Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Kents are the main heroic family featured in the WB's Smallville franchise.

They are one of the oldest living families of Smallville, Kansas, having been living on the farm for at least five generations.



Hiram Kent[]

Hiram Kent
  • Jessica's husband, Jonathan's father, Martha's father-in-law, Clark's adoptive paternal grandfather, Lois's adoptive grandfather-in-law and the Kent girls' adoptive great-grandfather

Hiram was born in Smallville, where he worked on his ancestral farm since the founding of the town by Ezra Small.

Shortly after a young woman named Louise was supposedly murdered, Jessica and Hiram came across her lover, a drifter named "Joe." In truth, the "drifter" was actually the Kryptonian Jor-El. Because the Kents showed him kindness, and seeing the good people they were, Jor El decided to send his son Kal-El to the Kents when Krypton was destroyed.

Jessica Kent[]

Jessica kent

Jessica Kent was born in the small town of Smallville, Kansas. She eventually married Hiram Kent and they lived together on a farm. Shortly after a young woman named Louise was supposedly murdered, Jessica and HIram came across her lover, a drifter named "Joe." In truth, the "drifter" was actually the Kryptonian Jor-El. Because the Kents showed him kindness, and seeing the good people they were, Jor El decided to send his son Kal-El to the Kents when Krypton was destroyed.

She later gave birth to a son, Jonathan. At some point, Jessica and Hiram passed away before they had a chance to meet their adoptive grandson. Martha noted Jessica was a pack-rat, as she kept Jonathan's toys for Clark to play with when they recently adopted him

Jonathan Kent[]

Image Jonathan Kent q

Jessica and Hiram's only son, Martha's husband, Clark's adoptive father and Lois's adoptive father-in-law, and the Kent girls' adoptive grandfather

He was a farmer from Smallville, Kansas who raised Kal-El as his and Martha's own son, Clark Kent. After his heart was strained while he was imbued with all of Clark's powers, he died of a heart attack when accosting Lionel Luthor. Posthumously, Jonathan's spirit appeared to Clark several times, consoling him and attending to his wedding

In the series finale, Jonathan presents him with the Superman suit and the Fortress of Solitude and tells his son to always remember Smallville, no matter where he goes.

Martha Kent[]


Martha Hostage

Martha Kent - Jonathan's wife, Jessica and Hiram's daughter-in-law, Clark's adoptive mother, and Lois' adopted mother-in-law, and the Kent girls' Adoptive grandmother.When Martha was a college student she met Farmer Jonathan Kent.The two fell in love and later married, causing an estrangement between Martha and her father, William Clark. Despite living on a farm Martha and Jonathan were compatible with each other. After failing to have biological Children of their own, Martha and Jonathan adopted baby Kal-El as their son "Clark."

She is the current state senator of Kansas. She is also the Red Queen (the opposer of Checkmate, dedicating herself to protecting her son from their plans and is the creator of the first Superman suit. Her son Clark figured out what his mother was doing when he saw her sneaking out of the house.

Clark Kent[]

Clark Superman Smallville


Clark Kent was the adoptive son of Jonathan and Martha' Kent, the adoptive grandson of Jessica and Hiram', the husband of Lois Lane and the father of two unnamed girls.

Clark Kent is a young man from Krypton who was saved by his biological parents and crash landed on Earth in October 1989, he was adopted by Jonathan and Martha.

During high school, he was the quarterback of the football team and became an investigative reporter for the Daily Planet in 2008. He is destined to become Superman, one of the greatest heroes in the world, called the Man of Tomorrow, the Man of Steel and the Last Son of Krypton. During his early career as a vigilante Clark has been called the Red and Blue Blur before becoming the Blur. By 2010, Clark was already the leader of the Justice League alongside his friend Oliver Queen. In 2011, Clark was temporarily the Green Lantern.

