Heroes and Villains Wiki

Killowat is a supporting protagonist of Teen Titans. He is a hero from an alternate universe who is a member of the Team Titans. In the mainstream time, he is a member of the Honorary Titans.


Teen Titans[]

Killowat tt2

Killowat appears in the Teen Titans two-part finale "Calling All Titans" and "Titans Together" as an honorary member of the Teen Titans.

Teen Titans Go[]

Killowat appears in Teen Titans Go! #48, in which it is revealed that he hails from an alternate universe and was a member of Team Titans. On the verge of death, he called for help from another universe, which Raven answered by pulling him into her universe. He subsequently joins the Teen Titans until she is eventually able to return him to his native universe.

Main Characters: RobinStarfireRavenCyborgBeast Boy

Heroes: JinxArgentRed StarTerraJerichoSpeedyBumblebeeAqualadMás y MenosHot SpotMentoElasti-GirlRobot ManNegative ManKid FlashThunder & LightningKoleGnarrkRed StarMelvinTimmy TantrumTeetherHeraldArgentPanthaWildebeestKillowatTramm

Villains: SladeTrigonBrotherhood of EvilMammothGizmoBlackfireRed XBrother BloodKotarouUehara DaizoLocrixMother Mae-EyeGeneral ImmortusMonsieur MallahThe BrainBilly NumerousDr. LightCinderblockMadame RougeControl FreakPuppet KingKiller MothMad ModMumbo JumboPlasmusOverloadKyd WykkydSee-MoreFangKittenAdonisJohnny RancidMalchiorMaster of GamesGlgrdsklechhhKardiakWhite MonsterAtlasRadiation CreatureProfessor ChangPunk RocketSotoSpace MonsterKatarouNya-NyaTrogaarDing Dong Daddy

Dick Grayson/NightwingStarfireRavenBlackfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Blue Beetle, Aquagirl