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Kipo Oak is the titular main protagonist of the DreamWorks/Netflix animated series, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. She is a young teenage girl from the future who ventures to the surface world after her burrow is attacked. She forms friendships and alliances as she tries to reunite with her father and burrow.
Kipo is a brave and adventurous young girl who is always eager to learn and explore. She has an optimistic attitude that sets her apart from others, as she firmly believes in the possibility of humans and mutes living in harmony. This optimistic outlook surprises those around her, who are used to a more cynical worldview. Kipo's idealism is a stark contrast to the pessimism of the world outside, making her a true representation of the "burrow girl" archetype. Despite her fearless nature, Wolf, a fellow traveler, worries that Kipo's kindness and friendliness may sometimes put her in risky situations with the mutes they encounter.
Kipo possesses a unique perspective that distinguishes her from others, allowing her intellect to stand out. This is evident in her remarkable capability to navigate high-pressure situations with ease and tackle complex mathematical problems for extended periods without breaking a sweat. Additionally, her deep passion for stargazing, which she inherited from her father, left her completely captivated when she finally had the opportunity to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the night sky after spending countless years confined underground.
Physical Appearance[]
Kipo presents herself as a youthful human adolescent, possessing an ethereal hue of pearly purple complexion. Her slender black eyebrows gracefully frame her countenance, while her resplendent mane in shades of pink lavender is fashioned into an artful ponytail secured with a captivating dark-purple band. Deep within her gaze, one is captivated by the allure of her dark fuchsia irises, which emit a radiant fuchsia glow when her primal night vision is activated, reminiscent of the mesmerizing eyes of a jaguar.
In the depths of the burrow, she donned the standard burrow boilersuit adorned with the iconic golden clover emblem. Upon emerging to the surface, her attire transformed into an off-the-shoulder T-shirt displaying a subtle design of a pale-cyan circle encircled by a fuchsia ring. Layered with a dark-purple tank top, she paired this with dark-purple jeans and stylish amaranth high-tops. Completing her ensemble, she accessorized with a collection of lime, cyan, orange, and black bracelets adorning her right wrist.
In her Mega Mute form, Kipo manifests as a resplendent pink jaguar, while her Full Mega Mute embodiment transcends extraordinary boundaries, showcasing a colossal, six-legged feline adorned with three elegant tails and a striking dark magenta stripe gracing her back.
In the springtime of her life, she has blossomed into a statuesque figure, sporting a biker jacket adorned with the emblem of H.M.U.F.A. Her ears have been embellished with delicate piercings, while her hair showcases a daring undercut style, with one side elegantly shorn while the rest cascades in luscious lengths.
Powers & Abilities[]
Kipo has enhanced abilities such as night vision, enhanced smell and hearing, strength, speed, and durability due to having the DNA of a Mega Jaguar. She can also shapeshift into a Mega Jaguar and is immune to certain effects like puppet pheromones and the mute cure.
Kipo and a teenage girl at the start of the series
Madagascar:Clover • Ted • Pancho • Xixi • Rob • Timo • Masikura • Sage (friend) • Stanislav • King Joey • Butterfly King • Lord Shark • Mary Ann • Dr. S • Burt • Bada and Bing • Joey • Roger • Eggy • Doris • Lemmy • Karl • Koto • Magic Steve • Butterfly Queen • Rob McTodd • Karen (ex • Abner • Becca • Wigman Wildebeest • King Julien the Terrible • Uncle Julien • Captain Ethan • Pam • Chantel DuBois • Savio • Clemson • Dr. Blowhole