Lois Lane[]

Imagelois Lane 2


She is the wife of superhero Superman, the cousin of Chloe Sullivan and a good friend/cousin-in-law/ former lover of Oliver Queen and Kara Kent. She is also the eldest daughter of the late Ella Lane and General Sam Lane, the niece of Moira Sullivan and the late Gabe Sullivan, the daughter-in-law of the late Jor-El and the late Lara-El and the adoptive daughter-in-law of the late Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent and the granddaughter-rin-law of Jessica and Hiram'

She is introduced in season 4 as a former military brat who comes to Smallville after Chloe is supposedly killed in a safe house explosion. She came to Smallville to investigate her cousin's Chloe's murder, only to discover she was alive. At first having a vitriolic friendship with Clark, he and Lois grow close as the series progresses, eventually with Lois filling her destiny as a great reporter and Clark's soulmate. In addition to her husband, Lois has connection to other superheroes such as Green Arrow and Aquaman. She is currently an investigative reporter at the Daily Planet and occasionally assists the justice League

Conner Kent[]

Conner Kent

Kryptonians/Human genetic clone

Clark's partial clone and adoptive brother, Martha's "Adoptive son" and Lois' brother-in-law. He is a human/Kryptonian clone of both Lex Luthor and Clark Kent. After Lex's clone was destroyed, Conner  survived thanks to Tess Mercer, who later became his mother/sister figure. He later became Clark Kent's adoptive brother when he realized he didn't want to follow the path of Lex Luthor.

To protect himself from Earth 2 Lionel Luthor, Conner went to visit Martha in Washington DC, where he developed a mother-son relationship with him.Despite mending his relationship with Clark, Conner was unable to attend his brother's wedding to Lois, mostly due to him remaining in hiding in case Lionel Luthor came looking for him.

Connor later became his brother Clark's protege, joined Jay Garrick's school and became a founding member and the leader of the Teen Titans.

Kara Kent[]

Kara season 10


  • Kara Zor-El is Clark's paternal cousin from Krypton. She is also Martha's adoptive niece, and Lois's cousin-in-law and the Kent girls' cousin once removed.
  • Like her cousin, Kara's powers come from the Sun and she became the powerful heroine Supergirl.


  • Clark family (by marriage) - Martha's family and Clark's maternal adopted family
    • William Clark - Martha's father and Clark's maternal adoptive grandfather
  • House of El - Clark's biological family
    • Lara - Clark's biological mother
    • Jor-el - Clark's biological father
    • Zor-El - Clark's uncle
  • Lane family - Lois' family and Clark's married family
    • Sam Lane - Lois's father and Clark's father-in-law
    • Ella Lane - Lois's mother and Clark's mother-in-law
    • Lucy Lane - Lois's younger sister, Clark's sister-in-law and The Kent girls' maternal aunt



Main Characters: Clark KentLois LaneChloe SullivanLex LuthorLana LangPete RossJimmy OlsenMartha KentJonathan KentLionel LuthorOliver QueenKara KentTess Mercer/Red Tornado/Watchtower IIDoomsdayGeneral Zod
Justice League: Arthur CurryZatanna ZataraVictor Stone/CyborgBart Allen/ImpulseBruce Wayne/BatmanVictor Stone/CyborgDiana PrinceMeraDinah Lance / Black CanaryJohn Jones/Martian ManhunterBooster GoldJohn Stewart / Green Lantern
Clark & Lois' Family: House of El/Kent Family (Lara Lor-VanZor-ElJessica KentHiram KentJor-ElRayaJor-El's cloneConner Kent / Superboy) • Lane/Sullivans (Sam LaneElla LaneLucy LaneMoira SullivanGabe SullivanJonathan Queen)

