Heroes and Villains Wiki

Justin Hammer is a supervillain from Marvel Comics. A millionaire and rival business owner of Tony Stark, Hammer is the CEO of Hammer Industries, intent on developing technology far more advanced than the Iron Man armor or anything Tony builds in order to overtake his place as a captain of industry, however, has resorted to underhanded to outright villainous methods to obtain this goal.

Following his death, his villainous legacy would be continued by his daughter Justine Hammer/Crimson Cowl, and granddaughter Sasha Hammer, who likewise became opponents of Iron Man.

He has appeared as the main antagonist of various story arcs, most notably Demon in the Bottle, Armor Wars 1 and Iron Man: Bad Blood. He is one of the three archenemies of Iron Man, alongside the Mandarin and Crimson Dynamo.


In other media[]

Iron Man 2[]

Avengers Assemble[]

Iron Man Armored Adventures:[]

Marvel Action Hour[]

Titanium Man[]

Marvel: Avenger's Alliance[]

LEGO Marvel Universe[]

Shattered Dimensions[]



High-level intelligence

Vast wealth

Business skills




External Links[]


Teammates: Ant-ManCaptain AmericaHulkIron ManThorWasp BeastBlack CatBlack KnightBlack PantherBlack WidowCannonballCaptain BritainCaptain MarvelCrystalCyclopsDaredevilFalcon • Firebird • FirestarHawkeyeHellcatHerculesInvisible WomanIron FistJane FosterJulia CarpenterMaria HillMiles MoralesMister FantasticMockingbird • Moondragon • Nadia van DyneNamorNoh-VarrQuake • Quasar • Quicksilver • Red Hulk • Robbie ReyesScarlet WitchScott LangSentrySersiShang-ChiShe-HulkSilver SurferSpectrumSpider-ManStormSunspotThing • Tigra • VisionWar MachineWinter SoldierWolverineWonder ManYellowjacket • Yondu Udonta • Adam WarlockAmadeus ChoAmerica ChavezBladeBlue MarvelBrunnhildeCannonballCassandra LangDavid AlleyneDeadpoolDoctor StrangeEchoElsa BloodstoneEmma FrostEnchantressFlash ThompsonGhost Rider (Johnny Blaze)GwenpoolHavokHulklingIron PatriotJohnny Storm • Jessica DrewJessica JonesJim HammondKate BishopLuke CageMedusaMoon KnightMs. MarvelNick Fury, Jr.NovaPatriotPower ManProdigyRogueSam AlexanderSongbirdSunfireSuperior Spider-ManSquirrel GirlThe PunisherU.S. AgentWhite TigerWiccanX-23Betty RossBucky BarnesGhost RiderGwen StacyLoki LaufeysonMary Jane WatsonNew GoblinOdinPepper PottsRed GuardianRick Jones • Ronin • Sharon CarterShuriSilver Sable • Thunderstrike • Venom

Villains: Emil Blonsky/AbominationCarl Creel/Absorbing ManA.I.M.AnnihilusEn Sabah Nur/ApocalypseArnim ZolaAtlasAttumaBaron MordoBaron Wolfgang von StruckerBaron ZemoBeetleBeyonderBlack KnightBlackoutBlack OrderBlack CatBlack WidowBoomerangBrotherhood of Evil MutantsCarnageCelestialsChanceChitauriCrossbonesD'SpayreDark AvengersDark ElvesDark PhoenixDeadpoolDestinyDiamondbackDoctor DoomDoctor OctopusDormammuDraculaEddie BrockEggheadEgo the Living PlanetElectroFrost GiantsGalactusGarthan SaalGhostGreen Goblin ( Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn) • Grey GargoyleHelaHeinz KrugerHigh EvolutionaryHorsemen of ApocalypseHYDRAJackalJ. Jonah JamesonJuggernautJustin HammerKaineKang the ConquerorKingpinKlawKnullKorath the PursuerKorvacKraven the HunterKreeLady DeathstrikeLoki LaufeysonMagnetoMan-ApeMasters of EvilMedusaMephistoMister SinisterM.O.D.O.K.MystiqueMysterioNamorNebulaNightmarePuppet MasterPyroQuicksilverRadioactive ManRed SkullRhinoRogueSabretoothSandmanScarlet WitchScorpionSebastian ShawShockerShockwaveSilver SableSkrullsSuper-SkrullSupreme IntelligenceTaskmasterTen RingsThanosTiger Shark UltronVenomVultureWinter SoldierZzzax

Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Team: Iron ManCaptain AmericaHulkThor OdinsonBlack WidowHawkeyeLoki LaufeysonPhilMaria HillErik SelvigNick FuryPepper PottsJ.A.R.V.I.S.QuicksilverScarlet WitchVisionFalconHeimdallLaura BartonHelen ChoEitriWongStar-LordCaptain MarvelBlack PantherSpider-ManGamoraValkyrieNebulaMantisDrax the DestroyerRocket RaccoonGrootThe CollectorThaddeus RossShuriM'BakuAyoWarsongRamondaNed LeedsMay Parker
Villains: Alexander PierceThanosThe OtherUlysses KlaueMadame B.ListJasper SitwellCull Obsidian (2014 Time Heist) • Ebony Maw (2014 Time Heist) • Proxima Midnight (2014 Time Heist) •Corvus Glaive (2014 Time Heist) • Red Skull
Neutral: Cooper BartonLila BartonNathaniel Barton

Animation Next Avengers: James RogersTorunn Henry Pym Jr Azari Francis Barton
'Marvel Animated Universe:'Heroes: Iron ManCaptain AmericaHulkBlack WidowHawkeyeThor OdinsonCaptain MarvelSpider-ManFalconRed HulkWolverineIron FistMr. FantasticThe ThingPunisherStar-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonDrax the DestroyerGrootScott LangVisionBlack PantherBucky BarnesDoctor StrangeCrystal AmaquelinBlack BoltMoon KnightInfernoBeetleSongbird • Techno • AtlasMeteoriteRed GuardianDarkstarRadioactive Man • Ursa Major • Ms. MarvelDevil DinosaurRed SkullM.O.D.O.K.AbominationLoki LaufeysonUltronWhiplashLeaderDoctor Doom • Nighthawk • Doctor Spectrum • Power Princess • Speed Demon • Super-Adaptoid • DestroyerGrim Reaper • Crimson Dynamo • TaskmasterKraven the Hunter • Baron Strucker • GalactusThanosEnchantressBaron ZemoSurturMorgan le FayBlack Widow IIVultureGhostDormammuDracula • Ultimo • Supergiant • The Beyonder • Titania • Nick FuryMaria HillJane FosterJ.A.R.V.I.S.Odin BorsonJ. Jonah Jameson • Hunter the White Wolf

Groups and Organizations
Marvel: S.H.I.E.L.D.A.I.M.

Marvel Cinematic Universe: AvengersS.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesAsgardian Royal FamilyHYDRAGuardians of the GalaxyOutriders

Marvel Comics Characters
Iron Man Family: Tony Stark/Iron ManJames Rhodes/War Machine

Avengers: Natalia Romanova/Black WidowSteve Rogers/Captain AmericaMary Jane Watson
Illuminati: Mr. Fantastic (Marvel), Namor the Sub-MarinerDoctor Strange (Marvel)

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Iron ManPepper PottsWar MachineHappy HoganJ.A.R.V.I.S.Ho YinsenHoward StarkMaria StarkIron MongerPhil CoulsonNick FuryBlack WidowChristine EverhartWhiplashJustin HammerSpider-ManHulkHarley KeenerAldrich KillianMatthew EllisMaya Hansen
Ten RingsStark Industries

