her fingertips, create fire daggers for close combat, and propel herself through the air with bursts of fire.


Korra earthbending

Korra demonstrates her abilities through years of training and pro-style attacks. She can control earth targets levitated by other earthbenders and has demonstrated her ability to launch members of the Triple Threat Triad into the air. Korra's earthbending can affect a large radius and be synchronized with Bolin for increased control. Under Bolin's tutelage, Korra learned how to use pro-style earthbending, which she incorporated into her traditional earthbending tactics in combat.


Image Metalbending van

During their stay in Zaofu, Suyin Beifong offered to teach Korra Metalbending. Starting at a beginner's level, Korra bent a meteorite, becoming the first metal-bending Avatar in world history[6]. She could tear through thick pieces of metal, albeit with some difficulty, and was able to remove the residual traces of mercury, shape metal in its original form, and pry the roof of vehicles.


Image Korra airbending

Korra initially had difficulty bending air, and reaching her spirituality. She first unlocked Airbending when she saw Amon about to take her crush, Mako's firebending. However, this was the element that allowed Korra to defeat Amon after he had severed her waterbending, earthbending, and firebending. As her training progressed, her understanding of its techniques greatly improved, and she was able to quickly and gracefully progress through the gates and ultimately learned all of its physical maneuvers; she later applied these tactics against the Lieutenant, effectively dodging all his attacks.

She mastered the element six months after the Anti-bending Revolution. She was able to get into the Spirit Realm after Jinora became her spiritual advisor. Ironically, airbending would become Korra's second most bending after water, similar to how Earth became Aang's second most used element.


Energybending Korra

Avatar Aang restored Korra's bending and transferred his knowledge of energybending to her as the Lion turtle did for him many years ago.

Power Restoration: As an energybender, Korra can restore the bending of others who had their powers taken.  She was able to restore Lin Beifong's Earthbending and others who Amon victimized (except for bending criminals), by removing the chi blocks Amon placed on his victims.

Astral Projection: She accesses an astral projection of herself when she and Raava combine their powers to combat a Dark Avatar-empowered Unalaq. She could still waterbend in this form and can also shoot energy from her chest and retain her normal body while astral projecting into a Kaiju  Korra.

Chi Sensing[]

Like Aang, Korra has the potential to connect to another, thus enabling her with a strong spiritual connectional person. However she can also use chi sensing to track other individuals she isn't connected to, as she did with Prince Wu's energy signature through the vines due to Korra's strong connection to the Spirit World. She later tracked down the trapped souls of Jinora, Ryu, and several others in the Spirit World.

Avatar State[]

Korra Avatar State

In the Avatar State, Korra activates the powers and wisdom of all past Avatars, usually conversing with Aang, who was her last life. However, she was permanently severed from Aang, Roku, and the other Avatars. However, Korra was able to reconnect with Raava, now creating a new line of Avatars after her. However, fearing her next successor would be unable to connect with her, she hoped to leave behind a guide for the next Avatar in the Earth Kingdom.




Promotional Images[]

Printed Media[]



  • She defeated her uncle and killed him in combat after learning the kind of man he was.
    • This is contradicting towards Aang, who didn't have it within him to kill Ozai in combat.
  • Korra is a contrasting sequel protagonist.
    • Aang was born an air bender, Korra was born a Waterbender;
    • Aang was a 12-year-old boy and Korra is a 17-year-old girl;
    • Korra's family is still alive while Aang is an orphan;
    • Unlike Aang, Korra is bisexual;
    • While Aang did not want to be the Avatar, Korra embraced it.
  • Seeing that the "Chief of the Northern Water Tribe" was a hereditary title instead of electoral, it is highly possible that Tonraq, Unalaq and Korra are somehow related to Chief Arnook and Princess Yue.
  • Korra is the first openly bisexual character in the second series, along with Asami Sato. Not only that but their relationship is the first LGBTQ+ relationship in the series and animated franchise as a whole.


