Bart Allen
Full name
Bartholomew Allen
Other names
Impulse (formerly) Kid Flash
Member of the Outsiders Member of the Team (formerly)
The Outsiders The Team (formerly)
Don Allen (father)
Barry Allen (paternal grandfather)
Iris West-Allen (paternal grandmother)
Dawn Allen (aunt)
Wally West (first cousin once removed, deceased) Rudy West (great uncle) Mary West (great aunt) Jay Garrick (legal guardian)
Jay Garrick (mentor), The FLash (mentor), Wally West (former mentor),
Beast Boy ,
Blue Beetle (best friend),
Static ,
Wonder Girl ,
Stargirl ,
El Dorado ,
Terra ,
Forager ,
Livewire ,
Windfall ,
Robin ,
Looker ,
Geo-Force ,
Superboy ,
Cyborg ,
Arrowette ,
Arsenal ,
Halo ,
Miss Martian ,
Mist ,
Nightwing ,
Orphan ,
Spoiler ,
Thirteen ,
Tigress , the Justice League
Powers and abilities
Super speed Connection to the Speed Force
Bartholomew Henry "Bart" Allen is a character in the TV series, Young Justice . He is Barry Allen adn Iris West's grandson from the future who came back in time and became a member of the Outsiders. He succeeded his cousin, Wally West as Kid Flash and previously went by Impulse .