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For her Netflix incarnation, see kanna (Netflix)

Kanna is a supporting character in Avatar: The Last Airbender and a major character in the comic book North and South. She is Sokka and Katara's grandmother, the mother of Chief Hakoda, the widow of an unnamed man, the wife of Master Pakku of the Northern Water Tribe, the grandmother-in-law of Avatar Aangz the maternal great-grandmother of Bumi, Kya and Tenzin and the great-great-grandmother of Jinora, Ikki, Meelo and Rohan.

By the time of the series, she is Wolf Cove's elder and a skilled healer who raised her son's children in his absenceShe was originally from the Northern Water Tribe and engaged to Pakku. However, Kanna moved to the Wolf Cove, where she built a second life for herself.

After she and Pakku were reunited, they married between the events of the series finale and the comic North and South.

Two years at the end of the One Hundred Year War, Kanna was later happily reunited with Sokka and Katara. However, the family's troubles were only starting when some members of the Southern Water Tribe refused to unify with their northern counterparts.

Eventually, the two tribes were reunited with Hakoda as the chief of both tribes. At the end of the issue Kanna joined Team Avatar and their allies at her hut, where they each shared their nation's dishes from all over the world.


Early Life[]

The Northern Water Tribe

Kanna originated from the Northern Water Tribe.

Many years ago, Kanna was born into the Northern Water Tribe to unknown parents. She was best friends with Yagoda, a female Waterbender, and both women trained to be healers. Since birth, she was placed in an arranged marriage with Master Pakku. When Kanna came of marrying age, Pakku gifted her with a betrothal necklace. While Pakku loved Kanna, she seemingly didn't return his affection because their engagement was forced and he was a vehement fee supporter of their sexist customs that female Waterbenders were only allowed to use their abilities to help heal people. Not willing to let her culture shape her life, Kanna broke off her engagement and moved to the Southern Water tribe. However, she kept her betrothal necklace. There, Kanna met and later married her first husband and befriended the Waterbender Hama. However, the Southerners fell victim to the Fire Nation soldiers 'raid. Eventually, Hama was captured as well and taken away.

Since this experience, Kanna became embittered at the loss of her best friend and several Waterbenders. By the end of the raids, Wolf Cove became nothing more than a small village and all the tribes had drifted apart from each other.

Sometime after her son Hakoda was born, she lost her husband. During her son's youth, Hakoda was best friends with Bato of Wolf Cove. They once played a prank on Kanna by pretending to be an ancient water spirit but Kanna saw through her son's and his friend's trick. After Hakoda married Kya Kanna gave her daughter-in-law her betrothal necklace. She was blessed with two grandchildren, Sokka in 84 AG and Katara in 85 AG, the latter of whom was a Waterbender who inherited her mother's betrothal necklace. She often told stories of the Avatar and how the war came to be to her grandchildren but like everyone else, Kanna believed that the Avatar Cycle was broken and never reincarnated in the Air Nomads

Southern Raiders[]

Young kanna and villagers

Ten years later, Kanna lost her daughter-in-law, Kya to an unnamed Southern Raider, who was killed in front of young Katara. After the loss of her daughter-in-law, Hakoda decided to leave to fight the war. In her son's absence, Kanna became her grandchildren's guardians and her daughter-in-law's death gave her enough another reason to hate the Fire Nation for what they had done to her, her friends and her family. .

Avatar: The Last Airbender[]

Book 1: Water[]

A year before Sozin's Comet returned, Kanna sent Katara and Sokka to go fishing but they returned with an Air Nomad boy, Aang, who had been trapped in a nearby glacier for the past 100 years. At first she thought Aang was a danger to her granddaughter Katara when heaccidentally set off an alarm on a Fire Navy vessel, which meant the Fire Nation was coming to their village. Since this incident, Kanna initially supported her grandson's decision to banish him and Appa from Wolf Cove. Prince Zuko, the son of Fire Lord Ozai and the Banished Prince of the Fire Nation, came looking for the Avatar. He manhandled Kanna and used her as an example for how old the Avatar would have been. Upon seeing his grandmother being threatened, Sokka attempted to confront Zuko on his own but the prince managed to knock him out with his broken staff. At that moment Aang returned to Wolf Cove to help her people despite Sokka sending him away. After Aang revealed his identity as the Avatar and surrendering himself to Zuko's forces, Kanna realized Aang was the last hope the world needed. She gave Sokka and Katara her blessing for them to leave Wolf Cove, rescue Aang and help him discover his destiny.

Between Book 2 & 3[]

After the Siege of the North, Pakku and several other Northern tribe members journeyed it to Wolf Cove, where he reunited with Kanna. Sometime before Aang defeated fire lord Ozai during the comet, Kanna and Pakku got engaged a second time and later eloped to get married. At the end of the One Hundred Year War, Kanna was later happily reunited with Hakoda. Two years at the end of the One Hundred Year War, Pakku made her a second betrothal necklace before they both eloped at the Mystical Palms Oasis. To no one's surprise, Pakku got along famously with his stepson, Hakoda.

North and South[]

Two years after Zuko's ascension to the Fire Nation throne, Sokka and Katara returned to Wolf Cove, Were they found the city had been rebuilt. Even though most of the old village had been burned and torn down, they found that their grandmother still had her hut which was situated between two modern buildings. Kanna reunited with her grandchildren who feared that they missed their grandparents wedding. However Kanna reassured her grandchildren that she and Pakku had actually eloped. After being reunited with their grandchildren, Pakku and Kanna  took care of Hakoda when he was non fatally stabbed by his former friend Gilak. During negotiations King Keui of the Earth Kingdom and Fire Lord Zuko returned to the South to help negotiations between Southern and Northern Water Tribe, who were on the verge of a civil war due to some believing the South should stay independent from the North Water Tribe.

