Kennedy is a supporting heroine in the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" universe. She is a Slayer called in 2006, the ex-girlfriend of Willow Rosenberg and a member of the Slayer community.
Other Slayers Nikki Wood• Kendra Young• Kennedy• Amanda• Colleen• Dianne• Chao-Ahn• Rona• Dominique• Shannon• Soledad• Caridad• Violet Other Allies Pike• Jonathan Levinson• Clement • Joyce Summers Villains The Big Bads: Lothos, The Master, Angelus, Drusilla/Dru, Professor Walsh, Richard Wilkins/The Mayor, Adam, Glorificus/Glory, The Trio (Warren Mears, Jonathan, Andrew Wells), The First Evil, D'Hoffryn, Joanna Wise, Simon Doffler, Harth Fray, Wolfram & Hart (Lindsey McDonald, Lilah Morgan, and Lee Mercer, Holland Manners), Jasmine, Circle of the Black Thorn, Whistler, Archaeus Secondary Antagonists: The Anointed One, Darla, The Initiative, Dark Willow, Caleb, Daniel Holtz, Sahjhan, Holland Manners