Heroes and Villains Wiki

King Caerleon was a supporting antagonist in the fourth season of BBC's Marlin.

Sometime after King Uther Pendragons demise, King Caerleon and his men were invading the bordering villages around Camelot. After being captured, Sir Agravaine convinced Arthur Pendragon to force The King into signing up his treaty. However the king's refused and Arthur was convinced to execute him. This incurred the wrath of Caerleon's wife, Queen Annis, who vowed to destroy Arthur Pendragon for his "crime."

Arthur realized his mistake and eventually made amends with Queen Annis after proving himself to be a selfless leader when he spared her champion during the duel.

Main: MerlinArthur PendragonGuinevere PendragonMorgana PendragonUther PendragonGaiusLancelotLeonGwaineElyanPercival

Villains: NimuehMordredMorgauseCenredLord Agravaine de BoisAithusaHelios the Warlord

Supporting characters: FreyaGeoffrey of MonmouthHunithYgraine PendragonBalinorTom the BlacksmithBayard (Merlin)Odin (Merlin)King AlinedKing OlafLady VivianElenaGodwynKing CaerleonQueen AnnisPrincess Mithian King RodorMary CollinsValiantEdwin Muirden

Organizations: Knights of the Round Table

Families: House of Pendragon, House of de Bois
Villainous: Saxons

MerlinNemeth • Isle Of the Blessed (Nimueh's cave) • Crystal Cave
Excalibur, Rowan Staff, Morgana's Healing Bracelet, Crystal of Neahtid