Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Korg is a major character in the Marvel Universe, appearing as a supporting antagonist in their Thor comics and a supporting protagonist in The Hulk He was a Kronan warrior who was an enemy of Thor and part of the Invasion force sent to conquer the Earth. Unfortunately, he and his brother crashlanded on the planet of Sakaa. Korg played a major role in the Planet Hulk storyline, where he befriended Doctor Bruce Banner/Hulk, who had been banished from the Earth and a part of his team. Now, he is one of the Hulk's allies, becoming a member of the Hulk's Warbound and a former member of the Hulk Family.

He was created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby, first appearing in Journey Into Mystery #83 (June, 1962).



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Fighting Thor[]

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Planet Hulk storyline[]

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Powers and Abilities[]


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Bruce Banner/The Hulk[]

Korg first met the Hulk when he was exiled from Earth by his former allies . He was a part of the same team when they were enslaved by the Sakaaran race. He later became an ally of his and befriended each other after he and five others were victorious during one of the gladiator games.

Thor Odinson[]

Korg made his debut as one of Thor Odinson's adversaries the moment Korg and his allies tried to invade Earth; however, he was defeated by the God of Thunder's hand. In truth, Thor had been indirectly responsible for Korg's and his peoples' enslavement on the Red King's planet of Sakaar.


Hiroim is one of Korg's love interest and his real relationship. The two were in a romantic relationship prior to Hiroim's sacrifice to save Kate.



Asgardians: Thor Odinson, Jane Foster, Loki, Odin, Angela, Tyr, Balder, Laussa Odinsdottir, Sif • Valkyrior (BrunnhildeRūna) • Warriors Three (FandralHogunVolstagg) • FreyaFriggaHeimdallHugin and Munin • Beta Ray Bill • Kelda • Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson • Kevin Masterson) • Thor Girl • Olympians (Zeus, Athena, Hercules), Eitri • The Avengers (Uncanny Avengers • Captain AmericaHulkIron ManSpider-Man), the Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men (HrimhariWolverine) • Sersi, Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Franklin Richards) • Ant-Man, Wasp, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Daredevil, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Vision, Doctor Strange, Nick Fury, Luke Cage, Rogue, Havok, Deadpool, Blade, Amadeus Cho, Silver Surfer, She-Hulk, Black Panther, Quicksilver, Spider-Woman, Ghost Rider
Enemies: Loki Laufeyson, Surtur, Hela, Malekith the Accursed, Mangog, Ulik the Troll, Amora the Enchantress, Absorbing Man, Thanos, Apocalypse, Doctor Doom, Onslaught, Ego the Living Planet, Fenris Wolf, Celestials, Nebula, Karnilla the Norn Queen, The Destroyer Armor, The Collector, Ragnarok, Radioactive Man, Skurge the Executioner, Mephisto, Blackout, Midgard Serpent, Gorr the God Butcher, Kurse (formerly), Dark Elves, Frost Giants, The Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer • Piledriver • Thunderball • Wrecker) • Ymir • Ares • Bloodaxe • Cobra • Desak • Enchanters Three • Firelord • Gorr the God Butcher • Grey Gargoyle • Laufey • Lorelei • Man-Beast • Minotaur • Mister Hyde • Mongoose • Ragnarok • Zarrko

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Thor OdinsonLoki LaufeysonOdin BorsonFrigga ValkyrieSifHeimdallVolstaggHogunFandralHelaKorgMiekSurturSakaaransSakaaran RebelsFenrisBor BurisonOdin BorsonTyrJane FosterDarcy LewisIan BoothbyErik Selvig


Hulk family
Hulk (Bruce Banner)She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)SkaarThunderbolt RossRobert MaverickA-Bomb (Rick Jones)She-Hulk (Lyra)Hiro-KalaRed She-Hulk (Betty Ross)Hulk (Amadeus Cho)Weapon H
Supporting Characters
AmphibionAvengersCaptain AmericaDoc SamsonFantastic FourGamma CorpsGlorianIron ManJarellaJim WilsonMarlo ChandlerNamorNick FuryPantheonRebecca BannerS.H.I.E.L.D.Spider-ManThorWarbound (CaieraElloe KaifiHiroimKorgMiekNo-NameWolverine) • X-Men
AbominationAbsorbing ManBi-BeastGargoyleLeaderMadmanMaestroTyrannusU-FoesWendigoZzzax HydraRoxxonThunderboltsApocalypseBrian BannerDestroyerEnchantressExecutionerGalactusGrey GargoyleGrandmasterMODOKMandarinSandmanTiger SharkGlenn TalbotSabretooth
Marvel Cinematic Universe
HulkBetty RossAbominationSamuel SternsLeonard SamsonThaddeus RossIron ManJennifer Walters/She-HulkMatt Murdock/Daredevil