Lang family: Louise McCallum • Dexter McCallum • Lewis LangLaura Lang • Margaret Isabel Thoreaux/
Smallville High School: Whitney Fordman • Greg Arkin • Sasha Woodman • Smallville Crows • Abby Fine
Other: Robert QueenLaura QueenVirgil SwannEdward Teague • Bridgette Crosby
LuthorCorp Employers • Family • and Associates: Victoria Hardwick • Lucas LuthorLillian Luthor • Gina • Regan Matthews • Julian Luthor • Injustice League (Plastique) • Alexander Luthor/Lx- 15 • Lx-3 • Steven Hamilton • Donovan Jamison • Otis Berg • Christina Lamell • Helen Bryce • Pierce • Pamela Jenkins • Rachel Dunleavy
Kryptonians: Brainiac • Faora • Nam-Ek and Aethyr • Davis Bloome/Doomsday • Major Zod • Clone Faora • Alia • Basqat • Vala • Dax-Ur • Ruling Council
Justice Society of America: Carter Hall/HawkmanKent Nelson / Doctor Fate • Jay Garrick / The Flash • Courtney Whitmore/StargirlSylvester Pemberton AKA Star Spangled Kid • Dinah Drake / Black Canary I • Wesley Dodd's / Sandman • Pat Dugan / Stripesy • Alan Scott / Green Lantern • Ted Grant / Wildcat • Charles McNider/Doctor Mid-Nite • Abigail Hunkel/Red Tornado • Rex Tyler/Hourman • Terry Sloane/Mister Terrific • Jim Corrigan/The Spectre • Al Pratt/The Atom
Other Superheroes: Legion of Super-Heroes (Rokk Krinn/Cosmic BoyImra Ardeen/Dream GirlGarth Ranzzl/Lightning LadBrainiac 5) • Dick Grayson / Robin • Barbara Gordon/Nightwing/Blue Lantern • Green Lantern Corps • Blue Lantern Corps • Santa Claus • John Constantine • the Outsiders (Jefferson Pierce / Black Lightning • Grace Choi • Rex Mason / Metamorpho • Tatsu Yamashiro / Katana and Roy Harper) • Billy Batson • Ted Kord
Teen Titans: Conner Kent / Superboy • Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle • Mia Dearden / Speedy • M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian • Zan and Jayna/Wonder Twins • Rachel Roth/Raven
Phantom Zone Escapees: Gloria • Baern • Aldar • Dr. Hudson • Titan • Bizarro
Government: Amanda Waller/White Queen & Maxwell Lord/Black King (Checkmate) • Cameron Mahkent/Icicle II • Stuart Campbell • General Slade Wilson • Lieutenant Trotter • Steve Trevor • Suicide Squad (Rick Flag • Floyd Lawton / Deadshot • Bette San Souci/ Plastique • Emil LaSalle/Warp)
Civilians: Daily Planet Staff (Perry White • Jimmy Olsen • Grant Gabriel • Cat Grant • Jeff Hage • Franklin Stern) • Nancy Adams • Emil Hamilton • Maggie Sawyer • Carrie Castle
Earth 2: Clark Luthor/UltramanLionel LuthorLutessa LuthorLex LuthorOliver QueenLois QueenChloe SullivanJonathan Kent
Other Antagonists: Darkseid • Gordon Godfrey • Granny Goodness • Harriet • Desaad • Morgan Edge • Maxima • The Persuader • Toyman • Bruno Mannheim • Metallo • Isis • Marionette Ventures • Black Flash • Rose Wilson / Ravager • Joe Chill • Sam Phelan • Dr. Laurence Garner • Roger Nixon • Van McNulty • Adam Knight • Dr. Lia Teng • Jason Teague • Margaret Isobel Thoreaux • Genevieve Teague • Curtis Knox • Edward Teague • Vordigan • Bruce Wayne (Earth-13) • The Monitors
Kryptonite Metahumans: Greg Arkin • Sasha Woodman • Wade MahoneyScott BowmanDerek Fox

Smallville: Smallville High School, Smallville Youth Center • Smallville Teen Crisis Hotline • Smallville Sheriff's Department • The Wild Coyote, Kent Farm, Ross Creamed Corn, Luthor Mansion, The Talon, Smallville Medical Center, the Smallville Ledger, Smallville Beanery, LuthorCorp Fertilizer Plant Number Three, Kawatche Caves, Reeves Dam, Riley Field, Lawson's Field, Chandler's Field, Miller's Field, Crater Lake, Hob's Pond, Hobson's Pond

Metropolis: Suicide Slums LuthorCorp Plaza • The Daily Planet, Metropolis University
Worlds/Planets: Almerac, Apokolips, Earth-167, Earth-2, Earth-Majestic, Krypton, Mars, New Kandor, New Krypton, Oa, Winath, New Genesis
Other: Hub City, Gotham City, Coast City, Themyscira

Groups and Organizations
Smallville High School (Smallville Torch • Smallville Crows) • Metropolis University, Sharks

Newspaper: gold, the Smallville Torch, Daily Star, LuthorCorp Media, Star City Register, Metropolis Inquisitor, Metropolis Journal
Businesses: LuthorCorp Other: Sports Teams (Smallville Crows, Metropolis Sharks)