  1. DiMartino, Michael Dante, Konietzko, Bryan (writers) & Dos Santos, Joaquim, Ryu, Ki Hyun (directors). (April 14, 2012). "Welcome to Republic City". The Legend of Korra. Book One: Air. Episode 1. Nickelodeon.
  2. Hedrick, Tim (writer) & Graham, Ian (director). (December 19, 2014). "Day of the Colossus". The Legend of Korra. Book Four: Balance. Episode 12. Nick.com.
  3. DiMartino, Michael Dante, Konietzko, Bryan (writers) & Dos Santos, Joaquim, Ryu, Ki Hyun (directors). (June 2, 2012). "When Extremes Meet". The Legend of Korra. Book One: Air. Episode 8. Nickelodeon.
  4. "The Spirit of Competition." The Legend of Korra. Season 1, Episode 5.
  5. DiMartino, Michael Dante, Konietzko, Bryan (writers) & Dos Santos, Joaquim, Ryu, Ki Hyun (directors). (June 23, 2012). "Skeletons in the Closet". The Legend of Korra. Book One: Air. Episode 11. Nickelodeon.
  6. Old Wounds
           Avatar The Last Airbender Logo
Team Avatar (Netflix)

Gen I: Aang (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Appa (Netflix) • Katara (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Momo (Netflix) • Sokka (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Zuko (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Suki (Netflix) • Toph Beifong
Gen II: Asami SatoBolinKorraMakoNagaPabu

Wan • Szeto • YangchenKurukKyoshi (Netflix) • Roku (Netflix) • AangKorra

Order of the White Lotus
Iroh (Netflix) • Jeong JeongKing Bumi (Netflix) • Pakku • Piandao • White Lotus leader • White Lotus sentries

Air Nomads
Aang (Netflix) • Appa (Netflix) • Bumi • Gyatso • IkkiJinora • Kai • Meelo • Oogi • Opal • Pathik • Poki • Tenzin • Kelsang • Jesa • Afiko • Pengpeng

Earth Kingdom

Baatar Jr.Bolin • Haru • Freedom Fighters (Jet (Netflix) • Longshot • Sneers • Smellerbee • Pipsqueak • The Duke) • King BumiKyoshiLin Beifong • Metalbending Police Force • Prince Wu • SukiSuyin Beifong • The Boulder • The Metal Clan • Toph BeifongGeneral FongTeo (Netflix) • The Mechanist (Netflix) • Beifong Family (Lao BeifongPoppy Beifong • Wu Beifong • Baatar SrBaatar Jr.HuanOpalKuviraWei & Wing) • Earth Queen Hou-Ting • Chin the Conqueror • Dai Li (Long Feng • Dai Li Sergeant) • Sandbenders (Ghashiun) • Baatar Jr. • Commander Guan • Dr. Sheng

Fire Nation
Iroh (Netflix) • Iroh IIIzumi • Jeong Jeong • Mai (Netflix) • MakoPiandaoRangi • Hei-Ran • Roku (Netflix) • Shyu • Sun Warriors • Ty Lee (Netflix) • Ursa • Wan • Xu • Zuko • Sozin (Netflix) • Zhao (Netflix) • AzulonFire Lord Ozai (Netflix) • Fire Lord AzulonFire Lord Sozin (Netflix) • Princess Azula (Netflix) • Hiroshi Sato • Admiral Zhao (The Last Airbender & Netflix) • Ukano • War Minister Qin • Bujing (Netflix) • Mung • Lieutenant Jee (Netflix) • Lieutenant Dang • Yon Rha (Netflix) • Offshore Prison Warden • Boiling Rock Warden • Colonel Mongke • Southern Raiders • Rough Rhinos • New Ozai Society • Yuyan Archers • Royal Procession • Vachir • Chaejin • Fire Lord Zoryu • Huazo • Loban • Lo and Li • Circus Trainer • Jailer • Great Sage (Netflix)

Water Tribe
Northern Water Tribe: KurukPakku Desna & Eska • Tarrlok • Noatak • Yakone • Chief Unalaq • Judge Hotah
South Water Tribe: KataraSokkaKorraKya IIKya I (Netflix) • HakodaNagaSenna • Huu • Hama • VarrickTonraqPrincess Yue (Netflix) • Arnook (Netflix) • HahnPakkuZhu Li • Gilak • Thod • Lirin • Thod's disciples

Aye-Aye Spirit • La • Lion turtle • Raava • Tui and La (Netflix) | Vaatu | Dark Spirits | Hei Bai | Wan Shi Tong | Koh (Netflix) | Kemurikage | Old Iron | Father Glowworm

United Republic of Nations: President Raiko | Wonyong Keum | Jargala Omo | Tahno
Triple Threat Triad: Tokuga | Lightning Bolt Zolt | Shady Shin | Viper | Two-Toed Ping | Zhen
Equalists: Amon • Lieutenant • Hiroshi Sato
Flying Opera Company: Hark • Lao Ge • Jinpa • Kirima • Wong • Lek
Red Lotus: Zaheer | Ghazan | Ming-Hua | P'Li | Aiwei
Daofel: Xu Ping An • Mok • Wai • Jesa • Four Shadows Guan