War Machine Logo
Video Games


Spider Family: Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider/ChasmFelicity Hardy/Scarlet Spider • Gwen Stacy (MainstreamGhost-Spider) • Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew/Spider-WomanJulia Carpenter/Spider-Woman/Madame WebMattie Franklin/Spider-WomanUltimate Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman) • Kaine Parker/Scarlet SpiderCassandra Webb/Madame WebMiguel O'Hara/Spider-Man (2099)Miles Morales/Spider-Man (Earth-1610)Peni ParkerPeter Parker/Spider-Man (Earth-616)Cindy Moon/SilkAnnie Parker/SpiderlingPeter Porker/Spider-HamPeter Parker/Spider-Man NoirOtto Octavius/Superior Spider-ManPeter Parker/Ultimate Spider-ManPavitr Prabhakar/Spider-ManPeter Parker/Spider-Man JBilly Braddock/Spider-UKMay Reilly/Lady SpiderHobart Brown/Spider-PunkAshley Barton/Spider-Girl

Supporting Characters: Gwen StacyBetty BrantNed Leeds/HobgoblinBlack CatMay ParkerBen ParkerMary ParkerRichard ParkerBluebirdEddie BrockFirestarFlash ThompsonGanke LeePhil Urich/Green GoblinHarold OsbornHarry OsbornCaptain George StacyJ. Jonah JamesonLiz AllanLizardMary Jane WatsonMichele GonzalesMichael Morbius/Living VampireThomas Fireheart/PumaAaron Davis/ProwlerAnne Weying/She-VenomSilver SableVenom (Eddie Brock)• Jessica JonesOfficer Vin GonzalesDaredevilMoon KnightX-MenFantastic Four (Reed Richards/Mr. FantasticInvisible WomanJohnny Storm/The ThingJohnny Storm/Human TorchIron ManCaptain AmericaCaptain MarvelWolverineValeria Richards/BrainstormFranklin Richards/PowerhouseJefferson DavisRio MoralesSee More

Enemies: Norman Osborn/Green GoblinOtto Octavius/Doctor OctopusHarry Osborn/Green GoblinShockerLizardDoctor DoomKingpinBlack Order • Gabriel Stacy • ElectroVultureAbe Jenkins/Beetle • Spider-Slayers • Sinister Six • ScorpionAbsorbing ManDormammuVenomCarnageMephistoRhinoLoki LaufeysonWhirlwind • Wrecking Crew (Wrecker, Bulldozer, Thunderball) • Piledriver) • Frightful Four (Medusa AmaquelinKlawWizardTitaniaTrapster) Ultron • Symbiotes (Carnage • Scream • Agony • Lasher • Phage • Sleeper • yellow • Riot)

2000s Film Series: Peter Parker/Spider-ManNorman Osborn/Green GoblinHarry OsbornMary Jane WatsonAunt MayDoctor OctopusSandmanEddie Brock/Venom

The Amazing Spider-Man: Peter Parker/Spider-ManDr. Curt Connors/LizardGwen StacyGeorge StacyFlash ThompsonHarry Osborn/Green GoblinMax Dillion/Electro

Yost Universe: Betty Brant, Spider-Man (Yost Universe)

Marvel Animated Universe: Spider-ManWhite TigerNovaIron FistPower ManSquirrel GirlMary Jane WatsonAunt MayCloak and DaggerHawkeyeIron ManAnt-ManDoctor StrangeBlack WidowCaptain AmericaNick FuryPhil CoulsonKraven the HunterVenom • The Frightful Four (Thundra • Batroc • Wizard) • CarnageDoctor DoomFlash ThompsonMiles MoralesScarlet SpiderPetra ParkerNightmareWerewolf by NightBladeFrankenstein's MonsterDracula
The Spectacular Spider-Man: Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy, Kenny Kong, Flash Thompson, Randy Robertson, Sally Avril, Mary Jane Watson, Betty Brant, Glory Grant, Hobie Brown, New York City Police Department (Captain George Stacy and Vin Gonzalez), Green Goblin, Venom, May Parker, Anna Watson, Ben Parker, Sinister Six (Lizard, Electro, Kraven the Hunter, Sandman, Tombstone), Rhino, J. Jonah Jameson, Robbie Robertson, Black Cat, Silver Sable, Black Cat, Doctor Octopus

