“It's the sort of cowardly behaviour you would expect from him. Cowardly, but clever.”
―Gaius to Merlin on Alined
King Alined is the main antagonist of the Merlin episode "Sweet Dreams" (the tenth episode of the second season). He is a wealthy selfish and greedy leader of an unnamed Kingdom.
Aliens is the cruel king of his own kingdom who presents himself as a levelheaded monarch when he comes to Camelot. He seeks to stay in power through war by disrupting a diplomatic/peaceful union between the kingdoms of Camelot, his own, King Olaf and two other unnamed kings. To disrupt the peace talks, he had his court jester, a sorcerer named Trickler, enchante Uther and Olaf's children, Arthur Pendragon and Vivian, into falling in love (because of Olaf's overprotectiveness of his daughter). However, this backfires when Guinevere gives Arthur true love's kiss to break him out of the spell. After besting Olaf in combat, Arthur, rather honorably, knows this is not the way to achieve peace and the two make amend. Realizing Arthur is no longer under the spell, Alined glares at Trickler and makes him walk the rest of the way home because of his failure. After seeing that Arthur and Uther were watching, Aligned pretends that he wanted peace and "thanks" them when they tell him he is welcomed back again.