At the end of the issue, peace was eventually restored and Kanna's Sun was chosen to become the chieftain of the unified tribes. Team Avatar and the Earth King went to Kanna's and Pakku's hut for a final feast together. As  Aang, Katara, Toph, and Zuko were in the kitchen cooking, Kanna remarked how wrong it felt having other people using her kitchen,  but the former was alarm to having people in her kitchen. However her husband told her to relax. The kids joined everyone at the dinner with each of them coming with a special dish from their respective nations.

By the time of Legend of Korra Kanna most likely passed away and passed on into the Spirit World.


  • First husband †
  • Pakku (second husband)
  • Hakoda (son)
  • Kya (daughter-in-law)
  • Sokka (grandson)
  • Katara (granddaughter)
  • Aang (grandson-in-law)
  • Bumi (great-grandson)
  • Kya (great-granddaughter)
  • Tenzin (great-grandson)
  • Pema (great-granddaughter-in-law)
  • Jinora (great-great-granddaughter)
  • Ikki (great-great-granddaughter)
  • Meeko (great-great-grandson)
  • Rohan (great-great-grandson)


  • Zuko used to be Kanna's enemy but when they met a second time, he had already become one of Sokka, Katara and Aang's closest allies and best friends.


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Team Avatar (Netflix)

Gen I: Aang (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Appa (Netflix) • Katara (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Momo (Netflix) • Sokka (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Zuko (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Suki (Netflix) • Toph Beifong
Gen II: Asami SatoBolinKorraMakoNagaPabu

Wan • Szeto • YangchenKurukKyoshi (Netflix) • Roku (Netflix) • AangKorra

Order of the White Lotus
Iroh (Netflix) • Jeong JeongKing Bumi (Netflix) • Pakku • Piandao • White Lotus leader • White Lotus sentries

Air Nomads
Aang (Netflix) • Appa (Netflix) • Bumi • Gyatso • IkkiJinora • Kai • Meelo • Oogi • Opal • Pathik • Poki • Tenzin • Kelsang • Jesa • Afiko • Pengpeng

Earth Kingdom

Baatar Jr.Bolin • Haru • Freedom Fighters (Jet (Netflix) • Longshot • Sneers • Smellerbee • Pipsqueak • The Duke) • King BumiKyoshiLin Beifong • Metalbending Police Force • Prince Wu • SukiSuyin Beifong • The Boulder • The Metal Clan • Toph BeifongGeneral FongTeo (Netflix) • The Mechanist (Netflix) • Beifong Family (Lao BeifongPoppy Beifong • Wu Beifong • Baatar SrBaatar Jr.HuanOpalKuviraWei & Wing) • Earth Queen Hou-Ting • Chin the Conqueror • Dai Li (Long Feng • Dai Li Sergeant) • Sandbenders (Ghashiun) • Baatar Jr. • Commander Guan • Dr. Sheng

Fire Nation
Iroh (Netflix) • Iroh IIIzumi • Jeong Jeong • Mai (Netflix) • MakoPiandaoRangi • Hei-Ran • Roku (Netflix) • Shyu • Sun Warriors • Ty Lee (Netflix) • Ursa • Wan • Xu • Zuko • Sozin (Netflix) • Zhao (Netflix) • AzulonFire Lord Ozai (Netflix) • Fire Lord AzulonFire Lord Sozin (Netflix) • Princess Azula (Netflix) • Hiroshi Sato • Admiral Zhao (The Last Airbender & Netflix) • Ukano • War Minister Qin • Bujing (Netflix) • Mung • Lieutenant Jee (Netflix) • Lieutenant Dang • Yon Rha (Netflix) • Offshore Prison Warden • Boiling Rock Warden • Colonel Mongke • Southern Raiders • Rough Rhinos • New Ozai Society • Yuyan Archers • Royal Procession • Vachir • Chaejin • Fire Lord Zoryu • Huazo • Loban • Lo and Li • Circus Trainer • Jailer • Great Sage (Netflix)

Water Tribe
Northern Water Tribe: KurukPakku Desna & Eska • Tarrlok • Noatak • Yakone • Chief Unalaq • Judge Hotah
South Water Tribe: KataraSokkaKorraKya IIKya I (Netflix) • HakodaNagaSenna • Huu • Hama • VarrickTonraqPrincess Yue (Netflix) • Arnook (Netflix) • HahnPakkuZhu Li • Gilak • Thod • Lirin • Thod's disciples

Aye-Aye Spirit • La • Lion turtle • Raava • Tui and La (Netflix) | Vaatu | Dark Spirits | Hei Bai | Wan Shi Tong | Koh (Netflix) | Kemurikage | Old Iron | Father Glowworm

United Republic of Nations: President Raiko | Wonyong Keum | Jargala Omo | Tahno
Triple Threat Triad: Tokuga | Lightning Bolt Zolt | Shady Shin | Viper | Two-Toed Ping | Zhen
Equalists: Amon • Lieutenant • Hiroshi Sato
Flying Opera Company: Hark • Lao Ge • Jinpa • Kirima • Wong • Lek
Red Lotus: Zaheer | Ghazan | Ming-Hua | P'Li | Aiwei
Daofel: Xu Ping An • Mok • Wai • Jesa • Four Shadows Guan