2017 series: Peter Parker/Spider-ManMiles Morales/Spy-DGwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen/Ghost-SpiderAnya Corazon/Spider-WomanIronheartMs. MarvelTony Stark/Iron Man

Into the Spider verse: Miles Morales (Spider-Man)Spider-ManGwen StacyPeter B. ParkerSpider-Man NoirPeni ParkerSpider-HamMay Parker • Ganke Lee • Wilson Fisk / KingpinProwlerDoctor OctopusTombstoneScorpionGreen Goblin

Video Games
Insomniac's Spider-Man Series: Miles Morales

The Avengers (comicsMarvel Animated UniverseMarvel Cinematic Universe) • Fantastic Four • Black Order • Enclave • Femme Fatales • Frightful Four • Wrecking Crew • H.A.M.M.E.R. • Life Foundation • Maggia • Savage Six • Sinister Syndicate • Spider-Slayers

Marvel Comics

Heroes: Venom SymbioteEddie BrockFlash Thompson/Agent Venom/Anti-Venom/Agent Anti-Venom • Anne Weying/She-Venom • Dylan Brock/Venom • Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Spider-Man 3: VenomFlint Marko/Sandman
Sony's Marvel Universe: Eddie BrockVenom SymbioteAnne WeyingDan LewisDora SkirthMrs. Chen J. Jonah JamesonSpider-Man| Patrick Mulligan, Cletus Kasady/Carnage, Shriek

2010 Marvel animated universe: Symbiotes (VenomCarnage) • Hosts (Peter ParkerFlash ThompsonHarry OsbornMary Jane Watson/Carnage Queen/Spider-Woman)

Heroes: Spider-ManIron ManCaptain AmericaHulkThor OdinsonHawkeyeBlack WidowFalconA-BombRed HulkShe-HulkSkaarWolverinePower Man TigerIron FistNovaMr. FantasticInvisible WomanHuman TorchThe ThingGhost RiderPunisherStar-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonDrax the DestroyerGrootHank PymScott LangWaspVisionCaptain MarvelMar-VellBlack PantherBucky BarnesQuakeDoc SamsonCloak and DaggerDoctor StrangeCrystal AmaquelinSquirrel GirlMedusa AmaquelinBlack BoltBeta Ray BillMs. MarvelBlack CatSpider-Girl (Petra Parker)Madame WebIronheart Spider-GwenMiles Morales/Spider-ManScarlet SpiderBladeAngelaBeetleTechnoSpider-Woman (Mary Jane Watson)DarkstarRadioactive ManMan-Thing
Villains: Red SkullMODOKAbominationLoki LaufeysonUltronWhiplashVenomDoctor OctopusLeaderDoctor DoomDoctor SpectrumSpeed DemonGrim ReaperGreen GoblinLizardSandmanElectroHydro-ManKraven the HunterRonan the AccuserGalactusThanosEnchantressMagnetoMystiqueNebulaKorathBlack Widow IIVultureGhostDormammuHalaHigh Evolutionary

Other Characters: Nick Fury • Maria HillJane FosterJ.A.R.V.I.S.Harry OsbornOdin BorsonBen ParkerMay ParkerBetty BrantLiz AllanJ. Jonah Jameson

AvengersGuardians of the GalaxyS.H.I.E.L.D.Nick Fury's Howling CommandosHYDRAA.I.M.Stark IndustriesSquadron SupremeMasters of EvilThe Sinister SixKreeInhumansFantastic FourWinter GuardDefendersDamage Control